class CreateSeoMeta < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :seo_meta do |t| t.integer :seo_meta_id t.string :seo_meta_type t.string :browser_title t.string :meta_keywords t.text :meta_description t.timestamps end add_index :seo_meta, :id add_index :seo_meta, [:seo_meta_id, :seo_meta_type] # Grab the attributes of the records that currently exist existing_translations = # Remove columns ::SeoMeta.attributes.keys.each do |field| if remove_column ::Page::Translation.table_name, field end end # Reset column information because otherwise the old columns will still exist. ::Page::Translation.reset_column_information # Re-attach seo_meta ::Page::Translation.module_eval do is_seo_meta end # Migrate data existing_translations.each do |translation| ::Page::Translation.find(translation['id']).update_attributes( ::SeoMeta.attributes.keys.inject({}) {|attributes, name| attributes.merge(name => translation[name.to_s]) } ) end end def self.down # Grab the attributes of the records that currently exist existing_translations = # Add columns back to your model ::SeoMeta.attributes.each do |field, field_type| unless add_column ::Page::Translation.table_name, field, field_type end end # Reset column information because otherwise the new columns won't exist yet. ::Page::Translation.reset_column_information # Migrate data existing_translations.each do |translation| ::Page::Translation.find(translation['id']).update_attributes( ::SeoMeta.attributes.keys.inject({}) {|attributes, name| attributes.merge(name => translation[name.to_s]) } ) end drop_table :seo_meta end end