/** * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ @import "variables"; @import "mixins"; .mdl-mega-footer { padding: $footer-min-padding $footer-padding-sides; color: $footer-color; background-color: $footer-bg-color; } .mdl-mega-footer--top-section:after, .mdl-mega-footer--middle-section:after, .mdl-mega-footer--bottom-section:after, .mdl-mega-footer__top-section:after, .mdl-mega-footer__middle-section:after, .mdl-mega-footer__bottom-section:after { content: ''; display: block; clear: both; } .mdl-mega-footer--left-section, .mdl-mega-footer__left-section { margin-bottom: $footer-min-padding; } .mdl-mega-footer--right-section, .mdl-mega-footer__right-section { margin-bottom: $footer-min-padding; } .mdl-mega-footer--right-section a, .mdl-mega-footer__right-section a { display: block; margin-bottom: $footer-min-padding; color: inherit; text-decoration: none; } @media screen and (min-width: 760px) { .mdl-mega-footer--left-section, .mdl-mega-footer__left-section { float: left; } .mdl-mega-footer--right-section, .mdl-mega-footer__right-section { float: right; } .mdl-mega-footer--right-section a, .mdl-mega-footer__right-section a { display: inline-block; margin-left: $footer-min-padding; line-height: $footer-btn-size; vertical-align: middle; } } .mdl-mega-footer--social-btn, .mdl-mega-footer__social-btn { width: $footer-btn-size; height: $footer-btn-size; padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color: $footer-button-fill-color; border: none; } .mdl-mega-footer--drop-down-section, .mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section { display: block; position: relative; } @media screen and (min-width: 760px) { .mdl-mega-footer--drop-down-section, .mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section { width: 33%; } .mdl-mega-footer--drop-down-section:nth-child(1), .mdl-mega-footer--drop-down-section:nth-child(2), .mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section:nth-child(1), .mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section:nth-child(2) { float: left; } .mdl-mega-footer--drop-down-section:nth-child(3), .mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section:nth-child(3) { float: right; &:after { clear: right; } } .mdl-mega-footer--drop-down-section:nth-child(4), .mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section:nth-child(4) { clear: right; float: right; } .mdl-mega-footer--middle-section:after, .mdl-mega-footer__middle-section:after { content: ''; display: block; clear: both; } .mdl-mega-footer--bottom-section, .mdl-mega-footer__bottom-section { padding-top: 0; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) { .mdl-mega-footer--drop-down-section, .mdl-mega-footer--drop-down-section:nth-child(3), .mdl-mega-footer--drop-down-section:nth-child(4), .mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section, .mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section:nth-child(3), .mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section:nth-child(4) { width: 24%; float: left; } } .mdl-mega-footer--heading-checkbox, .mdl-mega-footer__heading-checkbox { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: $footer-heading-line-height + ($footer-min-padding * 2); padding: ($footer-min-padding * 2); margin: 0; margin-top: -$footer-min-padding; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1; opacity: 0; & + .mdl-mega-footer--heading:after, & + .mdl-mega-footer__heading:after { font-family: 'Material Icons'; content: '\E5CE' } } .mdl-mega-footer--heading-checkbox:checked, .mdl-mega-footer__heading-checkbox:checked { // WebViews in iOS 9 break the "~" operator, and WebViews in OS X 10.10 // break consecutive "+" operators in some cases. Therefore, we need to use // both here to cover all the bases. & ~ .mdl-mega-footer--link-list, & ~ .mdl-mega-footer__link-list, & + .mdl-mega-footer--heading + .mdl-mega-footer--link-list, & + .mdl-mega-footer__heading + .mdl-mega-footer__link-list { display: none; } & + .mdl-mega-footer--heading:after, & + .mdl-mega-footer__heading:after { font-family: 'Material Icons'; content: '\E5CF' } } .mdl-mega-footer--heading, .mdl-mega-footer__heading { position: relative; width: 100%; padding-right: $footer-heading-line-height + $footer-min-padding; margin-bottom: $footer-min-padding; box-sizing:border-box; font-size: $footer-heading-font-size; line-height: $footer-heading-line-height; font-weight: 500; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; color: $footer-heading-color; } .mdl-mega-footer--heading:after, .mdl-mega-footer__heading:after { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; display: block; width: $footer-heading-line-height; height: $footer-heading-line-height; background-size: cover; } .mdl-mega-footer--link-list, .mdl-mega-footer__link-list { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; margin-bottom: $footer-min-padding * 2; &:after { clear: both; display: block; content: ''; } } .mdl-mega-footer--link-list li, .mdl-mega-footer__link-list li { @include typo-body-1(); line-height: 20px; } .mdl-mega-footer--link-list a, .mdl-mega-footer__link-list a { color: inherit; text-decoration: none; white-space: nowrap; } @media screen and (min-width: 760px) { .mdl-mega-footer--heading-checkbox, .mdl-mega-footer__heading-checkbox { display: none; & + .mdl-mega-footer--heading:after, & + .mdl-mega-footer__heading:after { background-image: none; } } .mdl-mega-footer--heading-checkbox:checked, .mdl-mega-footer__heading-checkbox:checked { // WebViews in iOS 9 break the "~" operator, and WebViews in OS X 10.10 // break consecutive "+" operators in some cases. Therefore, we need to use // both here to cover all the bases. & ~ .mdl-mega-footer--link-list, & ~ .mdl-mega-footer__link-list, & + .mdl-mega-footer__heading + .mdl-mega-footer__link-list, & + .mdl-mega-footer--heading + .mdl-mega-footer--link-list { display: block; } & + .mdl-mega-footer--heading:after, & + .mdl-mega-footer__heading:after { content: ''; } } } .mdl-mega-footer--bottom-section, .mdl-mega-footer__bottom-section { padding-top: $footer-min-padding; margin-bottom: $footer-min-padding; } .mdl-logo { margin-bottom: $footer-min-padding; color: white; } .mdl-mega-footer--bottom-section .mdl-mega-footer--link-list li, .mdl-mega-footer__bottom-section .mdl-mega-footer__link-list li { float: left; margin-bottom: 0; margin-right: $footer-min-padding; } @media screen and (min-width: 760px) { .mdl-logo { float: left; margin-bottom: 0; margin-right: $footer-min-padding; } }