# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" class InMemoryBackend class Subscriptions < GraphQL::Subscriptions attr_reader :deliveries, :pushes, :extra def initialize(schema:, extra:) super @extra = extra @queries = {} @subscriptions = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } @deliveries = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } @pushes = [] end def write_subscription(query, events) @queries[query.context[:socket]] = query events.each do |ev| # The `context` is functioning as subscription data. # IRL you'd have some other model that persisted the subscription @subscriptions[ev.topic] << ev.context end end def each_subscription_id(event) @subscriptions[event.topic].each do |ctx| yield(ctx[:socket]) end end def read_subscription(channel) query = @queries[channel] { query_string: query.query_string, operation_name: query.operation_name, variables: query.provided_variables, context: { me: query.context[:me] }, transport: :socket, } end def delete_subscription(channel) query = @queries.delete(channel) if query @subscriptions.each do |key, contexts| contexts.delete(query.context) end end end def deliver(channel, result) @deliveries[channel] << result end def execute(channel, event, object) @pushes << channel super end # Just for testing: def reset @queries.clear @subscriptions.clear @deliveries.clear @pushes.clear end def size @subscriptions.size end def subscriptions @subscriptions end end # Just a random stateful object for tracking what happens: class Payload attr_reader :str def initialize @str = "Update" @counter = 0 end def int @counter += 1 end end SchemaDefinition = <<-GRAPHQL type Subscription { payload(id: ID!): Payload! event(stream: StreamInput): Payload myEvent(type: PayloadType): Payload } type Payload { str: String! int: Int! } input StreamInput { userId: ID! type: PayloadType = ONE } # Arbitrary "kinds" of payloads which may be # subscribed to separately enum PayloadType { ONE TWO } type Query { dummy: Int } GRAPHQL Resolvers = { "Subscription" => { "payload" => ->(o,a,c) { o }, "myEvent" => ->(o,a,c) { o }, "event" => ->(o,a,c) { o }, }, } Schema = GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(SchemaDefinition, default_resolve: Resolvers).redefine do use InMemoryBackend::Subscriptions, extra: 123 end # TODO don't hack this (no way to add metadata from IDL parser right now) Schema.get_field("Subscription", "myEvent").subscription_scope = :me end if defined?(GlobalID) GlobalID.app = "graphql-ruby-test" class GlobalIDUser include GlobalID::Identification attr_reader :id def initialize(id) @id = id end end class ToParamUser def initialize(id) @id = id end def to_param @id end end end describe GraphQL::Subscriptions do before do schema.subscriptions.reset end let(:root_object) { OpenStruct.new( payload: InMemoryBackend::Payload.new, ) } let(:schema) { InMemoryBackend::Schema } let(:implementation) { schema.subscriptions } let(:deliveries) { implementation.deliveries } describe "pushing updates" do it "sends updated data" do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL subscription ($id: ID!){ firstPayload: payload(id: $id) { str, int } otherPayload: payload(id: "900") { int } } GRAPHQL # Initial subscriptions res_1 = schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "1" }, variables: { "id" => "100" }, root_value: root_object) res_2 = schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "2" }, variables: { "id" => "200" }, root_value: root_object) # Initial response is nil, no broadcasts yet assert_equal(nil, res_1["data"]) assert_equal(nil, res_2["data"]) assert_equal [], deliveries["1"] assert_equal [], deliveries["2"] # Application stuff happens. # The application signals graphql via `subscriptions.trigger`: schema.subscriptions.trigger("payload", {"id" => "100"}, root_object.payload) schema.subscriptions.trigger("payload", {"id" => "200"}, root_object.payload) # Symobls are OK too schema.subscriptions.trigger("payload", {:id => "100"}, root_object.payload) schema.subscriptions.trigger("payload", {"id" => "300"}, nil) # Let's see what GraphQL sent over the wire: assert_equal({"str" => "Update", "int" => 1}, deliveries["1"][0]["data"]["firstPayload"]) assert_equal({"str" => "Update", "int" => 2}, deliveries["2"][0]["data"]["firstPayload"]) assert_equal({"str" => "Update", "int" => 3}, deliveries["1"][1]["data"]["firstPayload"]) end end describe "subscribing" do it "doesn't call the subscriptions for invalid queries" do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL subscription ($id: ID){ payload(id: $id) { str, int } } GRAPHQL res = schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "1" }, variables: { "id" => "100" }, root_value: root_object) assert_equal true, res.key?("errors") assert_equal 0, implementation.size end end describe "trigger" do it "uses the provided queue" do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL subscription ($id: ID!){ payload(id: $id) { str, int } } GRAPHQL schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "1" }, variables: { "id" => "8" }, root_value: root_object) schema.subscriptions.trigger("payload", { "id" => "8"}, root_object.payload) assert_equal ["1"], implementation.pushes end it "pushes errors" do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL subscription ($id: ID!){ payload(id: $id) { str, int } } GRAPHQL schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "1" }, variables: { "id" => "8" }, root_value: root_object) schema.subscriptions.trigger("payload", { "id" => "8"}, OpenStruct.new(str: nil, int: nil)) delivery = deliveries["1"].first assert_equal nil, delivery.fetch("data") assert_equal 1, delivery["errors"].length end it "coerces args" do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL subscription($type: PayloadType) { e1: event(stream: { userId: "3", type: $type }) { int } } GRAPHQL # Subscribe with explicit `TYPE` schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "1" }, variables: { "type" => "ONE" }, root_value: root_object) # Subscribe with default `TYPE` schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "2" }, root_value: