module Ishapi class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base after_action :append_long_term_token, except: [ :long_term_token, :test ] protect_from_forgery :prepend => true, :with => :exception layout :false check_authorization except: [ :long_term_token ] skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token def test end def long_term_token accessToken = request.headers[:accessToken] accessToken ||= params[:accessToken] params['domain'] = '' response = ::HTTParty.get "" + "client_id=#{FB[params['domain']][:app]}&client_secret=#{FB[params['domain']][:secret]}&" + "fb_exchange_token=#{accessToken}" j = JSON.parse response.body @long_term_token = j['access_token'] @graph = accessToken ) @me = @graph.get_object( 'me', :fields => 'email' ) @current_user = User.where( :email => @me['email'] ).first # send the jwt to client @jwt_token = encode(user_id: render json: { email:, jwt_token: @jwt_token, long_term_token: @long_term_token, n_unlocks: @current_user.profile.n_unlocks, } end def home authorize! :welcome_home, Ishapi render :json => { :status => :ok, :message => 'Ishapi::ApiController.home', :n_reports => Report.count, :n_cities => City.count } end # # private # private def append_long_term_token if @long_term_token response.body = JSON.parse(response.body).merge({ long_term_token: @long_term_token }).to_json end end ## Hard check by default; craps out if accessToken is missing def check_long_term_token soft=false accessToken = request.headers[:accessToken] accessToken ||= params[:accessToken] if accessToken @graph = accessToken ) @me = @graph.get_object( 'me', :fields => 'email' ) @current_user = User.where( :email => @me['email'] ).first @profile = @current_user.profile raise '98& - no profile' unless @profile else if soft return else raise 'no access token' end end end ## Does not crap out if accessToken is missing def soft_check_long_term_token check_long_term_token soft=true end def check_multiprofile provider = 'google' if 'google' == provider # client_secrets = ::Google::APIClient::ClientSecrets.load # accessToken = params[:accessToken] # authorization = ::Google::Auth.get_application_default # result = authorization.apply({ accessToken: params[:accessToken] }) # puts! result, 'googleauth result' decoded_token = JWT.decode params[:idToken], nil, false @current_user = User.find_by email: decoded_token[0]['email'] elsif 'facebook' == provider # accessToken ||= params[:fb_long_access_token] accessToken = request.headers[:accessToken] accessToken ||= params[:accessToken] if accessToken # # long-term token # params['domain'] = '' response = HTTParty.get "" + "client_id=#{FB[params['domain']][:app]}&client_secret=#{FB[params['domain']][:secret]}&" + "fb_exchange_token=#{accessToken}" j = JSON.parse response.body @long_term_token = j['access_token'] @graph = accessToken ) @me = @graph.get_object( 'me', :fields => 'email' ) @current_user = User.where( :email => @me['email'] ).first @current_user ||= User.create! email: @me['email'], password: SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 @current_profile = @current_user.profile if !@current_profile begin g = Gallery.find '5e1495e2d697f768ad0779eb' rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound => e g = Gallery.create id: '5e1495e2d697f768ad0779eb' end @current_profile = IshModels::UserProfile.create user: @current_user, name: @me['email'], email: @me['email'] test_newsitem = gallery_id: '5e1495e2d697f768ad0779eb' @current_profile.newsitems << test_newsitem end @current_profile.update fb_long_access_token: @long_term_token else @current_user = current_user if Rails.env.test? end elsif 'jwt' == provider decoded = decode(params[:jwt_token]) @current_user = User.find decoded['user_id'] puts! @current_user, '@current_user from decoded' else raise "ww1 - not implemented" end sign_in @current_user, scope: :user puts! current_user, 'did I sign in?' current_ability end # same as check_profile but doesn't error out when jwt_token is missing or expired def check_profile_optionally if !params[:jwt_token] # @current_user = profile: else begin check_profile rescue JWT::ExpiredSignature"JWT::ExpiredSignature") # @current_user = profile: end end end # this doesn't generate long-lived token, doesn't update user_profile def check_profile # return check_multiprofile 'google' # return check_multiprofile 'facebook' return check_multiprofile 'jwt' accessToken = request.headers[:accessToken] accessToken ||= params[:fb_long_access_token] accessToken ||= params[:accessToken] if accessToken @graph = accessToken ) @me = @graph.get_object( 'me', :fields => 'email' ) @current_user = User.find_by :email => @me['email'] else @current_user = current_user if Rails.env.test? end @current_profile = @current_user.profile @current_order = @current_profile.current_order # orders.where( :submitted_at => nil ).first || ::CoTailors::Order.create( :profile_id => ) ## for sedux sign_in( @current_user ) end def set_profile accessToken = request.headers[:accessToken] accessToken ||= params[:fb_long_access_token] accessToken ||= params[:accessToken] # params[:domain] ||= '_default' if accessToken begin @graph = accessToken ) @me = @graph.get_object( 'me', :fields => 'email' ) @current_user = User.find_or_create_by :email => @me['email'] @oauth = FB[params['domain']][:app], FB[params['domain']][:secret] ) get_token = get_long_token( accessToken ) @long_lived_token = get_token['access_token'] begin @current_profile = IshModels::UserProfile.find_by :email => @me['email'] @current_profile.update_attributes({ :fb_access_token => @long_lived_token, :fb_long_access_token => @long_lived_token, :fb_expires_in => get_token['expires_in'] }) rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound @current_profile = IshModels::UserProfile.create :user => @current_user, :email => @me['email'], :fb_access_token => @long_lived_token, :fb_long_access_token => @long_lived_token, :fb_expires_in => get_token['expires_in'], :fb_id => params[:id], :name => params[:name], :signed_request => params[:signedRequest] end @current_user.reload rescue Koala::Facebook::AuthenticationError => e render :json => { :status => :not_ok, :errors => "Probably expired token: #{accessToken}" } return end else @current_user = current_user if Rails.env.test? end @current_profile = @current_user.profile @current_order = @current_profile.current_order # orders.where( :submitted_at => nil ).first || :profile_id => ) end def get_long_token accessToken url = "" + "client_id=#{FB[params['domain']][:app]}&client_secret=#{FB[params['domain']][:secret]}&fb_exchange_token=#{accessToken}" result = HTTParty.get url token = JSON.parse result.body return token # ['access_token'] end def current_ability # @current_user ||={ profile: }) @current_ability ||= current_user ) end def puts! a, b='' puts "+++ +++ #{b}" puts a.inspect end # jwt def check_jwt begin decoded = decode(params[:jwt_token]) @current_user = User.find decoded['user_id'] rescue JWT::ExpiredSignature"JWT::ExpiredSignature") rescue JWT::DecodeError"JWT::DecodeError") end # @current_user ||= current_ability end # jwt def encode(payload, exp = 2.hours.from_now) payload[:exp] = exp.to_i JWT.encode(payload, Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base.to_s) end # jwt def decode(token) decoded = JWT.decode(token, Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base.to_s)[0] decoded end end end