# A system with an {#address IP address} on the network that has been discovered in some way. class Mdm::Host < ActiveRecord::Base include Mdm::Host::OperatingSystemNormalization include Metasploit::Model::Search # # CONSTANTS # # Either the CPU architecture for native code or the programming language name for exploits that run code in the # programming language's virtual machine. ARCHITECTURES = [ 'armbe', 'armle', 'cbea', 'cbea64', 'cmd', 'java', 'mips', 'mipsbe', 'mipsle', 'php', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 'ruby', 'sparc', 'tty', # To be used for compatability with 'X86_64' 'x64', 'x86', 'x86_64' ] # Fields searched for the search scope SEARCH_FIELDS = [ 'address::text', 'comments', 'mac', 'name', 'os_flavor', 'os_name', 'os_sp', 'purpose' ] # Valid values for {#state}. STATES = [ 'alive', 'down', 'unknown' ] # # Associations # # @!attribute [rw] clients # Users connected to this host # # @return [Array] has_many :clients, class_name: 'Mdm::Client', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :host # @!attribute events # Events that occurred on this host. # # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] has_many :events, class_name: 'Mdm::Event', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :host # @!attribute [rw] task_hosts # Details about what Tasks touched this host # # @return [Array] has_many :task_hosts, class_name: 'Mdm::TaskHost', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :host # @!attribute [rw] exploit_attempts # Attempts to run exploits against this host. # # @return [Array] has_many :exploited_hosts, class_name: 'Mdm::ExploitedHost', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :host # @!attribute [rw] host_details # @return [Array] has_many :host_details, class_name: 'Mdm::HostDetail', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :host # @!attribute hosts_tags # A join model between {Mdm::Tag} and {Mdm::Host}. Use {#tags} to get the actual {Mdm::Tag Mdm::Tags} on this host. # # @todo MSP-2723 # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] has_many :hosts_tags, class_name: 'Mdm::HostTag', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :host # @!attribute loots # Loot gathered from the host with {Mdm::Loot#created_at newest loot} first. # # @todo MSP-3065 # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] has_many :loots, class_name: 'Mdm::Loot', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :host, order: 'loots.created_at DESC' # @!attribute [rw] notes # Notes about the host entered by a user with {Mdm::Note#created_at oldest notes} first. # # @return [Array] has_many :notes, class_name: 'Mdm::Note', inverse_of: :host, dependent: :delete_all, order: 'notes.created_at' # @!attribute [rw] services # The services running on {Mdm::Service#port ports} on the host with services ordered by {Mdm::Service#port port} # and {Mdm::Service#proto protocol}. # # @return [Array] has_many :services, class_name: 'Mdm::Service', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :host, order: 'services.port, services.proto' # @!attribute [rw] sessions # Sessions that are open or previously were open on the host ordered by {Mdm::Session#opened_at when the session was # opened} # # @return [Array] has_many :vulns, class_name: 'Mdm::Vuln', dependent: :delete_all, inverse_of: :host # @!attribute [rw] workspace # The workspace in which this host was found. # # @return [Mdm::Workspace] belongs_to :workspace, class_name: 'Mdm::Workspace', inverse_of: :hosts # # Through host_tags # # @!attribute [r] tags # The tags on this host. Tags are used to filter hosts. # # @return [Array] # @see #hosts_tags has_many :tags, :class_name => 'Mdm::Tag', :through => :hosts_tags # # Through services # # @!attribute [r] creds # Credentials captured from {#services}. # # @return [Array] # @see #services has_many :creds, :class_name => 'Mdm::Cred', :through => :services # @!attribute [r] service_notes # {Mdm::Note Notes} about {#services} running on this host. # # @return [Array] # @see #services has_many :service_notes, class_name: 'Mdm::Note', source: :notes, through: :services # @!attribute [r] web_sites # {Mdm::WebSite Web sites} running on top of {#services} on this host. # # @return [Array] # @see services has_many :web_sites, :class_name => 'Mdm::WebSite', :through => :services # # through: :task_hosts # # @!attribute tasks # Tasks that touched this service # # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] has_many :tasks, class_name: 'Mdm::Task', through: :task_hosts # # Through vulns # # @!attribute [r] vuln_refs # Join model between {#vulns} and {#refs}. Use either of those asssociations instead of this join model. # # @todo https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/49004623 # @return [Array] # @see #refs # @see #vulns has_many :vuln_refs, :class_name => 'Mdm::VulnRef', :source => :vulns_refs, :through => :vulns # # Through vuln_refs # # @!attribute [r] refs # External references, such as CVE, to vulnerabilities found on this host. # # @return [Array] # @see #vuln_refs has_many :refs, :class_name => 'Mdm::Ref', :through => :vuln_refs # # Through refs # # @!attribute [r] module_refs # {Mdm::Module::Ref References for modules} for {Mdm::Ref references for vulnerabilities}. # # @return [Array] has_many :module_refs, :class_name => 'Mdm::Module::Ref', :through => :refs # # Through module_refs # # @!attribute [r] module_details # {Mdm::Module::Detail Details about modules} that were used to find {#vulns vulnerabilities} on this host. # # @return [Array 'Mdm::Module::Detail', :source =>:detail, :through => :module_refs, :uniq => true # # Attributes # # @!attribute [rw] address # The IP address of this host. