module Metasploit module Model module Module # Code shared between `Mdm::Module::Ancestor` and `Metasploit::Framework::Module::Ancestor`. module Ancestor extend ActiveModel::Naming extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Metasploit::Model::Translation # # CONSTANTS # # The directory for a given {#module_type} is a not always the pluralization of #module_type, so this maps the # #module_type to the type directory that is used to generate the #real_path from the #module_type and # #reference_name. DIRECTORY_BY_MODULE_TYPE = { Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::AUX => Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::AUX, Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::ENCODER => Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::ENCODER.pluralize, Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::EXPLOIT => Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::EXPLOIT.pluralize, Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::NOP => Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::NOP.pluralize, Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::PAYLOAD => Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::PAYLOAD.pluralize, Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::POST => Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::POST } # File extension used for metasploit modules. EXTENSION = '.rb' # The {#payload_type payload types} that require {#handler_type}. HANDLED_TYPES = [ 'single', 'stager' ] # Maps directory to {#module_type} for converting a {#real_path} into a {#module_type} and {#reference_name} MODULE_TYPE_BY_DIRECTORY = DIRECTORY_BY_MODULE_TYPE.invert # Valid values for {#payload_type} if {#payload?} is `true`. PAYLOAD_TYPES = [ 'single', 'stage', 'stager' ] # Regexp to keep '\' out of reference names REFERENCE_NAME_REGEXP = /\A[\-0-9A-Z_a-z]+(?:\/[\-0-9A-Z_a-z]+)*\Z/ # Separator used to join names in {#reference_name}. It is always '/', even on Windows, where '\' is a valid # file separator. REFERENCE_NAME_SEPARATOR = '/' # Regular expression matching a full SHA-1 hex digest. SHA1_HEX_DIGEST_REGEXP = /\A[0-9a-z]{40}\Z/ included do include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks include Metasploit::Model::Derivation include Metasploit::Model::Derivation::FullName include Metasploit::Model::RealPathname # # Derivations # # # Module Cache Construction derivation of {#module_type} and {#reference_name} from {#real_path} and # {Metasploit::Model::Module::Path#real_path}. # derives :module_type, :validate => false derives :reference_name, :validate => false # # Normal derivation from setting {#module_type} and {#reference_name} # derives :full_name, :validate => true derives :payload_type, :validate => true derives :real_path, :validate => true # Don't validate attributes that require accessing file system to derive value derives :real_path_modified_at, :validate => false derives :real_path_sha1_hex_digest, :validate => false # # Mass Assignment Security # # full_name is NOT accessible since it's derived and must match {#derived_full_name} so there's no reason for a # user to set it. # handler_type is accessible because it's needed to derive {Metasploit::Model::Module::Class#reference_name}. attr_accessible :handler_type # module_type is accessible because it's needed to derive {#full_name} and {#real_path}. attr_accessible :module_type # payload_type is NOT accessible since it's derived and must match {#derived_payload_type}. # reference_name is accessible because it's needed to derive {#full_name} and {#real_path}. attr_accessible :reference_name # real_path is accessible since {#module_type} and {#reference_name} can be derived from real_path. attr_accessible :real_path # real_path_modified_at is NOT accessible since it's derived # real_path_sha1_hex_digest is NOT accessible since it's derived # # Validations # validates :handler_type, :unless => :loading_context?, :nil => { :unless => :handled? }, :presence => { :if => :handled? } validates :module_type, :inclusion => { :in => Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::ALL } validates :parent_path, :presence => true validates :payload_type, :inclusion => { :if => :payload?, :in => PAYLOAD_TYPES }, :nil => { :unless => :payload? } validates :real_path_modified_at, :presence => true validates :real_path_sha1_hex_digest, :format => { :with => SHA1_HEX_DIGEST_REGEXP } validates :reference_name, :format => { :with => REFERENCE_NAME_REGEXP } end # Defines class methods added to classes that include {Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor}. module ClassMethods # Returns whether {#handler_type} is required or must be `nil` for the given payload_type. # # @param options [Hash{Symbol => String,nil}] # @option options [String, nil] module_type (nil) `nil` or an element of # `Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor::MODULE_TYPES`. # @option options [String, nil] payload_type (nil) `nil` or an element of {PAYLOAD_TYPES}. # @return [true] if {#handler_type} must be present. # @return [false] if {#handler_type} must be `nil`. def handled?