module WPScan module Finders module WpVersion # Stylesheets Version Finder from Homepage # # TODO: Maybe put such methods in the CMSScanner to have a generic # way of getting those versions, and allow the confidence to be # customised class HomepageStylesheetNumbers < CMSScanner::Finders::Finder # @return [ Array ] def passive(_opts = {}) wp_versions(target.homepage_url) end protected # @param [ String ] url # # @return [ Array ] def wp_versions(url) found = [] scan_page(url).each do |version_number, occurences| next unless WPScan::WpVersion.valid?(version_number) # Skip invalid versions found << version_number, found_by: found_by, confidence: 5 * occurences.count, interesting_entries: occurences ) end found end # @param [ String ] url # # @return [ Hash ] def scan_page(url) found = {} pattern = /\bver=([0-9\.]+)/i target.in_scope_urls(Browser.get(url), '//link|//script') do |stylesheet_url, _tag| uri = Addressable::URI.parse(stylesheet_url) next unless uri.query && uri.query.match(pattern) version = Regexp.last_match[1].to_s found[version] ||= [] found[version] << stylesheet_url end found end end end end end