require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::Admin::ProductsController, :type => :controller do stub_authorization! context "#index" do let(:ability_user) { stub_model(Spree::LegacyUser, :has_spree_role? => true) } # Regression test for it "can find a product by SKU" do product = create(:product, :sku => "ABC123") spree_get :index, :q => { :sku_start => "ABC123" } expect(assigns[:collection]).not_to be_empty expect(assigns[:collection]).to include(product) end end # regression test for context "adding properties to a product" do let!(:product) { create(:product) } specify do spree_put :update, :id => product.to_param, :product => { :product_properties_attributes => { "1" => { :property_name => "Foo", :value => "bar" } } } expect(flash[:success]).to eq("Product #{} has been successfully updated!") end end describe "creating variant property rules" do let(:first_property) { create(:property) } let(:second_property) { create(:property) } let(:option_value) { create(:option_value) } let!(:product) { create(:product, option_types: [option_value.option_type]) } let(:payload) do { id: product.to_param, product: { id:, variant_property_rules_attributes: { "0" => { option_value_ids:, values_attributes: { "0" => { property_name:, value: "First" }, "1" => { property_name:, value: "Second" } } } } } } end subject { spree_put :update, payload } it "creates a variant property rule" do expect { subject }.to change { product.variant_property_rules.count }.by(1) end it "creates a variant property rule condition" do expect { subject }.to change { product.variant_property_rule_conditions.count }.by(1) end it "creates a variant property rule value for the 'First' value" do subject expect(product.variant_property_rule_values.find_by(value: 'First')).to_not be_nil end it "creates a variant property rule value for the 'Second' value" do subject expect(product.variant_property_rule_values.find_by(value: 'Second')).to_not be_nil end it "redirects to the product properties page" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.admin_product_product_properties_path(product, ovi: [])) end end describe "updating variant property rules" do let(:first_property) { create(:property) } let(:second_property) { create(:property) } let(:option_value) { create(:option_value) } let(:original_option_value) { create(:option_value) } let!(:product) { create(:product, option_types: [option_value.option_type]) } let!(:rule) do create(:variant_property_rule, product: product, option_value: original_option_value) end let(:payload) do { id: product.to_param, product: { id:, variant_property_rules_attributes: { "0" => { id:, option_value_ids:, values_attributes: { "0" => { property_name:, value: "First Edit" }, "1" => { property_name:, value: "Second Edit" } } } } } } end subject { spree_put :update, payload } it "does not create any new rules" do expect { subject }.to_not change { Spree::VariantPropertyRule.count } end it "replaces the rule's condition" do expect { subject }.to change { rule.option_value_ids }.from([]).to([]) end it "adds two values to the rule" do expect { subject }.to change { rule.values.count }.by(2) end it "creates the 'First Edit' value" do subject expect(rule.values.find_by(value: 'First Edit')).to_not be_nil end it "creates the 'Second Edit' value" do subject expect(rule.values.find_by(value: 'Second Edit')).to_not be_nil end it "redirects to the product properties page" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.admin_product_product_properties_path(product, ovi: [])) end end # regression test for context "destroying a product" do let(:product) do product = create(:product) create(:variant, :product => product) product end it "deletes all the variants (including master) for the product" do spree_delete :destroy, :id => product expect(product.reload.deleted_at).not_to be_nil product.variants_including_master.each do |variant| expect(variant.reload.deleted_at).not_to be_nil end end end end