# frozen_string_literal: true require 'acceptance/spec_helper' describe 'specifying SQL for index definitions' do it "renders the SQL with the join" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title join user } index.render expect(index.sources.first.sql_query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .users./) end it "handles deep joins" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title join user.articles } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .users./) expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .articles./) end it "handles has-many :through joins" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes tags.name } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .taggings./) expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .tags./) end it "handles custom join SQL statements" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title join "INNER JOIN foo ON foo.x = bar.y" } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/INNER JOIN foo ON foo.x = bar.y/) end it "handles GROUP BY clauses" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title group_by 'lat' } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/GROUP BY .articles.\..id., .?articles.?\..title., .?articles.?\..id., lat/) end it "handles WHERE clauses" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title where "title != 'secret'" } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/WHERE .+title != 'secret'.+ GROUP BY/) end it "handles manual MVA declarations" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has "taggings.tag_ids", :as => :tag_ids, :type => :integer, :multi => true } index.render expect(index.sources.first.sql_attr_multi).to eq(['uint tag_ids from field']) end it "provides the sanitize_sql helper within the index definition block" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title where sanitize_sql(["title != ?", 'secret']) } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/WHERE .+title != 'secret'.+ GROUP BY/) end it "escapes new lines in SQL snippets" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has <<-SQL, as: :custom_attribute, type: :integer ARRAY_AGG( CONCAT( something ) ) SQL } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/\\\n/) end it "joins each polymorphic relation" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:event) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes eventable.title, :as => :title polymorphs eventable, :to => %w(Article Book) } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .articles. ON .articles.\..id. = .events.\..eventable_id. AND .events.\..eventable_type. = 'Article'/) expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .books. ON .books.\..id. = .events.\..eventable_id. AND .events.\..eventable_type. = 'Book'/) expect(query).to match(/.articles.\..title., .books.\..title./) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 it "concatenates references that have column" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:event) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes eventable.title, :as => :title polymorphs eventable, :to => %w(Article User) } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .articles. ON .articles.\..id. = .events.\..eventable_id. AND .events.\..eventable_type. = 'Article'/) expect(query).not_to match(/articles\..title., users\..title./) expect(query).to match(/.articles.\..title./) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 it "respects deeper associations through polymorphic joins" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:event) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes eventable.user.name, :as => :user_name polymorphs eventable, :to => %w(Article Book) } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .articles. ON .articles.\..id. = .events.\..eventable_id. AND .events.\..eventable_type. = 'Article'/) expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .users. ON .users.\..id. = .articles.\..user_id./) expect(query).to match(/.users.\..name./) end it "allows for STI mixed with polymorphic joins" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:event) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes eventable.name, :as => :name polymorphs eventable, :to => %w(Bird Car) } index.render query = index.sources.first.sql_query expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .animals. ON .animals.\..id. = .events.\..eventable_id. .* AND .events.\..eventable_type. = 'Animal'/) expect(query).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN .cars. ON .cars.\..id. = .events.\..eventable_id. AND .events.\..eventable_type. = 'Car'/) expect(query).to match(/.animals.\..name., .cars.\..name./) end end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 describe 'separate queries for MVAs' do def id_type ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING.to_f > 5.0 ? 'bigint' : 'uint' end let(:index) { ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) } let(:count) { ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.indices.count } let(:source) { index.sources.first } it "generates an appropriate SQL query for an MVA" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has taggings.tag_id, :as => :tag_ids, :source => :query } index.render attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/tag_ids/] } declaration, query = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq("uint tag_ids from query") expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .taggings.\..article_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .taggings.\..tag_id. AS .tag_ids. FROM .taggings.\s? WHERE \(.taggings.