module Appium # Perform a series of gestures, one after another. Gestures are chained # together and only performed when `perform()` is called. # # Each method returns the object itself, so calls can be chained. # # ```ruby # action = 45, y: 100).wait(5).release # action.perform # action = # action.perform # ``` # # Or each methods can call without `` as the following. # In this case, `perform` is called automatically. # ```ruby # # called `swipe(...).perform` in this method. # swipe(start_x: 75, start_y: 500, offset_x: 75, offset_y: 20, duration: 500) # ``` class TouchAction ACTIONS = [:move_to, :long_press, :double_tap, :two_finger_tap, :press, :release, :tap, :wait, :perform].freeze COMPLEX_ACTIONS = [:swipe].freeze class << self COMPLEX_ACTIONS.each do |action| define_method(action) do |opts| auto_perform = opts.delete(:auto_perform) { |_k| true } ta = ta.send(action, opts) return ta unless auto_perform ta.perform end end end attr_reader :actions def initialize @actions = [] end # Move to the given co-ordinates. # # `move_to`'s `x` and `y` have two case. One is working as coordinate, the other is working as offset. # # @option opts [integer] :x x co-ordinate to move to if element isn't set. Works as an offset if x is set with Element. # @option opts [integer] :y y co-ordinate to move to if element isn't set. Works as an offset if y is set with Element. # @option opts [WebDriver::Element] Element to scope this move within. def move_to(opts) opts = args_with_ele_ref(opts) chain_method(:moveTo, opts) end # Press down for a specific duration. # Alternatively, you can use `press(...).wait(...).release()` instead of `long_press` if duration doesn't work well. # # e.g. 280, y: 530).wait(2000).release.perform # # @option element [WebDriver::Element] the element to press. # @option x [integer] x co-ordinate to press on. # @option y [integer] y co-ordinate to press on. # @option duration [integer] Number of milliseconds to press. def long_press(opts) args = { |k, _v| [:element, :x, :y, :duration].include? k } args = args_with_ele_ref(args) chain_method(:longPress, args) # longPress is what the appium server expects end # Press a finger onto the screen. Finger will stay down until you call # `release`. # # @option opts [WebDriver::Element] :element (Optional) Element to press within. # @option opts [integer] :x x co-ordinate to press on # @option opts [integer] :y y co-ordinate to press on def press(opts) args = { |k, _v| [:element, :x, :y].include? k } args = args_with_ele_ref(args) chain_method(:press, args) end # Remove a finger from the screen. # # @option opts [WebDriver::Element] :element (Optional) Element to release from. # @option opts [integer] :x x co-ordinate to release from # @option opts [integer] :y y co-ordinate to release from def release(opts = nil) args = args_with_ele_ref(opts) if opts chain_method(:release, args) end # Touch a point on the screen. # Alternatively, you can use `press(...).release.perform` instead of `tap(...).perform`. # # @option opts [WebDriver::Element] :element (Optional) Element to restrict scope too. # @option opts [integer] :x x co-ordinate to tap # @option opts [integer] :y y co-ordinate to tap # @option opts [integer] :fingers how many fingers to tap with (Default 1) def tap(opts) opts[:count] = opts.delete(:fingers) if opts[:fingers] opts[:count] ||= 1 args = args_with_ele_ref opts chain_method(:tap, args) end # Double tap an element on the screen # # @option opts [WebDriver::Element] :element (Optional) Element to restrict scope too. # @option opts [integer] :x x co-ordinate to tap # @option opts [integer] :y y co-ordinate to tap def double_tap(opts) args = { |k, _v| [:element, :x, :y].include? k } args = args_with_ele_ref(args) chain_method(:doubleTap, args) # doubleTap is what the appium server expects end # Two finger tap an element on the screen # # @option opts [WebDriver::Element] :element (Optional) Element to restrict scope too. # @option opts [integer] :x x co-ordinate to tap # @option opts [integer] :y y co-ordinate to tap def two_finger_tap(opts) args = { |k, _v| [:element, :x, :y].include? k } args = args_with_ele_ref(args) chain_method(:twoFingerTap, args) # twoFingerTap is what the appium server expects end # Pause for a number of milliseconds before the next action # @param milliseconds [integer] Number of milliseconds to pause for def wait(milliseconds) args = { ms: milliseconds } chain_method(:wait, args) end # Convenience method to peform a swipe. # # Note that iOS 7 simulators have broken swipe. # # For iOS: Use `offset_x` and `offset_y` to define the end point. # # For Android: Use `end_x` and `end_y` to define the end point. # # If you'd like more details, please read tests and its log samples in # `ios_tests/lib/ios/specs/device/touch_actions.rb` and `ios_tests/lib/ios/specs/device/touch_actions.rb` # # @option opts [int] :start_x Where to start swiping, on the x axis. Default 0. # @option opts [int] :start_y Where to start swiping, on the y axis. Default 0. # @option opts [int] :offset_x For iOS. Offset, on the x axis. Default 0. # @option opts [int] :offset_y For iOS. Offset, on the y axis. Default 0. # @option opts [int] :end_x For Android. Where to end swiping, on the x axis. Default 0. # @option opts [int] :end_y For Android. Where to end swiping, on the y axis. Default 0. # @option opts [int] :duration How long the actual swipe takes to complete in milliseconds. Default 200. def swipe(opts, ele = nil) start_x = opts.fetch :start_x, 0 start_y = opts.fetch :start_y, 0 offset_x = opts.fetch :offset_x, nil offset_y = opts.fetch :offset_y, nil end_x = opts.fetch :end_x, nil end_y = opts.fetch :end_y, nil duration = opts.fetch :duration, 200 coordinates = swipe_coordinates(end_x: end_x, end_y: end_y, offset_x: offset_x, offset_y: offset_y) if ele # pinch/zoom for XCUITest press x: start_x, y: start_y, element: ele move_to x: coordinates[:offset_x], y: coordinates[:offset_y], element: ele else press x: start_x, y: start_y wait(duration) if duration move_to x: coordinates[:offset_x], y: coordinates[:offset_y] end release self end # Ask the driver to perform all actions in this action chain. def perform $driver.touch_actions @actions @actions.clear self end # Does nothing, currently. def cancel @actions << { action: cancel } $driver.touch_actions @actions self end def swipe_coordinates(end_x: nil, end_y: nil, offset_x: nil, offset_y: nil) if $driver.device_is_android? puts 'end_x and end_y are used for Android. Not offset_x and offset_y.' if end_x.nil? || end_y.nil? end_x ||= 0 end_y ||= 0 return { offset_x: end_x, offset_y: end_y } elsif offset_x.nil? || offset_y.nil? puts 'offset_x and offset_y are used for iOS. Not end_x and end_y point.' end offset_x ||= 0 offset_y ||= 0 { offset_x: offset_x, offset_y: offset_y } end private def chain_method(method, args = nil) action = args ? { action: method, options: args } : { action: method } @actions << action self end def args_with_ele_ref(args) args[:element] = args[:element].ref if args.key? :element args end end # class TouchAction end # module Appium