# include ApplicationHelper require 'rails_helper' # do login for admin panel and also verify if the site was created # if site is not created, then create a new site def login_success if !CamaleonCms::Site.any? && !defined?($install_called) $install_called = true it "Verify Install Camaleon", js: true do visit "#{cama_root_relative_path}/admin/installers" within("#new_site") do fill_in 'site_name', :with => 'Test Site' select "Default Theme", from: "theme" end click_button 'Submit' expect(page).to have_content 'successfully' admin_sign_in(true) end else it "signs me in" do admin_sign_in end end end # sign in for admin panel # skip: true => close the skip button for intro def admin_sign_in(close = false, user = "admin", pass = "admin123") visit "#{cama_root_relative_path}/admin/logout" screenshot_and_save_page within("#login_user") do fill_in 'user[username]', :with => user fill_in 'user[password]', :with => pass end click_button 'Log In' expect(page).to have_content 'Welcome' wait(2) page.execute_script("$('#introjs_skipbutton').click()") end def cama_root_relative_path "#{PluginRoutes.system_info["relative_url_root"]}" if PluginRoutes.system_info["relative_url_root"].present? end # open file manager modal and upload a new file # TODO def file_select attach_file("Select files to upload", "/Users/owen/Pictures/luna\ miel/DSC00116.JPG ") end def eval_code(code) instance_eval(code) end def wait(time) sleep(time) end # return the id of the first post def get_content_attr(post_type = "post", attr = "id", pos = "first") res = Cama::Site.first.decorate.the_post_type(post_type).decorate.the_posts.send(pos).decorate.send(attr) fix_db res end # return the id of the first post def get_cat_attr(attr = "id", pos = "first") res = Cama::Site.first.decorate.the_full_categories.decorate.send(pos).send(attr) fix_db res end # return the id of the first post def get_tag_attr(attr = "id", pos = "first") res = Cama::Site.first.decorate.the_tags.decorate.send(pos).send(attr) fix_db res end # fix for: SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked: commit transaction def fix_db if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase.include?('sqlite') ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("END;") ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") end end def pages_test current_site = Cama::Site.first.decorate page1 = current_site.the_post_type("post").add_post(title: "test1", content: "content [data key='subtitle']", summary: "summary", order_position: 2) page1.add_field({"name"=>"Sub Title", "slug"=>"subtitle"}, {"field_key"=>"text_box", "translate"=>true, default_value: "test sub title"}) page1.set_settings({has_summary: true, default_template: "home/page2", has_picture: true}) visit(page1.the_title) current_site.the_contents.decorate.each do |p| visit "#{p.the_url(as_path: true)}" expect(page).to have_content p.the_title end the_tags.decorate.send(pos).send(attr) end # return the current for testing case def get_current_test_site Cama::Site.first || create_test_site end # create a new post type for first site def create_test_post_type(args = {}) get_current_test_site.post_types.create!({name: 'Test', slug: 'test', description: 'this is a test', data_options: {}}.merge(args)) end # create a test site def create_test_site(args = {}) Cama::Site.create({slug: 'test', name: 'Test Site'}.merge(args)) end def confirm_dialog if page.driver.class.to_s == 'Capybara::Selenium::Driver' page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert.accept elsif page.driver.class.to_s == 'Capybara::Poltergeist::Driver' elsif page.driver.class.to_s == 'Capybara::Webkit::Driver' sleep 1 # prevent test from failing by waiting for popup page.driver.browser.accept_js_confirms else raise "Unsupported driver" end end