module Mccloud::Provider module Aws module VmCommand def transfer(src,dest,options = {}) scp(src,dest,options) end def scp(local_path, remote_path, scp_options = {}) unless File.exists?(local_path) raise Mccloud::Error,"scp failed: #{local_path} does not exist" end #@raw.scp(src,dest) scp_options[:key_data] = [@raw.private_key] if @raw.private_key, @raw.username, sanitize(scp_options)).upload(local_path, remote_path, {}) end # # sanitize the options by converting to a hash with # all keys converted to symbols as required by net/ssh # def sanitize(options) Hash[{|(k,v)| [k.to_sym,v]}] end end #module end #module end #module