require 'Yk/path_aux' require 'net/smtp' require 'net/pop' require 'thread' require 'Yk/misc_tz' require 'Yk/procinfo' class RemoteMail < String def send (content, subject = nil) LocalMail.each do |m| m.sendTo(self, content, subject) end end def self.setMails (lmdir = "/etc/local_mail/remote".check_dir) if !defined? @@mails @@mails = [] lmdir.each_entry do |f| if f =~ /\@/ i = 0 @@mails.push end end if !@@mails.significant? raise"cannot find mail configuration") end end @@mails end def self.send (content, subject = nil) if !defined? @@mails setMails end @@mails.each do |e| e.send content, subject end LocalMail.flush end end class LocalMail < String class Error < Exception end DEF_LIST = %w[ SMTP_SERVER SMTP_ACCOUNT SMTP_PASSWD POP_SERVER POP_ACCOUNT POP_PASSWD POP_BEFORE_SMTP ] @@localMails = [] def initialize (fileName) super fileName.basename if CYGWIN || Process.euid == 0 fileName.read_each_line do |ln| ln.strip_comment! if ln.significant? res = ln.getDefinition DEF_LIST do |k, v| instanceVariableSet(k, v) end if !res raise"illeagal line `#{ln}' at #{i}") end end end if !@popAccount @popAccount = self end if !@smtpAccount @smtpAccount = @popAccount end if !@smtpPasswd @smtpPasswd = @popPasswd end end @mutex = @fmutex = @rmutex = @mail = self @queue = [] @@localMails.push self end def recieve mode = nil @rmutex.synchronize do begin pobj =, 110) pobj.open_timeout = 1200 pobj.start(@popAccount, @popPasswd) do |pop| if mode == "" next end hash = pop.each_mail do |m| if mode == "flush" m.delete next end pop = m.pop.gsub /\r\n/, "\n" begin begin yield pop ensure m.delete end rescue Exception, SignalException => e raise end end end rescue Reexception => e e.reraise rescue Exception, SignalException => e emsg = "" if e.to_s != "" emsg = " (#{e.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip})" end errln "#{e.class.to_s}: failed to retrieve a mail from #{@mail}#{emsg}" end end end def sendTo (toAdr, content, subject = nil) if @popBeforeSmtp recieve @popBeforeSmtp end if subject t = content content = subject subject = t end c = -%{ Date: #{arr =; arr[0] + ', ' + arr[2] + ' ' + arr[1] + ' ' + arr[5] + ' ' + arr[3] + ' ' + arr[4]} From: #{ProcInfo.current.cmdline.shellDQuote} <#{self}> To: #{toAdr} Subject: #{subject} } c += "\n" + content.ln @mutex.synchronize do @queue.push [c, self, toAdr] end end def flush @mutex.synchronize do if @queue.size == 0 return end end @fmutex.synchronize do connectRetryCount = 0 begin connectRetryCount += 1 Net::SMTP.start(@smtpServer, 25, 'localhost.localdomain', @smtpAccount, @smtpPasswd, :login) do |smtp| while true gotItem = false params = nil @mutex.synchronize do if @queue.size > 0 params = @queue.shift gotItem = true end end if !gotItem break end content, fromAdr, toAdr = params retryCount = 0 begin retryCount += 1 smtp.send_mail content, fromAdr, toAdr rescue Exception => e errln "cannot send from #{fromAdr} to #{toAdr} (#{e.class}:#{e.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')}.strip); Retring....".ln sleep 10 if retryCount > 3 errln "All retrials failed. Giving up sending from #{fromAdr} to #{toAdr}.".ln else retry end end end end rescue => e errln "cannot complete sending mails from #{self} (#{e.class}:#{e.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')}.strip); Retrying....".ln sleep 10 if connectRetryCount > 3 errln "All retrials failed. Giving up sending mails from #{self}.".ln else retry end end end end def self.chkMails if !defined? @@mails setMails end end def self.recieve chkMails tList = [] @@localMails.each do |m| t = do m.recieve do |c| yield c end end tList.push t end tList.each do |t| t.join end end def self.setMails (lmdir = "/etc/local_mail/local".check_dir) if !defined? @@mails @@mails = [] lmdir.each_entry do |f| if f =~ /\@/ i = 0 @@mails.push end end if !@@mails.significant? raise"cannot find mail configuration") end end @@mails end def self.each chkMails @@mails.each do |e| yield e end end def self.flush chkMails @@localMails.each do |m| m.flush end end def self.keep chkMails @@localMails.each do |m| m.receive "" end end end class RemoteMail < String def send (content, subject) sendToAdmin(content, subject) #LocalMail.each do |m| # m.sendTo(self, content, subject) #end end def sendTo (mail, content, subject) LocalMail.each do |m| m.sendTo(mail, content, subject) end end def sendToAdmin (content, subject) if (mf = "/etc/local_mail/admin").readable_file? adminMail = sendTo adminMail, content, subject else STDERR.write "#{$0}: cannot send mail: please set /etc/local_mail/admin\n" end end end