# Copyright (c) 2021 Andy Maleh # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. module Glimmer module LibUI # Proxy for LibUI control objects # # Follows the Proxy Design Pattern class ControlProxy class << self def control_exists?(keyword) ::LibUI.respond_to?("new_#{keyword}") || ::LibUI.respond_to?(keyword) || Glimmer::LibUI.constants.include?("#{keyword.camelcase(:upper)}Proxy".to_sym) end def create(keyword, parent, args, &block) widget_proxy_class(keyword).new(keyword, parent, args, &block).tap {|c| all_control_proxies << c} end def widget_proxy_class(keyword) begin class_name = "#{keyword.camelcase(:upper)}Proxy".to_sym Glimmer::LibUI.const_get(class_name) rescue Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy end end # autosave all controls in this array to avoid garbage collection def all_control_proxies @@all_control_proxies = [] unless defined?(@@all_control_proxies) @@all_control_proxies end def main_window_proxy all_control_proxies.find {|c| c.is_a?(Glimmer::LibUI::WindowProxy)} end def integer_to_boolean(int) int.nil? ? nil : int == 1 end def boolean_to_integer(bool) bool.nil? ? nil : (bool ? 1 : 0) end def menu_proxies all_control_proxies.select {|c| c.keyword == 'menu' } end def new_control(keyword, args) ::LibUI.send("new_#{keyword}", *args) end end BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES = %w[ padded checked enabled toplevel visible read_only margined borderless fullscreen stretchy ] STRING_PROPERTIES = %w[ text title ] # libui returns the contained LibUI object attr_reader :parent_proxy, :libui, :args, :keyword def initialize(keyword, parent, args, &block) @keyword = keyword @parent_proxy = parent @args = args @block = block @enabled = true build_control post_add_content if @block.nil? end # Subclasses may override to perform post add_content work (normally must call super) def post_add_content @parent_proxy&.post_initialize_child(self) end # Subclasses may override to perform post initialization work on an added child def post_initialize_child(child) # No Op by default end def window_proxy found_proxy = self until found_proxy.nil? || found_proxy.is_a?(WindowProxy) found_proxy = found_proxy.parent_proxy end found_proxy end def can_handle_listener?(listener_name) ::LibUI.respond_to?("#{libui_api_keyword}_#{listener_name}") || ::LibUI.respond_to?("control_#{listener_name}") end def handle_listener(listener_name, &listener) safe_listener = Proc.new { listener.call(self) } if ::LibUI.respond_to?("#{libui_api_keyword}_#{listener_name}") ::LibUI.send("#{libui_api_keyword}_#{listener_name}", @libui, &safe_listener) elsif ::LibUI.respond_to?("control_#{listener_name}") ::LibUI.send("control_#{listener_name}", @libui, &safe_listener) end end def respond_to?(method_name, *args, &block) respond_to_libui?(method_name, *args, &block) || ( append_properties.include?(method_name.to_s) || (append_properties.include?(method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '')) && BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES.include?(method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, ''))) || append_properties.include?(method_name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '')) ) || super(method_name, true) end def respond_to_libui?(method_name, *args, &block) ::LibUI.respond_to?("control_#{method_name}") || (::LibUI.respond_to?("control_#{method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '')}") && BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES.include?(method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '')) ) || ::LibUI.respond_to?("control_set_#{method_name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '')}") || ::LibUI.respond_to?("#{libui_api_keyword}_#{method_name}") || (::LibUI.respond_to?("#{libui_api_keyword}_#{method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '')}") && BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES.include?(method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '')) ) || ::LibUI.respond_to?("#{libui_api_keyword}_set_#{method_name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '')}") end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if respond_to_libui?(method_name, *args, &block) send_to_libui(method_name, *args, &block) elsif append_properties.include?(method_name.to_s) || append_properties.include?(method_name.to_s.sub(/(=|\?)$/, '')) append_property(method_name, *args) else super end end def send_to_libui(method_name, *args, &block) if ::LibUI.respond_to?("#{libui_api_keyword}_#{method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '')}") && args.empty? property = method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '') value = ::LibUI.send("#{libui_api_keyword}_#{property}", @libui, *args) handle_string_property(property, handle_boolean_property(property, value)) elsif ::LibUI.respond_to?("#{libui_api_keyword}_set_#{method_name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '')}") && !args.empty? property = method_name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '') args[0] = ControlProxy.boolean_to_integer(args.first) if BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES.include?(property) && (args.first.is_a?(TrueClass) || args.first.is_a?(FalseClass)) ::LibUI.send("#{libui_api_keyword}_set_#{property}", @libui, *args) elsif ::LibUI.respond_to?("#{libui_api_keyword}_#{method_name}") && !args.empty? ::LibUI.send("#{libui_api_keyword}_#{method_name}", @libui, *args) elsif ::LibUI.respond_to?("control_#{method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '')}") && args.empty? property = method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/, '') value = ::LibUI.send("control_#{property}", @libui, *args) handle_string_property(property, handle_boolean_property(property, value)) elsif ::LibUI.respond_to?("control_set_#{method_name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '')}") property = method_name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '') args[0] = ControlProxy.boolean_to_integer(args.first) if BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES.include?(property) && (args.first.is_a?(TrueClass) || args.first.is_a?(FalseClass)) ::LibUI.send("control_set_#{method_name.to_s.sub(/=$/, '')}", @libui, *args) elsif ::LibUI.respond_to?("control_#{method_name}") && !args.empty? ::LibUI.send("control_#{method_name}", @libui, *args) end end def append_properties @parent_proxy&.class&.constants&.include?(:APPEND_PROPERTIES) ? @parent_proxy.class::APPEND_PROPERTIES : [] end def append_property(property, value = nil) property = property.to_s.sub(/(=|\?)$/, '') @append_property_hash ||= {} if value.nil? value = @append_property_hash[property] handle_string_property(property, handle_boolean_property(property, value)) else value = ControlProxy.boolean_to_integer(value) if BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES.include?(property) && (value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass)) @append_property_hash[property] = value end end def libui_api_keyword @keyword end def destroy if parent_proxy.nil? default_destroy else parent_proxy.destroy_child(self) end end def destroy_child(child) child.default_destroy end def default_destroy send_to_libui('destroy') ControlProxy.all_control_proxies.delete(self) end def enabled(value = nil) if value.nil? @enabled elsif value != @enabled if value == 1 || value send_to_libui('enable') else send_to_libui('disable') end end end alias enabled? enabled alias set_enabled enabled alias enabled= enabled def visible(value = nil) current_value = send_to_libui('visible') if value.nil? current_value elsif value != current_value if value == 1 || value send_to_libui('show') else send_to_libui('hide') end end end alias visible? visible alias set_visible visible alias visible= visible private def build_control @libui = if ::LibUI.respond_to?("new_#{keyword}") ControlProxy.new_control(@keyword, @args) elsif ::LibUI.respond_to?(keyword) @args[0] = @args.first.libui if @args.first.is_a?(ControlProxy) ::LibUI.send(@keyword, *@args) end end def handle_boolean_property(property, value) BOOLEAN_PROPERTIES.include?(property) ? ControlProxy.integer_to_boolean(value) : value end def handle_string_property(property, value) STRING_PROPERTIES.include?(property) ? value.to_s : value end end end end