(function (context) { /** * @namespace Retreaver */ var Retreaver = { /** * Configure the retreaver client library. * @function configure * @memberof Retreaver * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.host - Retreaver API Host * @param {String} options.prefix - http or https * @example * Retreaver.configure({host: 'api.rtvrapi.com', prefix: 'https'}); * */ configure: function (options) { var params = { addr: options.host, http_prefix: 'http', urlregex: "/\\/\\/[^\\/]*\\/(.*)/" }; // check for http prefix if (typeof(options.prefix) !== 'undefined') { params.http_prefix = options.prefix; } window.Retreaver._connection = new Retreaver.Base.Request(params); } }; context.Retreaver = Retreaver; })(window); ;(function () { // ensure namespace is present if (typeof window.Retreaver === 'undefined') window.Retreaver = {}; var Base = {}; // define helpers Base.assert_required_keys = function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var object = args.shift(); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var key = args[i]; if (typeof object === 'undefined' || typeof object[key] === 'undefined') { throw "ArgumentError: Required keys are not defined: " + args.join(', '); } } return object; }; Base.merge = function (obj1, obj2) { for (var p in obj2) { try { if (obj2[p].constructor == Object) { obj1[p] = Base.merge(obj1[p], obj2[p]); } else { obj1[p] = obj2[p]; } } catch (e) { obj1[p] = obj2[p]; } } return obj1; }; Base.isArray = function (arg) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]'; }; Base.ieVersion = function () { if (Base._ieVersion == null) { Base._ieVersion = (function () { var v = 3, div = document.createElement('div'), all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); while ( div.innerHTML = '', all[0] ) { } return v > 4 ? v : false; }()); } if (Base._ieVersion == 6 || Base._ieVersion == 7) { if (Retreaver['easyxdm_loaded'] == null) Retreaver['easyxdm_loaded'] = false; } return Base._ieVersion; }; Retreaver.Base = Base; })();;// https://github.com/evertton/cookiejs (function (f) { var a = function (b, c, d) { return 1 === arguments.length ? a.get(b) : a.set(b, c, d) }; a._document = document; a._navigator = navigator; a.defaults = {path: "/"}; a.get = function (b) { a._cachedDocumentCookie !== a._document.cookie && a._renewCache(); return a._cache[b] }; a.set = function (b, c, d) { d = a._getExtendedOptions(d); a._document.cookie = a._generateCookieString(b, c, d); return a }; a._getExtendedOptions = function (b) { return{path: b && b.path || a.defaults.path, domain: b && b.domain || a.defaults.domain, secure: b && b.secure !== f ? b.secure : a.defaults.secure} }; a._isValidDate = function (a) { return"[object Date]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) && !isNaN(a.getTime()) }; a._generateCookieString = function (a, c, d) { a = encodeURIComponent(a); c = (c + "").replace(/[^!#$&-+\--:<-\[\]-~]/g, encodeURIComponent); d = d || {}; a = a + "=" + c + (d.path ? ";path=" + d.path : ""); a += d.domain ? ";domain=" + d.domain : ""; return a += d.secure ? ";secure" : "" }; a._getCookieObjectFromString = function (b) { var c = {}; b = b ? b.split("; ") : []; for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) { var e = a._getKeyValuePairFromCookieString(b[d]); c[e.key] === f && (c[e.key] = e.value) } return c }; a._getKeyValuePairFromCookieString = function (a) { var c = a.indexOf("="), c = 0 > c ? a.length : c; return{key: decodeURIComponent(a.substr(0, c)), value: decodeURIComponent(a.substr(c + 1))} }; a._renewCache = function () { a._cache = a._getCookieObjectFromString(a._document.cookie); a._cachedDocumentCookie = a._document.cookie }; a._areEnabled = function () { return a._navigator.cookieEnabled || "1" === a.set("cookies.js", 1).get("cookies.js") }; a.enabled = a._areEnabled(); "function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define(function () { return a }) : "undefined" !== typeof exports ? ("undefined" !== typeof module && module.exports && (exports = module.exports = a), exports.Cookies = a) : a; Retreaver.Base.Cookies = a; })();;// http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript-base64.html#.U-qwzYBdUwQ (function () { var Base64 = { _keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" }; // public method for encoding Base64.encode = function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = Base64._utf8_encode(input); while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc2) + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc4); } return output; }; Base64.decode = function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } output = Base64._utf8_decode(output); return output; }; Base64._utf8_encode = function (string) { //REGEX_2: /\r\n/g NEWLINE: "\n" string = string.replace(eval("/\\r\\n/g"),eval("String('\\n')")); var