root_object) # Subscribe with non-matching `TYPE` schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "3" }, variables: { "type" => "TWO" }, root_value: root_object) # Subscribe with explicit null schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "4" }, variables: { "type" => nil }, root_value: root_object) # Trigger the subscription with coerceable args, different orders: schema.subscriptions.trigger("event", { "stream" => {"userId" => 3, "type" => "ONE"} }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 1)) schema.subscriptions.trigger("event", { "stream" => {"type" => "ONE", "userId" => "3"} }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 2)) # This is a non-trigger schema.subscriptions.trigger("event", { "stream" => {"userId" => "3", "type" => "TWO"} }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 3)) # These get default value of ONE schema.subscriptions.trigger("event", { "stream" => {"userId" => "3"} }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 4)) # Trigger with null updates subscriptionss to null schema.subscriptions.trigger("event", { "stream" => {"userId" => 3, "type" => nil} }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 5)) assert_equal [1,2,4], deliveries["1"].map { |d| d["data"]["e1"]["int"] } # Same as socket_1 assert_equal [1,2,4], deliveries["2"].map { |d| d["data"]["e1"]["int"] } # Received the "non-trigger" assert_equal [3], deliveries["3"].map { |d| d["data"]["e1"]["int"] } # Received the trigger with null assert_equal [5], deliveries["4"].map { |d| d["data"]["e1"]["int"] } end it "allows context-scoped subscriptions" do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL subscription($type: PayloadType) { myEvent(type: $type) { int } } GRAPHQL # Subscriptions for user 1 schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "1", me: "1" }, variables: { "type" => "ONE" }, root_value: root_object) schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "2", me: "1" }, variables: { "type" => "TWO" }, root_value: root_object) # Subscription for user 2 schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "3", me: "2" }, variables: { "type" => "ONE" }, root_value: root_object) schema.subscriptions.trigger("myEvent", { "type" => "ONE" }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 1), scope: "1") schema.subscriptions.trigger("myEvent", { "type" => "TWO" }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 2), scope: "1") schema.subscriptions.trigger("myEvent", { "type" => "ONE" }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 3), scope: "2") # Delivered to user 1 assert_equal [1], deliveries["1"].map { |d| d["data"]["myEvent"]["int"] } assert_equal [2], deliveries["2"].map { |d| d["data"]["myEvent"]["int"] } # Delivered to user 2 assert_equal [3], deliveries["3"].map { |d| d["data"]["myEvent"]["int"] } end if defined?(GlobalID) it "allows complex object subscription scopes" do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL subscription($type: PayloadType) { myEvent(type: $type) { int } } GRAPHQL # Global ID Backed User schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "1", me: GlobalIDUser.new(1) }, variables: { "type" => "ONE" }, root_value: root_object) schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "2", me: GlobalIDUser.new(1) }, variables: { "type" => "TWO" }, root_value: root_object) # ToParam Backed User schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "3", me: ToParamUser.new(2) }, variables: { "type" => "ONE" }, root_value: root_object) # Array of Objects schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "4", me: [GlobalIDUser.new(4), ToParamUser.new(5)] }, variables: { "type" => "ONE" }, root_value: root_object) schema.subscriptions.trigger("myEvent", { "type" => "ONE" }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 1), scope: GlobalIDUser.new(1)) schema.subscriptions.trigger("myEvent", { "type" => "TWO" }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 2), scope: GlobalIDUser.new(1)) schema.subscriptions.trigger("myEvent", { "type" => "ONE" }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 3), scope: ToParamUser.new(2)) schema.subscriptions.trigger("myEvent", { "type" => "ONE" }, OpenStruct.new(str: "", int: 4), scope: [GlobalIDUser.new(4), ToParamUser.new(5)]) # Delivered to GlobalIDUser assert_equal [1], deliveries["1"].map { |d| d["data"]["myEvent"]["int"] } assert_equal [2], deliveries["2"].map { |d| d["data"]["myEvent"]["int"] } # Delivered to ToParamUser assert_equal [3], deliveries["3"].map { |d| d["data"]["myEvent"]["int"] } # Delivered to Array of GlobalIDUser and ToParamUser assert_equal [4], deliveries["4"].map { |d| d["data"]["myEvent"]["int"] } end end describe "errors" do class ErrorPayload def int raise "Boom!" end def str raise GraphQL::ExecutionError.new("This is handled") end end it "lets unhandled errors crash "do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL subscription($type: PayloadType) { myEvent(type: $type) { int } } GRAPHQL schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "1", me: "1" }, variables: { "type" => "ONE" }, root_value: root_object) err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) { schema.subscriptions.trigger("myEvent", { "type" => "ONE" }, ErrorPayload.new, scope: "1") } assert_equal "Boom!", err.message end end it "sends query errors to the subscriptions" do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL subscription($type: PayloadType) { myEvent(type: $type) { str } } GRAPHQL schema.execute(query_str, context: { socket: "1", me: "1" }, variables: { "type" => "ONE" }, root_value: root_object) schema.subscriptions.trigger("myEvent", { "type" => "ONE" }, ErrorPayload.new, scope: "1") res = deliveries["1"].first assert_equal "This is handled", res["errors"][0]["message"] end end describe "implementation" do it "is initialized with keywords" do assert_equal 123, schema.subscriptions.extra end end describe "#build_id" do it "returns a unique ID string" do assert_instance_of String, schema.subscriptions.build_id refute_equal schema.subscriptions.build_id, schema.subscriptions.build_id end end end