Node = require('./nodes/node') Text = require('./nodes/text') Haml = require('./nodes/haml') Code = require('./nodes/code') Comment = require('./nodes/comment') Filter = require('./nodes/filter') Directive = require('./nodes/directive') {whitespace} = require('./util/text') {indent} = require('./util/text') # The HamlCoffee class is the compiler that parses the source code and creates an syntax tree. # In a second step the created tree can be rendered into either a JavaScript function or a # CoffeeScript template. # module.exports = class HamlCoffee # The current version number. @VERSION: require('../package.json').version # Construct the HAML Coffee compiler. # # @param [Object] options the compiler options # @option options [String] placement where to place the resultant function # @option options [Array] dependencies dependencies for the amd module # @option options [Boolean] escapeHtml escape the output when true # @option options [Boolean] escapeAttributes escape the tag attributes when true # @option options [Boolean] cleanValue clean CoffeeScript values before inserting # @option options [Boolean] uglify don't indent generated HTML when true # @option options [Boolean] basename ignore file path when generate the template name # @option options [Boolean] extendScope extend the template scope with the context # @option options [String] format the template format, either `xhtml`, `html4` or `html5` # @option options [String] hyphenateDataAttrs whether to convert underscores to hyphens in data attributes # @option options [String] preserveTags a comma separated list of tags to preserve content whitespace # @option options [String] selfCloseTags a comma separated list of self closing HTML tags # @option options [String] customHtmlEscape the name of the function for HTML escaping # @option options [String] customCleanValue the name of the function to clean code insertion values before output # @option options [String] customFindAndPreserve the name of the function used to find and preserve whitespace # @option options [String] customPreserve the name of the function used to preserve the whitespace # @option options [String] customReference the name of the function used to create the id from object references # constructor: (@options = {}) -> @options.placement ?= 'global' @options.dependencies ?= { hc: 'hamlcoffee' } @options.escapeHtml ?= true @options.escapeAttributes ?= true @options.cleanValue ?= true @options.uglify ?= false @options.basename ?= false @options.extendScope ?= false @options.format ?= 'html5' @options.hyphenateDataAttrs ?= true @options.preserveTags ?= 'pre,textarea' @options.selfCloseTags ?= 'meta,img,link,br,hr,input,area,param,col,base' if @options.placement is 'global' ?= 'test' @options.namespace ?= 'window.HAML' # Create parameter name from the filename, e.g. a file `users/new.hamlc` # will create `` segments = "#{ @options.namespace }.#{ }".replace(/(\s|-)+/g, '_').split(/\./) = if @options.basename then segments.pop().split(/\/|\\/).pop() else segments.pop() @options.namespace = segments.shift() # Create code for file and namespace creation @intro = '' if segments.length isnt 0 for segment in segments @options.namespace += ".#{ segment }" @intro += "#{ @options.namespace } ?= {}\n" else @intro += "#{ @options.namespace } ?= {}\n" # Test if the indention level has changed, either # increased or decreased. # # @return [Boolean] true when indention changed # indentChanged: -> @currentIndent != @previousIndent # Test if the indention levels has been increased. # # @return [Boolean] true when increased # isIndent: -> @currentIndent > @previousIndent # Calculate the indention size # updateTabSize: -> @tabSize = @currentIndent - @previousIndent if @tabSize == 0 # Update the current block level indention. # updateBlockLevel: -> @currentBlockLevel = @currentIndent / @tabSize # Do not validate within comments unless @node.isCommented() # Validate current indention if @currentBlockLevel - Math.floor(@currentBlockLevel) > 0 throw("Indentation error in line #{ @lineNumber }") # Validate block level if (@currentIndent - @previousIndent) / @tabSize > 1 throw("Block level too deep in line #{ @lineNumber }") # Set the indention delta @delta = @previousBlockLevel - @currentBlockLevel # Update the indention level for a code block. # # @param [Node] node the node to update # updateCodeBlockLevel: (node) -> if node instanceof Code @currentCodeBlockLevel = node.codeBlockLevel + 1 else @currentCodeBlockLevel = node.codeBlockLevel # Update the parent node. This depends on the indention # if stays the same, goes one down or on up. # updateParent: -> if @isIndent() @pushParent() else @popParent() # Indention level has been increased: # Push the current parent node to the stack and make # the current node the parent node. # pushParent: -> @stack.push @parentNode @parentNode = @node # Indention level has been decreased: # Make the grand parent the current parent. # popParent: -> for i in [0..@delta-1] @parentNode = @stack.pop() # Get the options for creating a node # # @param [Object] override the options to override # @return [Object] the node options # getNodeOptions: (override = {})-> { parentNode : override.parentNode || @parentNode blockLevel : override.blockLevel || @currentBlockLevel codeBlockLevel : override.codeBlockLevel || @currentCodeBlockLevel escapeHtml : override.escapeHtml || @options.escapeHtml escapeAttributes : override.escapeAttributes || @options.escapeAttributes cleanValue : override.cleanValue || @options.cleanValue format : override.format || @options.format hyphenateDataAttrs : override.hyphenateDataAttrs || @options.format preserveTags : override.preserveTags || @options.preserveTags selfCloseTags : override.selfCloseTags || @options.selfCloseTags uglify : override.uglify || @options.uglify placement : override.placement || @options.placement namespace : override.namespace || @options.namespace name : || } # Get the matching node type for the given expression. This # is also responsible for creating the nested tree structure, # since there is an exception for creating the node tree: # Within a filter expression, any empty line without indention # is added as child to the previous filter expression. # # @param [String] expression the HAML expression # @return [Node] the parser node # nodeFactory: (expression = '') -> options = @getNodeOptions() # Detect filter node if expression.match(/^:(escaped|preserve|css|javascript|plain|cdata|coffeescript)/) node = new Filter(expression, options) # Detect comment node else if expression.match(/^(\/|-#)(.*)/) node = new Comment(expression, options) # Detect code node else if expression.match(/^(-#|-|=|!=|\&=|~)\s*(.*)/) node = new Code(expression, options) # Detect Haml node else if expression.match(/^(%|#[^{]|\.|\!)(.*)/) node = new Haml(expression, options) # Detect directive node else if expression.match(/^\+(.*)/) node = new Directive(expression, options) # Everything else is a text node else node = new Text(expression, options) options.parentNode?.addChild(node) node # Parse the given source and create the nested node # structure. This parses the source code line be line, but # looks ahead to find lines that should be merged into the current line. # This is needed for splitting Haml attributes over several lines # and also for the different types of filters. # # Parsing does not create an output, it creates the syntax tree in the # compiler. To get the template, use `#render`. # # @param [String] source the HAML source code # parse: (source = '') -> # Initialize line and indent markers @lineNumber = @previousIndent = @tabSize = @currentBlockLevel = @previousBlockLevel = 0 @currentCodeBlockLevel = @previousCodeBlockLevel = 0 # Initialize nodes @node = null @stack = [] @root = @parentNode = new Node('', @getNodeOptions()) # Keep lines for look ahead lines = source.replace(/\r/g, '').split("\n") # Parse source line by line while (line = lines.shift()) isnt undefined # After a filter, all lines are captured as text nodes until the end of the filer if (@node instanceof Filter) and not @exitFilter # Blank lines within a filter goes into the filter if /^(\s)*$/.test(line) @node.addChild(new Text('', @getNodeOptions({ parentNode: @node }))) # Detect if filter ends or if there is more text else result = line.match /^(\s*)(.