utftext = ""; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } return utftext; }; Base64._utf8_decode = function (utftext) { var string = ""; var i = 0, c = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0; while (i < utftext.length) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; }; Retreaver.Base.Base64 = Base64; })(); ;(function () { // Dependencies var Base = Retreaver.Base; /** * @constructor * @memberof Retreaver.Base * @param {Object} config - Configuration hash * @param {String} config.type - The data type * @param {Numeric} config.primary_key - The primary_key */ var Data = function (config) { function initialize() { Base.assert_required_keys(config, 'type', 'primary_key'); if (typeof Retreaver.Base.Data._store[config.type] === 'undefined') { Retreaver.Base.Data._store[config.type] = {}; } if (typeof Retreaver.Base.Data._store[config.type][config.primary_key] === 'undefined') { Retreaver.Base.Data._store[config.type][config.primary_key] = {}; } } var self = this; /** * Request data from the host * @memberOf Retreaver.Base.Data * @function get * @instance * @param {String} key - The key to retrieve * @returns {*} */ self.get = function () { var output = {}; if (typeof arguments[0] === 'undefined') { output = Retreaver.Base.Data._store[config.type][config.primary_key]; } else if (arguments.length === 1) { output = Retreaver.Base.Data._store[config.type][config.primary_key][arguments[0]]; } else { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var key = arguments[i]; output[key] = Retreaver.Base.Data._store[config.type][config.primary_key][key]; } } return output; }; /** * Request data from the host * @memberOf Retreaver.Base.Data * @function set * @instance * @param {String} key - The key to retrieve * @param {String} value - The value to assign * @returns {*} */ self.set = function (key, value) { Retreaver.Base.Data._store[config.type][config.primary_key][key] = value; return value; }; /** * Merge data * @memberOf Retreaver.Base.Data * @function set * @instance * @param {String} object - The object to merge * @returns {*} */ self.merge = function (object) { for (var key in object) { Retreaver.Base.Data._store[config.type][config.primary_key][key] = object[key]; } return object; }; initialize(); }; Data._store = {}; Retreaver.Base.Data = Data; })();;(function () { // Dependencies var Base = Retreaver.Base; var Data = Retreaver.Base.Data; /** * @constructor * @memberof Retreaver.Base */ var Model = function () { this.api_host_uri = '/api/v1/'; this.type = 'model'; this.primary_key = function (primary_key) { return Model.primary_key(this.type, primary_key); }; this.store = function (data) { // do we have data to store? if (typeof(data) !== 'undefined') { // does the data contain the required primary_key? var key = this.primary_key(); if (typeof(data[key]) === 'undefined') { throw("ArgumentError: Expected to receive primary_key " + key); } // has a store been initialized? else if (typeof(this._store) === 'undefined') { this._store = new Retreaver.Base.Data({type: this.type, primary_key: data[key] }); } // merge the data this._store.merge(data); // update visitor is token present Model.update_visitor_id(data); } return this._store; }; this.get_data = function (path, callback) { return this.connection().getJSON(this.api_host_uri + path, null, [Model.update, callback], this); }; this.post_data = function (path, data, callback) { return this.connection().postJSON(this.api_host_uri + path, data, [Model.update, callback], this); }; this.set = function () { if (typeof(this["set_" + arguments[0]]) === 'function') { arguments[1] = this["set_" + arguments[0]].apply(this, [arguments[1]]); } return this._store.set.apply(this, arguments); }; this.get = function () { return this._store.get.apply(this, arguments); }; this.connection = function () { return Retreaver.Base.Request.connection(); }; }; Model.inflections = { 'number': 'numbers', 'campaign': 'campaigns' }; Model.update = function (data) { for (var key in data) { var type = key; var value = data[key]; if (typeof Model.inflections[key] !== 'undefined') { type = Model.inflections[key]; } if (typeof Data._store[type] !== 'undefined') { if (Base.isArray(value)) { for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { Model.update_record(type, value[i]); } } else { Model.update_record(type, value[i]); } } } return data; }; Model.update_record = function (type, record) { // update visitor is token present Model.update_visitor_id(record); // update data store if (typeof record.id !== 'undefined') { var primary_key = Model.primary_key(type); for (var key in record) { Retreaver.Base.Data._store[type][record[primary_key]][key] = record[key]; } return true } else { return false } return record; }; Model.update_visitor_id = function (record) { if (typeof(record) !