\..article_id. IS NOT NULL\)$/) end it "does not include attributes sourced via separate queries" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has taggings.tag_id, :as => :tag_ids, :source => :query } index.render # We don't want it in the SELECT, JOIN or GROUP clauses. This should catch # them all. expect(source.sql_query).not_to include('taggings') end it "keeps the joins in for separately queried tables if they're used elsewhere" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes taggings.tag.name, :as => :tag_names has taggings.tag.created_at, :as => :tag_dates, :source => :query } index.render expect(source.sql_query).to include('taggings') expect(source.sql_query).to include('tags') expect(source.sql_query).to_not match(/.tags.\..created_at./) expect(source.sql_query).to match(/.tags.\..name./) end it "generates a SQL query with joins when appropriate for MVAs" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has taggings.tag.id, :as => :tag_ids, :source => :query } index.render attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/tag_ids/] } declaration, query = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq("#{id_type} tag_ids from query") expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .taggings.\..article_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .tags.\..id. AS .tag_ids. FROM .taggings. INNER JOIN .tags. ON .tags.\..id. = .taggings.\..tag_id. WHERE \(.taggings.\..article_id. IS NOT NULL\)\s?$/) end it "respects has_many :through joins for MVA queries" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has tags.id, :as => :tag_ids, :source => :query } index.render attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/tag_ids/] } declaration, query = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq("#{id_type} tag_ids from query") expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .taggings.\..article_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .tags.\..id. AS .tag_ids. FROM .taggings. INNER JOIN .tags. ON .tags.\..id. = .taggings.\..tag_id. WHERE \(.taggings.\..article_id. IS NOT NULL\)\s?$/) end it "can handle multiple joins for MVA queries" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:user) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes name has articles.tags.id, :as => :tag_ids, :source => :query } index.render source = index.sources.first attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/tag_ids/] } declaration, query = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq("#{id_type} tag_ids from query") expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .articles.\..user_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .tags.\..id. AS .tag_ids. FROM .articles. INNER JOIN .taggings. ON .taggings.\..article_id. = .articles.\..id. INNER JOIN .tags. ON .tags.\..id. = .taggings.\..tag_id. WHERE \(.articles.\..user_id. IS NOT NULL\)\s?$/) end it "can handle simple HABTM joins for MVA queries" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:book) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has genres.id, :as => :genre_ids, :source => :query } index.render source = index.sources.first attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/genre_ids/] } declaration, query = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq("#{id_type} genre_ids from query") expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .books_genres.\..book_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .books_genres.\..genre_id. AS .genre_ids. FROM .books_genres.\s?$/) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 it "generates an appropriate range SQL queries for an MVA" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has taggings.tag_id, :as => :tag_ids, :source => :ranged_query } index.render attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/tag_ids/] } declaration, query, range = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq("uint tag_ids from ranged-query") expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .taggings.\..article_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .taggings.\..tag_id. AS .tag_ids. FROM .taggings. \s?WHERE \(.taggings.\..article_id. BETWEEN \$start AND \$end\) AND \(.taggings.\..article_id. IS NOT NULL\)$/) expect(range).to match(/^SELECT MIN\(.taggings.\..article_id.\), MAX\(.taggings.\..article_id.\) FROM .taggings.\s?$/) end it "generates a SQL query with joins when appropriate for MVAs" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has taggings.tag.id, :as => :tag_ids, :source => :ranged_query } index.render attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/tag_ids/] } declaration, query, range = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq("#{id_type} tag_ids from ranged-query") expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .taggings.\..article_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .tags.\..id. AS .tag_ids. FROM .taggings. INNER JOIN .tags. ON .tags.\..id. = .taggings.\..tag_id. \s?WHERE \(.taggings.\..article_id. BETWEEN \$start AND \$end\) AND \(.taggings.\..article_id. IS NOT NULL\)$/) expect(range).to match(/^SELECT MIN\(.taggings.\..article_id.\), MAX\(.taggings.\..article_id.\) FROM .taggings.\s?$/) end it "can handle ranged queries for simple HABTM joins for MVA queries" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:book) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has genres.id, :as => :genre_ids, :source => :ranged_query } index.render source = index.sources.first attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/genre_ids/] } declaration, query, range = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq("#{id_type} genre_ids from ranged-query") expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .books_genres.\..book_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .books_genres.\..genre_id. AS .genre_ids. FROM .books_genres. WHERE \(.books_genres.\..book_id. BETWEEN \$start AND \$end\)$/) expect(range).to match(/^SELECT MIN\(.books_genres.\..book_id.\), MAX\(.books_genres.\..book_id.\) FROM .books_genres.