<%   # Partial to display spinner for background services in progress. 
     # Also degrades fairly nicely to non-javascript. 
     # Pass in local variables as arguments (:locals param to render method):
     # svc_type : String or ServiceTypeValue that we should be 
     #    paying attention to. This or service_types is required. 
     # svc_types: Array of Strings or ServiceTypeValue for multiple.
     # div_id: id of div that progress content is put in. Optional, defaults
     #   to "progress_#{svc_type.name}", good idea especially if it won't be
     #   unique otherwise. 
     # current_set_empty: optional. defaults to false. If true, then 
     #   the word 'more' won't be used in note to user, since it's not 'more'!
     # Strategy of this output: We start out outputting our non-js
     # version. Then we immediately use js to over-write it with our
     # js version. So js people get js, non get non, everyone is happy.
     # Further investigation may need to be done to optimize specifically
     # for JAWS (which is neither full js nor non js, but some js--right
     # now I think they'll just get the non-js version, but we can do better.)
  svc_types = [] if svc_types.nil?
  svc_types.push(svc_type).uniq! if defined?(svc_type) && ! svc_type.nil?
  # convert any Strings to ServiceTypeValues. 
  svc_types = svc_types.collect { |t| t.kind_of?(ServiceTypeValue) ? t : ServiceTypeValue[t] }
  div_id = "progress_#{svc_types[0].name}" unless div_id
  current_set_empty = false if current_set_empty.nil?
  item_name ||= svc_types[0].display_name_pluralize
  progress_message ||= "Searching for #{current_set_empty ? "" : "more "} #{item_name}"

<% # only display if there are more! 
 if service_types_in_progress?(svc_types) %>
  <div id="<%= div_id %>" class="background_progress_spinner" >

      image_tag('spinner.gif', :alt =>"") %>
      <span class="message"><%= progress_message %></span>
        <%= link_to "Load #{current_set_empty ? "" : "more"} #{item_name}.", {:action => "background_status", :"umlaut.request_id" => @user_request.id, :"umlaut.skip_resolve_menu" => params['umlaut.skip_resolve_menu']} %> 

<% end %>