module Edgarj # Edgarj::FieldHelper is independent from Edgarj default form (FormDrawer::Base) # so you can use helper methods here for your customized # form. module FieldHelper # Draw buttons for form. # # When no CREATE/UPDATE permission, save button is disabled. # It can be overwritten by options[:save]. # # When no DELETE permission, delete button is disabled. # It can be overwritten by options[:delete]. # # options may have: # :save:: html options for 'save' button. # :search_form:: html options for 'search_form' button. # :delete:: html options for 'delete' button. def draw_form_buttons(options = {}) content_tag(:table) do content_tag(:tr) do # save button content_tag(:td) do #cp_bitset = Edgarj::ModelPermission::FlagsBitset #create_or_update = cp_bitset::CREATE + cp_bitset::UPDATE tag(:input, { type: 'button', name: 'save', onClick: '$("#_edgarj_form").submit()', value: t(''), class: '_edgarj_form_save',}) #disabled: !permitted?(create_or_update)}.merge(options[:save]||{})) end + # search button content_tag(:td) do button_for_js(t('edgarj.default.search_form'), <<-JS, $('#edgarj_form').hide(); $('#edgarj_search_form').show(); JS {class: '_edgarj_form_search'}.merge(options[:search_form] ||{})) end + # clear button content_tag(:td) do button_to(t('edgarj.default.clear'), {action: 'clear'}, { method: :get, remote: true, }) end + # delete button content_tag(:td) do button_to(t('edgarj.default.delete'), if @record.new_record? url_for('/') else url_for({ controller: params[:controller], action: 'destroy', id:}) end, { method: :delete, remote: true, data: {confirm: t('edgarj.form.delete_confirm')}, disabled: @record.new_record? # || !permitted?(cp_bitset::DELETE), }) end end end end def draw_search_form_buttons content_tag(:table) do content_tag(:tr) do # search button content_tag(:td) do button_for_js(v('search'), '$("#_edgarj_search_form").submit()') end + # search_end button content_tag(:td) do button_for_js(v('search_end'), <<-JS) $('#edgarj_form').show(); $('#edgarj_search_form').hide(); JS end + # search_clear button content_tag(:td) do button_to(v('search_clear'), {action: 'search_clear'}, { method: :get, remote: true, }) end end end end def draw_search_save_popup render :partial => 'edgarj/search_save_popup' end # draw default field for col.type # # options[type] is passed to each rails helper. Following types are # supported: # * :date # * :datetime # * :integer # * :boolean # * :text # # === INPUTS # f:: FormBuilder object # col:: column info returned by AR.columns, or symbol # options:: options hash passed to each helper. def draw_field(f, col, options={}) case col.type when :date draw_date(f, col, options[:date] || {}) when :datetime draw_datetime(f, col, options[:datetime] || {}) when :integer f.text_field(, options[:integer]) else f.text_field(, options[:text]) end end def draw_boolean(f, col, options={}) f.check_box(, options) end # draw calendar date select # # === INPUTS # f:: Form builder object. # col_or_sym:: column object returned by rec.class.columns, or symbol # options:: passed to calendar_date_select def draw_date(f, col_or_sym, options={}) col_name = get_column_name(col_or_sym) dom_id = sprintf("%s_%s", f.object_name, col_name) f.text_field(col_name, id: dom_id, size: 14) + javascript_tag(<<-EOJS) $(function(){ $('##{dom_id}').datepicker({buttonImageOnly: true}). datepicker('option', { dateFormat: 'yy/mm/dd' }); }); EOJS end # draw calendar datetime select # # === INPUTS # f:: Form builder object. # col_or_sym:: column object returned by rec.class.columns, or symbol # options:: passed to calendar_date_select def draw_datetime(f, col_or_sym, options={}) col_name = get_column_name(col_or_sym) f.text_field(col_name, value: datetime_fmt(f.object.send(col_name))) end # draw 'edgarj_address' field # # The column, which is declared as 'edgarj_address', can be # drawn by this helper. # # === INPUTS # f:: FormBuilder # col_or_sym:: column object returned by rec.class.columns, or symbol def draw_address(f, col_or_sym) address_name = f.object.class.get_belongs_to_name(col_or_sym) render('edgarj/address', f: f, rec: f.object, address_name: address_name ) end # draw bitset checkboxes. # # When model class has integer field (e.g. 'flags') and # Flags module which defines 'bitflag' constant, # model.flags integer column is drawn as bitset checkboxes. # Constant name will be translated by config/locales/*.yml # See ModelPermission for example. # # 'flags' column value is calculated at client side by JavaScript. # # options is not used now. # # === INPUTS # f:: Form builder object. # col:: column object returned by rec.class.columns, or symbol # bitset:: ruby module contains 'bitflag' integer constants # options:: (not used) def draw_bitset(f, col, bitset=nil, options={}) html = '' bitset = model.const_get(col_name.to_s.camelize + 'Bitset') if !bitset i = 0 id_array_var = sprintf('%s_%s_var', f.object_name, ids = [] for flag in bitset.constants do checkbox_id = sprintf('%s_%s_%d', f.object_name,, i) html += draw_checkbox(f, checkbox_id, flag, bitset, id_array_var) + label_tag( checkbox_id, f.object.class.human_const_name(bitset, flag)) + '  '.html_safe ids << checkbox_id i += 1 end # draw hidden field to send sum-up value html += f.hidden_field( # add hidden-field name to ids' last ids << sprintf("%s_%s", f.object_name, # define arrays to calculate flags html += "" html.html_safe end # draw enum selection. # # 'Enum' in Edgarj is a module which integer constants are defined. # draw_enum() draws selection rather than simple integer text field. # # Selection-option label is I18 supported by AR human_const_name API. # See lib/edgarj/model.rb rdoc. # # === EXAMPLE # Followings draws Question module's Priority selection # on @question.priority integer column: # # <%= edgarj_form do |f| %> # : # <%= draw_enum(f, :priority) %> # : # <% end %> # # === INPUTS # f:: Form builder object. # col_or_sym:: column object returned by rec.class.columns, or symbol # enum:: enum module. When nil, guess by column name. # options:: draw_enum options and/or passed to select helper. # # ==== Supported options # :choice_1st:: additional 1st choice (mainly used SearchForm enum selection) # :class AR class which will be used for human_const_name() # # === SEE ALSO # get_enum():: get enum definition # draw_column_enum():: draw enum column in list # # FIXME: choices for selection should be cached. def draw_enum(f, col_or_sym, enum=nil, options={}) col_name = get_column_name(col_or_sym) enum = model.const_get(col_name.to_s.camelize) if !enum sorted_elements = enum.constants.sort{|a,b| enum.const_get(a) <=> enum.const_get(b)} options_for_select = options.dup choice_1st = options_for_select.delete(:choice_1st) class_4_human_const = options_for_select.delete(:class) || f.object.class, (choice_1st ? [choice_1st] : []) +{|member| [class_4_human_const.human_const_name(enum, member), enum.const_get(member)]}, options_for_select) end def draw_question_history(question) render :partial => '/questions/history', :locals=>{:question=>question} end # Field 'file_NN' in AR is handled as file attachement(upload/download) in Edgarj. # Where, NN is 2-digits from 00 to 99. # # draw_file() helper draws file attachment(upload/download) user-interface # for file_NN field. It supports: # # 1. upload file (Create) # 1. download file (Read) # 1. upload another file (Update) # 1. clear the field (Delete) # # === Model # Integer value of file_NN column in any AR is interpreted a ID value # to point to a FileInfo record. # As NN means, any number of files (max 100) can be attached to any AR. # # belongs_to/has_one relation can be declared between the AR and FileInfo, # but it is not required. Those declarations are just for your # customization level convenience. # # attr_accessible(or attr_protected) to hide file_NN from mass-assignment # *SHOULD BE* applied. # # See Report model unit test for testing. # # === INPUTS # f:: Form builder object. # col_or_sym:: column object returned by rec.class.columns, or symbol # options:: passed to select helper. # # === EXAMPLE # draw_file(f, :file_00) draws: # # # # === SEE ALSO # ActiveRecord::Base#upsert_file_NN def draw_file(f, col_or_sym, options={}) col_name = get_column_name(col_or_sym) file_info = FileInfo.safe_find(f.object.send(col_name)) error_wrapping( if file_info file_field_dom = "file_info_#{col_name}_uploaded_data" file_link_dom = "file_info_#{col_name}_link" file_field_sub(col_name, file_info, options.merge(:style=>'display:none')) + ' ' + content_tag(:span, :id=>file_link_dom) do link_to(file_info.filename, {:action => 'file_download', :id =>, :column => col_name}) + ' ' + link_to_function("[#{t('edgarj.default.clear')}]", sprintf("Edgarj.clear_file('%s', '%s', '%s')", file_field_dom, "#{f.object_name}_#{col_name}", file_link_dom)) end + f.hidden_field(col_name) else file_field_sub(col_name,, options) end, f.object.errors.on(col_name) ) end private # Same as ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag class instance method def error_wrapping(html_tag, has_error) has_error ?, self) : html_tag end # draw Edgarj flags specific checkbox def draw_checkbox(f, id, flag, bitset, id_array_var) val = f.object.send(:flags) || 0 flag_val = bitset.const_get(flag) tag(:input, type: 'checkbox', id: id, name: id, value: flag_val, onChange: "Edgarj.sum_bitset(#{id_array_var})", checked: (val & flag_val) != 0 ) end # find column info from name def find_col(rec, sym) rec.class.columns.detect{|c| == sym.to_s} end # get column name from column object or symbol def get_column_name(col_or_sym) if col_or_sym.is_a?(Symbol) col_or_sym else end end # generate following file field: # # def file_field_sub(col_name, file_info, options) fields_for("file_info[#{col_name}]", file_info) do |f| f.file_field(:uploaded_data, {:size=>20}.merge(options)) end end # replacement of button_to_function to avoid DEPRECATION WARNING. # # When the js is called just once, onClick is simpler than # unobtrusive-javascript approach. def button_for_js(label, js, html_options={}) tag(:input, {type: 'button', value: label, onClick: js}.merge( html_options)) end end end