$/) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 it "respects custom SQL snippets as the query value" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has 'My Custom SQL Query', :as => :tag_ids, :source => :query, :type => :integer, :multi => true } index.render attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/tag_ids/] } declaration, query = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('uint tag_ids from query') expect(query).to eq('My Custom SQL Query') end it "respects custom SQL snippets as the ranged query value" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has 'My Custom SQL Query; And a Range', :as => :tag_ids, :source => :ranged_query, :type => :integer, :multi => true } index.render attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/tag_ids/] } declaration, query, range = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('uint tag_ids from ranged-query') expect(query).to eq('My Custom SQL Query') expect(range).to eq('And a Range') end it "escapes new lines in custom SQL snippets" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes title has <<-SQL, :as => :tag_ids, :source => :query, :type => :integer, :multi => true My Custom SQL Query SQL } index.render attribute = source.sql_attr_multi.detect { |attribute| attribute[/tag_ids/] } declaration, query = attribute.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('uint tag_ids from query') expect(query).to eq("My Custom\\\nSQL Query") end end describe 'separate queries for field' do let(:index) { ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:article) } let(:count) { ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.indices.count } let(:source) { index.sources.first } it "generates a SQL query with joins when appropriate for MVF" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes taggings.tag.name, :as => :tags, :source => :query } index.render field = source.sql_joined_field.detect { |field| field[/tags/] } declaration, query = field.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('tags from query') expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .taggings.\..article_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .tags.\..name. AS .tags. FROM .taggings. INNER JOIN .tags. ON .tags.\..id. = .taggings.\..tag_id.\s? WHERE \(.taggings.\..article_id. IS NOT NULL\)\s? ORDER BY .taggings.\..article_id. ASC\s?$/) end it "respects has_many :through joins for MVF queries" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes tags.name, :as => :tags, :source => :query } index.render field = source.sql_joined_field.detect { |field| field[/tags/] } declaration, query = field.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('tags from query') expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .taggings.\..article_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .tags.\..name. AS .tags. FROM .taggings. INNER JOIN .tags. ON .tags.\..id. = .taggings.\..tag_id.\s? WHERE \(.taggings.\..article_id. IS NOT NULL\)\s? ORDER BY .taggings.\..article_id. ASC\s?$/) end it "can handle multiple joins for MVF queries" do index = ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Index.new(:user) index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes articles.tags.name, :as => :tags, :source => :query } index.render source = index.sources.first field = source.sql_joined_field.detect { |field| field[/tags/] } declaration, query = field.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('tags from query') expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .articles.\..user_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .tags.\..name. AS .tags. FROM .articles. INNER JOIN .taggings. ON .taggings.\..article_id. = .articles.\..id. INNER JOIN .tags. ON .tags.\..id. = .taggings.\..tag_id.\s? WHERE \(.articles.\..user_id. IS NOT NULL\)\s? ORDER BY .articles.\..user_id. ASC\s?$/) end it "generates a SQL query with joins when appropriate for MVFs" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes taggings.tag.name, :as => :tags, :source => :ranged_query } index.render field = source.sql_joined_field.detect { |field| field[/tags/] } declaration, query, range = field.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('tags from ranged-query') expect(query).to match(/^SELECT .taggings.\..article_id. \* #{count} \+ #{source.offset} AS .id., .tags.\..name. AS .tags. FROM .taggings. INNER JOIN .tags. ON .tags.\..id. = .taggings.\..tag_id. \s?WHERE \(.taggings.\..article_id. BETWEEN \$start AND \$end\) AND \(.taggings.\..article_id. IS NOT NULL\)\s? ORDER BY .taggings.\..article_id. ASC$/) expect(range).to match(/^SELECT MIN\(.taggings.\..article_id.\), MAX\(.taggings.\..article_id.\) FROM .taggings.\s?$/) end it "does not include fields sourced via separate queries" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes taggings.tag.name, :as => :tags, :source => :query } index.render # We don't want it in the SELECT, JOIN or GROUP clauses. This should catch # them all. expect(source.sql_query).not_to include('tags') end it "respects custom SQL snippets as the query value" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes 'My Custom SQL Query', :as => :tags, :source => :query } index.render field = source.sql_joined_field.detect { |field| field[/tags/] } declaration, query = field.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('tags from query') expect(query).to eq('My Custom SQL Query') end it "respects custom SQL snippets as the ranged query value" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes 'My Custom SQL Query; And a Range', :as => :tags, :source => :ranged_query } index.render field = source.sql_joined_field.detect { |field| field[/tags/] } declaration, query, range = field.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('tags from ranged-query') expect(query).to eq('My Custom SQL Query') expect(range).to eq('And a Range') end it "escapes new lines in custom SQL snippets" do index.definition_block = Proc.new { indexes <<-SQL, :as => :tags, :source => :query My Custom SQL Query SQL } index.render field = source.sql_joined_field.detect { |field| field[/tags/] } declaration, query = field.split(/;\s+/) expect(declaration).to eq('tags from query') expect(query).to eq("My Custom\\\nSQL Query") end end