# # ActiveFacts Compositions, Fundamental Compositor # # All Compositors derive from this one, which can calculate the basic binary bi-directional mapping # # The term "reference" used here means either an Absorption # (one direction of a binary fact type relating two object types), # or an Indicator (for a unary fact type). # # n-ary fact types and other objectified fact types are factored out by using the associated LinkFactTypes. # # Copyright (c) 2015 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require "activefacts/metamodel" module ActiveFacts module Compositions class Compositor attr_reader :options, :name def initialize constellation, name, options = {} @constellation = constellation @name = name @options = options end # Generate all Mappings into @binary_mappings for a binary composition of all ObjectTypes in this constellation def generate # Retract an existing composition by this name if existing = @constellation.Name[[@name]] and @composition = existing.composition @composition.all_composite.to_a.each{|composite| composite.retract} @composition.retract end @composition = @constellation.Composition(:new, :name => @name) preload_preferred_identifiers populate_references end private # Preferred identifiers are cached, but the process produces trace output # that appears in the "tutti" mode used in testing. This precludes that. def preload_preferred_identifiers @constellation.EntityType.map{|k, et| et.preferred_identifier } end def populate_reference object_type, role parent = @binary_mappings[role.object_type] return if role.fact_type.all_role.size > 2 if role.fact_type.all_role.size != 1 counterpart = role.counterpart rt = role_type(counterpart) if rt == :many_many raise "Fact type must be objectified: #{role.fact_type.default_reading}" end a = @constellation.Absorption( :new, name: role_name(counterpart), parent: parent, object_type: counterpart.object_type, parent_role: role, child_role: counterpart ) # Populate the absorption/reverse_absorption (putting the "many" or optional side as reverse) if r = @component_by_fact[role.fact_type] # Second occurrence of this fact type, set the direction: if a.is_preferred_direction a.reverse_absorption = r else # Set this as the reverse absorption a.forward_absorption = r end else # First occurrence of this fact type @component_by_fact[role.fact_type] = a end else # It's an indicator a = @constellation.Indicator( :new, name: role.name, parent: parent, role: role ) @component_by_fact[role.fact_type] = a # For completeness, in case a subclass uses it end trace :binarize, "Populating #{a.inspect}" end def populate_references # A table of Mappings by object type, with a default Mapping for each: @binary_mappings = Hash.new do |h, object_type| h[object_type] = @constellation.Mapping( :new, name: object_type.name, object_type: object_type ) end @component_by_fact = {} @constellation.ObjectType.each do |key, object_type| trace :binarize, "Populating possible absorptions for #{object_type.name}" do @binary_mappings[object_type] # Ensure we create the top Mapping even if it has no references object_type.all_role.each do |role| # Exclude base roles in objectified fact types (unless unary); just use link fact types next if role.fact_type.entity_type && role.fact_type.all_role.size != 1 next if role.variable_as_projection # REVISIT: Continue to ignore roles in derived fact types? populate_reference object_type, role end if object_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType) # This requires a change in the metamodel to use TypeInheritance for ValueTypes if object_type.supertype trace :binarize, "REVISIT: Eliding supertype #{object_type.supertype.name} for #{object_type.name}" end object_type.all_value_type_as_supertype.each do |subtype| trace :binarize, "REVISIT: Eliding subtype #{subtype.name} for #{object_type.name}" end end end end end def role_name role # if role.fact_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) && role == role.fact_type.subtype_role # return "Is "+role.object_type.name # end String::Words.new(role.base_role.preferred_reference.role_name(nil)).capwords*' ' end def role_type role fact_type = role.fact_type if fact_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) return role.object_type == fact_type.supertype ? :supertype : :subtype end return :unary if fact_type.all_role.size == 1 if fact_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::LinkFactType) # Prevent an unnecessary from-1 search: from_1 = true # Change the to_1 search to detect a one-to-one: role = fact_type.implying_role fact_type = role.fact_type end # List the UCs on this fact type: all_uniqueness_constraints = fact_type.all_role.map do |fact_role| fact_role.all_role_ref.map do |rr| rr.role_sequence.all_presence_constraint.select do |pc| pc.max_frequency == 1 end end end.flatten.uniq # It's to-1 if a UC exists over exactly this role: to_1 = all_uniqueness_constraints. detect do |c| (rr = c.role_sequence.all_role_ref.single) and rr.role == role end if from_1 || fact_type.entity_type # This is a role in an objectified fact type from_1 = true else # It's from-1 if a UC exists over roles of this FT that doesn't cover this role: from_1 = all_uniqueness_constraints.detect{|uc| !uc.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.role == role || rr.role.fact_type != fact_type} } end if from_1 return to_1 ? :one_one : :one_many else return to_1 ? :many_one : :many_many end end # Display the primitive binary mapping: def show_references trace :composition, "Displaying the mappings:" do @binary_mappings.keys.sort_by(&:name).each do |object_type| mapping = @binary_mappings[object_type] trace :composition, "#{object_type.name}" do mapping.all_member.each do |component| trace :composition, component.inspect end end end end end end end end