*)/ ws = result[1] expression = result[2] # When on the same or less indent as the filter, exit and continue normal parsing if @node.blockLevel >= (ws.length / 2) @exitFilter = true lines.unshift line continue # Get the filter text and remove filter node + indention whitespace range = if @tabSize > 2 then [@tabSize..1] else [2..1] for tabsize in range text = line.match(///^\s{#{ (@node.blockLevel * tabsize) + tabsize }}(.*)///) if text @node.addChild(new Text(text[1], @getNodeOptions({ parentNode: @node }))) break # Normal line handling else # Clear exit filter flag @exitFilter = false # Get whitespace and Haml expressions result = line.match /^(\s*)(.*)/ ws = result[1] expression = result[2] @currentIndent = ws.length # Skip empty lines continue if /^\s*$/.test(line) # Look ahead for more attributes and add them to the current line while /^[%.#].*[{(]/.test(expression) and ///^\s{#{ @previousIndent + (@tabSize || 2) }}///.test(lines[0]) and not /^(\s*)[-=&!~.%#|:?'([-\w]+[\w:-]*\w?)'\s*=>|:?"([-\w]+[\w:-]*\w?)"\s*=>/.test(lines[0]) and not /;\s*$/.test(lines[0]) attributes = lines.shift() expression = expression.replace(/(\s)+\|\s*$/, '') expression += ' ' + attributes.match(/^\s*(.*?)(\s+\|\s*)?$/)[1] @lineNumber++ # Ignore multiple commented lines while /^-#/.test(expression) and ///^\s{#{ @currentIndent + (@tabSize || 2) }}///.test(lines[0]) and lines.length > 0 lines.shift() @lineNumber++ # Look ahead for multi line | if expression.match(/(\s)+\|\s*$/) expression = expression.replace(/(\s)+\|\s*$/, ' ') while lines[0]?.match(/(\s)+\|$/) expression += lines.shift().match(/^(\s*)(.*)/)[2].replace(/(\s)+\|\s*$/, '') @lineNumber++ # Update indention levels and set the current parent if @indentChanged() @updateTabSize() @updateBlockLevel() @updateParent() @updateCodeBlockLevel(@parentNode) # Create current node @node = @nodeFactory(expression) # Save previous indention levels @previousBlockLevel = @currentBlockLevel @previousIndent = @currentIndent @lineNumber++ @evaluate(@root) # Evaluate the parsed tree # # @param [Node] node the node to evaluate # evaluate: (node) -> @evaluate(child) for child in node.children node.evaluate() # Render the parsed source code as CoffeeScript template. # render: -> switch @options.placement when 'amd' @renderAmd() when 'standalone' @renderStandalone() else @renderGlobal() # Render a standalone version renderStandalone: -> template = """ return (context) -> (-> #{indent(@precompile(), 2)} ).call(context) """ # Render the parsed source code as CoffeeScript template wrapped in a # define() statement for AMD. If the global modules list contains a module # that starts with `hamlcoffee` and is assigned to the `hc` param, then # all known helper functions will be taken from the `hamlcoffee` helper # module. # # @private # @return [String] the CoffeeScript template source code # renderAmd: -> if /^hamlcoffee/.test @options.dependencies['hc'] @options.customHtmlEscape = 'hc.escape' @options.customCleanValue = 'hc.cleanValue' @options.customPreserve = 'hc.preserve' @options.customFindAndPreserve = 'hc.findAndPreserve' @options.customSurround = 'hc.surround' @options.customSucceed = 'hc.succeed' @options.customPrecede = 'hc.precede' @options.customReference = 'hc.reference' modules = [] params = [] for param, module of @options.dependencies modules.push module params.push param if @options.extendScope template = """ `with (context || {}) {` #{ indent(@precompile(), 1) } `}` """ else template = @precompile() for param, module of @findDependencies(template) modules.push module params.push param if modules.length isnt 0 modules = for m in modules "'#{ m }'" modules = "[#{ modules }], (#{ params.join(', ') })" else modules = '' """ define #{ modules } -> (context) -> render = -> \n#{ indent(template, 4) } """ # Render the parsed source code as CoffeeScript template to a global # window.HAML variable. # # @private # @return [String] the CoffeeScript template source code # renderGlobal: -> # Use the existing intro that is generated at the constructor template = @intro # Render the template and extend the scope with the context if @options.extendScope template += "#{ @options.namespace }['#{ }'] = (context) -> ( ->\n" template += " `with (context || {}) {`\n" template += "#{ indent(@precompile(), 1) }" template += "`}`\n" template += ").call(context)" # Render the template without extending the scope else template += "#{ @options.namespace }['#{ }'] = (context) -> ( ->\n" template += "#{ indent(@precompile(), 1) }" template += ").call(context)" template # Pre-compiles the parsed source and generates # the function source code. # # @return [String] the template function source code # precompile: -> fn = '' code = @createCode() # Escape HTML entities if code.indexOf('$e') isnt -1 if @options.customHtmlEscape fn += "$e = #{ @options.customHtmlEscape }\n" else fn += """ $e = (text, escape) -> "\#{ text }" .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/\'/g, ''') .replace(/\\//g, '/') .replace(/\"/g, '"')\n """ # Check values generated from template code if code.indexOf('$c') isnt -1 if @options.customCleanValue fn += "$c = #{ @options.customCleanValue }\n" else fn += "$c = (text) ->\n" fn += " switch text\n" fn += " when null, undefined then ''\n" fn += " when true, false then '\u0093' + text\n" fn += " else text\n" # Preserve whitespace if code.indexOf('$p') isnt -1 || code.indexOf('$fp') isnt -1 if @options.customPreserve fn += "$p = #{ @options.customPreserve }\n" else fn += "$p = (text) -> text.replace /\\n/g, ' '\n" # Find whitespace sensitive tags and preserve if code.indexOf('$fp') isnt -1 if @options.customFindAndPreserve fn += "$fp = #{ @options.customFindAndPreserve }\n" else fn += """ $fp = (text) -> text.replace /<(#{ @options.preserveTags.split(',').join('|') })>([^]*?)<\\/\\1>/g, (str, tag, content) -> "<\#{ tag }>\#{ $p content }"\n """ # Surround helper if code.indexOf('surround') isnt -1 if @options.customSurround fn += "surround = (start, end, fn) => #{ @options.customSurround }.call(@, start, end, fn)\n" else fn += "surround = (start, end, fn) => start +^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '') + end\n" # Succeed helper if code.indexOf('succeed') isnt -1 if @options.customSucceed fn += "succeed = (start, end, fn) => #{ @options.customSucceed }.call(@, start, end, fn)\n" else fn += "succeed = (end, fn) =>\s+$/g, '') + end\n" # Precede helper if code.indexOf('precede') isnt -1 if @options.customPrecede fn += "precede = (start, end, fn) => #{ @options.customPrecede }.call(@, start, end, fn)\n" else fn += "precede = (start, fn) => start +^\s+/g, '')\n" # Generate object reference if code.indexOf('$r') isnt -1 if @options.customReference fn += "$r = #{ @options.customReference }\n" else fn += """ $r = (object, prefix) -> name = if prefix then prefix + '_' else '' if typeof(object.hamlObjectRef) is 'function' name += object.hamlObjectRef() else name += (object.constructor?.name || 'object').replace(/\W+/g, '_').replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').toLowerCase() id = if typeof(object.to_key) is 'function' object.to_key() else if typeof( is 'function' else if else object result = "class='\#{ name }'" result += " id='\#{ name }_\#{ id }'" if id\n """ fn += "$o = []\n" fn += "#{ code }\n" fn += "return $o.join(\"\\n\")#{ @convertBooleans(code) }#{ @removeEmptyIDAndClass(code) }#{ @cleanupWhitespace(code) }\n" # Create the CoffeeScript code for the template. # # This gets an array of all lines to be rendered in # the correct sequence. # # @return [String] the CoffeeScript code # createCode: -> code = [] @lines = [] @lines = @lines.concat(child.render()) for child in @root.children @lines = @combineText(@lines) @blockLevel = 0 for line in @lines unless line is null switch line.type # Insert static HTML tag when 'text' code.push "#{ whitespace( }#{ @getBuffer(@blockLevel) }.push \"#{ whitespace(line.hw) }#{ line.text }\"" # Insert code that is only evaluated and doesn't generate any output when 'run' if line.block isnt 'end' code.push "#{ whitespace( }#{ line.code }" # End a block else code.push "#{ whitespace( }#{ line.code.replace '$buffer', @getBuffer(@blockLevel) }" @blockLevel -= 1 # Insert code that is evaluated and generates an output when 'insert' processors = '' processors += '$fp ' if line.findAndPreserve processors += '$p ' if line.preserve processors += '$e ' if line.escape processors += '$c ' if @options.cleanValue code.push "#{ whitespace( }#{ @getBuffer(@blockLevel) }.push \"#{ whitespace(line.hw) }\" + #{ processors }#{ line.code }" # Initialize block output if line.block is 'start' @blockLevel += 1 code.push "#{ whitespace( + 1) }#{ @getBuffer(@blockLevel) } = []" code.join '\n' # Get the code buffer identifer # # @param [Number] level the block indention level # getBuffer: (level) -> if level > 0 then "$o#{ level }" else '$o' # Optimize the lines to be rendered by combining subsequent text # nodes that are on the same code line indention into a single line. # # @param [Array] lines the code lines # @return [Array] the optimized lines # combineText: (lines) -> combined = [] while (line = lines.shift()) isnt undefined if line.type is 'text' while lines[0] and lines[0].type is 'text' and is lines[0].cw nextLine = lines.shift() line.text += "\\n#{ whitespace(nextLine.hw) }#{ nextLine.text }" combined.push line combined # Adds a boolean convert logic that changes boolean attribute # values depending on the output format. This works only when # the clean value function add a hint marker (\u0093) to each # boolean value, so that the conversion logic can disinguish # between dynamic, real boolean values and string values like # 'false' and 'true' or compile time attributes. # # With the XHTML format, an attribute `checked='true'` will be # converted to `checked='checked'` and `checked='false'` will # be completely removed. # # With the HTML4 and HTML5 format, an attribute `checked='true'` # will be converted to `checked` and `checked='false'` will # be completely removed. # # @param [String] code the CoffeeScript template code # @return [String] the clean up whitespace code if necessary # convertBooleans: (code) -> if code.indexOf('$c') isnt -1 if @options.format is 'xhtml' '.replace(/\\s([\\w-]+)=\'\u0093true\'/mg, " $1=\'$1\'").replace(/\\s([\\w-]+)=\'\u0093false\'/mg, \'\')' else '.replace(/\\s([\\w-]+)=\'\u0093true\'/mg, \' $1\').replace(/\\s([\\w-]+)=\'\u0093false\'/mg, \'\')' else '' # Remove empty ID and class attribute from the # final template. In case of the ID this is required # in order to generate valid HTML. # # @param [String] code the CoffeeScript template code # @return [String] the template code with the code added # removeEmptyIDAndClass: (code) -> if code.indexOf('id=') isnt -1 || code.indexOf('class=') isnt -1 '.replace(/\\s(?:id|class)=([\'"])(\\1)/mg, "")' else '' # Adds whitespace cleanup function when needed by the # template. The cleanup must be done AFTER the template # has been rendered. # # The detection is based on hidden unicode characters that # are placed as marker into the template: # # * `\u0091` Cleanup surrounding whitespace to the left # * `\u0092` Cleanup surrounding whitespace to the right # # @param [String] code the CoffeeScript template code # @return [String] the clean up whitespace code if necessary # cleanupWhitespace: (code) -> if /\u0091|\u0092/.test code ".replace(/[\\s\\n]*\\u0091/mg, '').replace(/\\u0092[\\s\\n]*/mg, '')" else '' # Searches for AMD require statements to find # all template dependencies. # # @example CST source code # $o.push "" + $c require('assets/templates/test')() => { test: 'assets/templates/test' } # # @param [String] code the CoffeeScript template source code # @return [Object] the module dependencies # findDependencies: (code) -> requireRegexp = /require(?:\s+|\()(['"])(.+?)(\1)\)?/gm dependencies = {} while match = requireRegexp.exec code module = match[2] name = module.split('/').pop() dependencies[name] = module dependencies