require "spec_helper" describe CouchRest::Model::Validations do describe "Uniqueness" do context "basic" do before(:all) do @objs = ['title 1', 'title 2', 'title 3'].map{|t| WithUniqueValidation.create(:title => t)} end it "should create a new view if none defined before performing" do WithUniqueValidation.design_doc.has_view?(:by_title).should be_true end it "should validate a new unique document" do @obj = WithUniqueValidation.create(:title => 'title 4') be_true @obj.should be_valid end it "should not validate a non-unique document" do @obj = WithUniqueValidation.create(:title => 'title 1') @obj.should_not be_valid @obj.errors[:title].should == ["has already been taken"] end it "should save already created document" do @obj = @objs.first be_false @obj.should be_valid end it "should allow own view to be specified" do # validates_uniqueness_of :code, :view => 'all' WithUniqueValidationView.create(:title => 'title 1', :code => '1234') @obj = => 'title 5', :code => '1234') @obj.should_not be_valid end it "should raise an error if specified view does not exist" do WithUniqueValidationView.validates_uniqueness_of :title, :view => 'fooobar' @obj = => 'title 2', :code => '12345') lambda { @obj.valid? }.should raise_error end it "should not try to create a defined view" do WithUniqueValidationView.validates_uniqueness_of :title, :view => 'fooobar' WithUniqueValidationView.design_doc.has_view?('fooobar').should be_false WithUniqueValidationView.design_doc.has_view?('by_title').should be_false end it "should not try to create new view when already defined" do @obj = @objs[1] @obj.class.design_doc.should_not_receive('create_view') @obj.valid? end end context "with a proxy parameter" do it "should create a new view despite proxy" do WithUniqueValidationProxy.design_doc.has_view?(:by_title).should be_true end it "should be used" do @obj = => 'test 6') proxy = @obj.should_receive('proxy').and_return(@obj.class) @obj.valid?.should be_true end it "should allow specific view" do @obj = => 'test 7') @obj.class.should_not_receive('by_title') view = mock('View') view.stub!(:rows).and_return([]) proxy = mock('Proxy') proxy.should_receive('by_title').and_return(view) proxy.should_receive('respond_to?').with('by_title').and_return(true) @obj.should_receive('proxy').and_return(proxy) @obj.valid? end end context "when proxied" do it "should lookup the model_proxy" do view = mock('View') view.stub!(:rows).and_return([]) mp = mock(:ModelProxy) mp.should_receive(:by_title).and_return(view) @obj = => 'test 8') @obj.stub!(:model_proxy).twice.and_return(mp) @obj.valid? end end context "with a scope" do before(:all) do @objs = [['title 1', 1], ['title 2', 1], ['title 3', 1]].map{|t| WithScopedUniqueValidation.create(:title => t[0], :parent_id => t[1])} @objs_nil = [['title 1', nil], ['title 2', nil], ['title 3', nil]].map{|t| WithScopedUniqueValidation.create(:title => t[0], :parent_id => t[1])} end it "should create the view" do @objs.first.class.design_doc.has_view?('by_parent_id_and_title') end it "should validate unique document" do @obj = WithScopedUniqueValidation.create(:title => 'title 4', :parent_id => 1) @obj.should be_valid end it "should validate unique document outside of scope" do @obj = WithScopedUniqueValidation.create(:title => 'title 1', :parent_id => 2) @obj.should be_valid end it "should validate non-unique document" do @obj = WithScopedUniqueValidation.create(:title => 'title 1', :parent_id => 1) @obj.should_not be_valid @obj.errors[:title].should == ["has already been taken"] end it "should validate unique document will nil scope" do @obj = WithScopedUniqueValidation.create(:title => 'title 4', :parent_id => nil) @obj.should be_valid end it "should validate non-unique document with nil scope" do @obj = WithScopedUniqueValidation.create(:title => 'title 1', :parent_id => nil) @obj.should_not be_valid @obj.errors[:title].should == ["has already been taken"] end end end end