(options={}) options.assert_valid_keys(:module_type, :payload_type) handled = false module_type = options[:module_type] payload_type = options[:payload_type] if module_type == 'payload' and HANDLED_TYPES.include? payload_type handled = true end handled end end # # Associations # # @!attribute [rw] parent_path # Path under which this ancestor exists on-disk. # # @return [Metasploit::Model::Module::Path] # # Attributes # # @!attribute [rw] full_name # The full name of the module. The full name is `"#{module_type}/#{reference_name}"`. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] handler_type # The handler type (in the case of singles) or (in the case of stagers) the handler type alias. Handler type is # appended to the end of the single's or stage's {#reference_name} to get the # {Metasploit::Model::Module::Class#reference_name}. # # @return [String] if {Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor#handled?} is `true`. # @return [nil] if {Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor#handled?} is `false`. # @!attribute [rw] module_type # The type of the module. This would be called #type, but #type is reserved for ActiveRecord's single table # inheritance. # # @return [String] key in {Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor::DIRECTORY_BY_MODULE_TYPE}. # @!attribute [rw] payload_type # For payload modules, the type of payload, either 'single', 'stage', or 'stager'. # # @return ['single', 'stage', 'stager'] if `Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor#payload?` is `true`. # @return [nil] if `Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor#payload?` is `false` # @see Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor::PAYLOAD_TYPES # @!attribute [rw] real_path # The real (absolute) path to module file on-disk. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] real_path_modified_at # The modification time of the module {#real_path file on-disk}. # # @return [DateTime] # @!attribute [rw] real_path_sha1_hex_digest # The SHA1 hexadecimal digest of contents of the file at {#real_path}. Stored as a string because postgres does not # have support for a 160 bit numerical type and the hexdigest format is more recognizable when using SQL directly. # # @see Digest::SHA1#hexdigest # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] reference_name # The reference name of the module. The name of the module under its {#module_type type}. # # @return [String] # # Instance Methods # # The contents of {#real_path}. # # @return [String] contents of file at {#real_path}. # @return [nil] if {#real_path} is `nil`. # @return [nil] if {#real_path} does not exist on-disk. def contents contents = nil if real_path # rescue around both File calls since file could be deleted before size or after size and before read begin size = File.size(real_path) # Specify full size of file for faster read on Windows (less chance of context switching mid-read). # Open in binary mode in Windows to handle non-text content embedded in file. contents =, size, 0, mode: 'rb') rescue Errno::ENOENT contents = nil end end contents end # Derives {#module_type} from {#real_path} and {Metasploit::Model::Module::Path#real_path}. # # @return [String] # @return [nil] if {#real_path} is `nil` # @return [nil] if {#relative_file_names} does not start with a module type directory. def derived_module_type module_type_directory = relative_file_names.first derived = MODULE_TYPE_BY_DIRECTORY[module_type_directory] derived end # Derives {#payload_type} from {#reference_name}. # # @return [String] # @return [nil] if {#payload_type_directory} is `nil` def derived_payload_type derived = nil directory = payload_type_directory if directory derived = directory.singularize end derived end # Derives {#real_path} by combining {Metasploit::Model::Module::Path#real_path parent_path.real_path}, # {#module_type_directory}, and {#reference_path} in the same way the module loader does in # metasploit-framework. # # @return [String] the real path to the file holding the ruby Module or ruby Class represented by this ancestor. # @return [nil] if {#parent_path} is `nil`. # @return [nil] if {Metasploit::Model::Module::Path#real_path parent_path.real_path} is `nil`. # @return [nil] if {#module_type_directory} is `nil`. # @return [nil] if {#reference_name} is `nil`. def derived_real_path derived_real_path = nil if parent_path and parent_path.real_path and module_type_directory and reference_path derived_real_path = File.join( parent_path.real_path, module_type_directory, reference_path ) end derived_real_path end # Derives {#real_path_modified_at} by getting the modification time of the file on-disk. # # @return [Time] modification time of {#real_path} if {#real_path} exists on disk and modification time can be # queried by user. # @return [nil] if {#real_path} does not exist or user cannot query the file's modification time. def derived_real_path_modified_at real_path_string = real_path.to_s begin mtime = File.mtime(real_path_string) rescue Errno::ENOENT nil else mtime.utc end end # Derives {#real_path_sha1_hex_digest} by running the contents of {#real_path} through Digest::SHA1.hexdigest. # # @return [String] 40 character SHA1 hex digest if {#real_path} can be read. # @return [nil] if {#real_path} cannot be read. def derived_real_path_sha1_hex_digest begin sha1 = Digest::SHA1.file(real_path.to_s) rescue Errno::ENOENT hex_digest = nil else hex_digest = sha1.hexdigest end hex_digest end # Derives {#reference_name} from {#real_path} and {Metasploit::Model::Module::Path#real_path}. # # @return [String] # @return [nil] if {#real_path} is `nil`. def derived_reference_name derived = nil reference_name_file_names = relative_file_names.drop(1) reference_name_base_name = reference_name_file_names[-1] if reference_name_base_name if File.extname(reference_name_base_name) == EXTENSION reference_name_file_names[-1] = File.basename(reference_name_base_name, EXTENSION) derived = reference_name_file_names.join(REFERENCE_NAME_SEPARATOR) end end derived end # Returns whether {#handler_type} is required or must be `nil`. # # @return (see handled?) # @see handled? def handled? self.class.handled?( :module_type => module_type, :payload_type => payload_type ) end # The directory for {#module_type} under {Metasploit::Model::Module::Path parent_path.real_path}. # # @return [String] # @see Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor::DIRECTORY_BY_MODULE_TYPE def module_type_directory Metasploit::Model::Module::Ancestor::DIRECTORY_BY_MODULE_TYPE[module_type] end # Return whether this forms part of a payload (either a single, stage, or stager). # # @return [true] if {#module_type} == 'payload' # @return [false] if {#module_type} != 'payload' def payload? if module_type == Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::PAYLOAD true else false end end # The name used to forming the {Metasploit::Model::Module::Class#reference_name} for payloads. # # @return [String] The {#reference_name} without the {#payload_type_directory} if {#payload_type} is `'single'` # or `'stage'` # @return [String] The {#handler_type} if {#payload_type} is `'stager'` # @return [nil] if {#module_type} is not `'payload'` def payload_name payload_name = nil if module_type == Metasploit::Model::Module::Type::PAYLOAD case payload_type when 'single', 'stage' if reference_name && payload_type_directory escaped_payload_type_directory = Regexp.escape(payload_type_directory) payload_type_directory_regexp = /^#{escaped_payload_type_directory}\// payload_name = reference_name.gsub(payload_type_directory_regexp, '') end when 'stager' payload_name = handler_type end end payload_name end # The directory for {#payload_type} under {#module_type_directory} in {#real_path}. # # @return [String] first directory in reference_name # @return [nil] if {#payload?} is `false`. # @return [nil] if {#reference_name} is `nil`. def payload_type_directory directory = nil if payload? and reference_name head, _tail = reference_name.split(REFERENCE_NAME_SEPARATOR, 2) directory = head end directory end # File names on {#relative_pathname}. # # @return [Enumerator] def relative_file_names relative_pathname = self.relative_pathname if relative_pathname relative_pathname.each_filename else # empty enumerator { } end end # {#real_path} relative to {Metasploit::Model::Module::Path#real_path} # # @return [Pathname] def relative_pathname relative_pathname = nil real_pathname = self.real_pathname if real_pathname parent_path = self.parent_path if parent_path parent_path_real_pathname = parent_path.real_pathname if parent_path_real_pathname relative_pathname = real_pathname.relative_path_from parent_path_real_pathname end end end relative_pathname end # The path relative to the {#module_type_directory} under the {Metasploit::Model::Module::Path # parent_path.real_path}, including the file {EXTENSION extension}. # # @return [String] {#reference_name} + {EXTENSION} # @return [nil] if {#reference_name} is `nil`. def reference_path path = nil if reference_name path = "#{reference_name}#{EXTENSION}" end path end private # Whether this ancestor is being validated for loading. # # @return [true] if `#validation_context` is `:loading` # @return [false] otherwise def loading_context? validation_context == :loading end end end end end