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] arch # The architecture of the host's CPU OR the programming language for virtual machine programming language like # Ruby, PHP, and Java. # # @return [String] an element of {ARCHITECTURES} # @!attribute [rw] comm # @todo https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/49722411 # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] comments # User supplied comments about host. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] created_at # When this host was created in the database. # # @return [DateTime] # @!attribute [rw] cred_count # Counter cache for {#creds}. # # @return [Integer] # @!attribute [rw] exploit_attempt_count # Counter cache for {#exploit_attempts}. # # @return [Integer] # @!attribute [rw] host_detail_count # Counter cache for {#host_details}. # # @return [Integer] # @!attribute [rw] info # Information about this host gathered from the host. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] mac # The MAC address of this host. # # @return [String] # @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_address # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the host. If the host name is not available, then it will just be the IP address. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] note_count # Counter cache for {#notes}. # # @return [Integer] # @!attribute [rw] os_flavor # The flavor of {#os_name}. # # @example Windows XP # host.os_name = 'Microsoft Windows' # host.os_flavor = 'XP' # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] os_lang # Free-form language of operating system. Usually either spelled out like 'English' or an # {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag IETF language tag} like 'en' or 'en-US'. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] os_name # The name of the operating system. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] os_sp # The service pack of the {#os_flavor} of the {#os_name}. # # @example Windows XP SP2 # host.os_name = 'Microsoft Windows' # host.os_flavor = 'XP' # host.os_sp = 'SP2' # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] purpose # The purpose of the host on the network, such as 'client' or 'firewall'. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] scope # Interface identifier for link-local IPv6 # # @return [String] # @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6_address#Link-local_addresses_and_zone_indices # @!attribute [rw] service_count # Counter cache for {#services}. # # @return [Integer] # @!attribute [rw] state # Whether the host is alive, down, or in an unknown state. # # @return [String] element of {STATES}. # @!attribute [rw] updated_at # The last time this host was updated in the database. # # @return [DateTime] # @!attribute [rw] virtual_host # The name of the virtual machine host software, such as 'VMWare', 'QEMU', 'XEN', etc. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] vuln_count # Counter cache for {#vulns}. # # @return [Integer] # # Nested Attributes # @note Must be declared after relations being referenced. # accepts_nested_attributes_for :services, :reject_if => lambda { |s| s[:port].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true # # Validations # validates :address, :exclusion => { :in => [''] }, :ip_format => true, :presence => true, :uniqueness => { :scope => :workspace_id, :unless => :ip_address_invalid? } validates :arch, :allow_blank => true, :inclusion => { :in => ARCHITECTURES } validates :state, :allow_nil => true, :inclusion => { :in => STATES } validates :workspace, :presence => true # # Scopes # scope :alive, where({'hosts.state' => 'alive'}) scope :flagged, where('notes.critical = true AND notes.seen = false').includes(:notes) scope :search, lambda { |*args| # @todo replace with AREL terms = SEARCH_FIELDS.collect { |field| "#{self.table_name}.#{field} ILIKE ?" } disjunction = terms.join(' OR ') formatted_parameter = "%#{args[0]}%" parameters = [formatted_parameter] * SEARCH_FIELDS.length conditions = [disjunction] + parameters { :conditions => conditions } } scope :tag_search, lambda { |*args| where("tags.name" => args[0]).includes(:tags) } # # # Search # # # # Search Associations # search_association :services # # Search Attributes # search_attribute :name, type: :string search_attribute :os_flavor, type: :string search_attribute :os_name, type: :string search_attribute :os_sp, type: :string # # Search Withs # search_with MetasploitDataModels::Search::Operator::Multitext, name: :os, operator_names: [ :os_name, :os_flavor, :os_sp ] # # Instance Methods # # Returns whether 'host.updated.' {#notes note} is {Mdm::Note#data locked}. # # @return [true] if Mdm::Note with 'host.updated.' as {Mdm::Note#name} exists and data[:locked] is `true`. # @return [false] otherwise. def attribute_locked?(attr) n = notes.find_by_ntype("host.updated.#{attr}") n && n.data[:locked] end # This is replicated by the IpAddressValidator class. Had to put it here as well to avoid # SQL errors when checking address uniqueness. # # @return [void] def ip_address_invalid? begin potential_ip = IPAddr.new(address) return true unless potential_ip.ipv4? || potential_ip.ipv6? rescue ArgumentError return true end end # Returns whether this host is a virtual machine. # # @return [true] unless {#virtual_host} is `nil`. # @return [false] otherwise. def is_vm? !!self.virtual_host end Metasploit::Concern.run(self) end