load "style.gnuplot" set xlabel "N hits" set ylabel "Elapsed time (sec)\n(Shorter is better)" set label 1 \ "Data: Japanese Wikipedia\n(Many records and large documents)" \ at first 0,2.875 left set label 2 \ "N records: About 0.9millions\nAverage text size: 6.7KiB" \ at first 0,2.375 left set label 3 \ "Slow" \ textcolor "#ef2929" \ at first 15306,1.3 left set label 4 \ "Slow" \ textcolor "#ef2929" \ at first 19889,2.8 right set output "search-pg-bigm.pdf" plot [0:20389] \ "search-ja.tsv" using 7:($6/1000):xtic(7) \ title columnheader \ with linespoints \ linestyle 1 set label 3 \ "Fast" \ textcolor "#ef2929" \ at first 14709,0.25 center set label 4 \ "Fast" \ textcolor "#ef2929" \ at first 20189,0.25 center set output "search-pgroonga-pg-bigm.pdf" plot [0:20389] \ "search-ja.tsv" using 3:($2/1000) \ title columnheader \ with linespoints \ linestyle 5, \ "search-ja.tsv" using 7:($6/1000):xtic(7) \ title columnheader \ with linespoints \ linestyle 1 set label 1 \ at first 200000,2.875 left set label 2 \ at first 200000,2.375 left set label 3 \ "Slow" \ textcolor "#ef2929" \ at first 28306,1.3 left set label 4 \ "Slow" \ textcolor "#ef2929" \ at first 30889,2.9 left set label 5 \ "Fast for many hits!" \ textcolor "#ef2929" \ at first 547382,0.25 right set label 6 \ "Query: \"日本\"" \ textcolor "#ef2929" \ at first 547382,graph -0.1 right set output "search-pgroonga-pg-bigm-all.pdf" plot [0:550000] \ "search-ja.tsv" using 3:($2/1000) \ title columnheader \ with linespoints \ linestyle 5, \ "search-ja.tsv" using 7:($6/1000) \ title columnheader \ with linespoints \ linestyle 1