== 'undefined' && typeof(record.visitor_id) !== 'undefined') { Retreaver.Base.Cookies.set('CallPixels-vid', record.visitor_id); } }; Model.primary_key = function (type, primary_key) { if (typeof(Model.primary_keys) === 'undefined') Model.primary_keys = {}; // default key if (typeof(Model.primary_keys[type]) === 'undefined') Model.primary_keys[type] = 'id'; // assign key if passed if (typeof(primary_key) !== 'undefined') Model.primary_keys[type] = primary_key; // return value return Model.primary_keys[type]; }; Retreaver.Base.Model = Model; })();;(function () { // Dependencies var Base = window.Retreaver.Base; var Cookies = window.Retreaver.Base.Cookies; /** * @constructor * @memberof Retreaver.Base * @param {String} options.http_prefix - The http type (http || https). * @param {String} options.addr - The api hostname. * @param {String} options.urlregex - The url regex validator. */ var Request = function (options) { function initialize(options) { // assert required keys and assign if valid config = Base.assert_required_keys(options, 'http_prefix', 'addr', 'urlregex'); } // INIT var self = this; var config = {}; /** * Request data from the host * @memberOf Retreaver.Base.Request * @function getJSON * @instance * @param {String} request_url - The request uri * @param {Object} payload - Post object * @param {*} [callbacks] - Array or Function to be called after request * @param {*} [context] - Context applied to callback * @returns {Object} json */ self.getJSON = function (request_url, payload, callbacks, context) { // ensure callbacks are an array if (typeof(callbacks) == "function") callbacks = [callbacks]; if (typeof(context) === 'undefined') context = self; // request var request = function () { self.apiRequest(request_url, function (data) { // parse var response = JSON.parse(data); // fire callbacks for (var i in callbacks) { if (typeof callbacks[i] == "function") callbacks[i].apply(context, [response]); } }, payload) }; if (Base.ieVersion() == 6 || Base.ieVersion() == 7) { with_ie_scripts(request); } else { request(); } }; // This is an alias for now to show intent self.postJSON = function () { return self.getJSON.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Request data from the host * @memberOf Retreaver.Base.Request * @function apiRequest * @instance * @param {String} request_url - The request uri * @param {Array} callbackFunctions - Array of callback functions * @param {Object} payload - Post object * @returns {String} string */ self.apiRequest = function (request_uri, callbackFunctions, payload) { // configure var http_prefix = config['http_prefix']; var addr = config['addr']; var urlregex = eval(config['urlregex']); var request_url = http_prefix + '://' + addr + request_uri; // configure if (payload && typeof(Cookies.get('CallPixels-vid')) !== 'undefined' && Cookies.get('CallPixels-vid') !== 'null') { payload['visitor_id'] = Cookies.get('CallPixels-vid'); } if (typeof(callbackFunctions) == "function") { callbackFunctions = [callbackFunctions]; } function ignored() { } function runCallbacks(response) { for (var i in callbackFunctions) { if (typeof callbackFunctions[i] == "function") callbackFunctions[i](response); } } function forwardResponse() { runCallbacks(xdr.responseText); } function sendXdm() { // create the rpc request var remote = http_prefix + '://' + addr + '/ie_provider'; var swf = http_prefix + '://' + addr + "/easyxdm.swf"; var rpc = eval('new window.easyXDM.Rpc({ remote: "' + remote + '", swf: "' + swf + '"},{remote: {request: {}}});'); rpc['request']({ url: ('/' + request_url.match(urlregex)[1]), method: "POST", data: payload }, function (response) { runCallbacks(response.data); }); } if (window.XDomainRequest) { // IE >= 8 // 1. Create XDR object var xdr = new XDomainRequest(); xdr.onload = forwardResponse; //alertLoaded; xdr.onprogress = ignored; xdr.onerror = ignored; xdr.ontimeout = ignored; xdr.timeout = 30000; // 2. Open connection with server using GET method if (payload) { xdr.open("post", request_url); xdr.send(self.buildPost(payload)); } else { xdr.open("get", request_url); xdr.send(); } // 3. Send string data to server } else if (Base.ieVersion() == 6 || Base.ieVersion() == 7) { with_ie_scripts(sendXdm); } else { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function () { runCallbacks(this.responseText); }; if (payload) { request.open("POST", request_url); request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); request.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); } else { request.open("GET", request_url); request.send(); } } }; function with_ie_scripts(callback) { if (Retreaver['easyxdm_loaded']) { callback(); } else { self.loadScript(http_prefix + '://cdn.jsdelivr.net/easyxdm/', function () { self.loadScript(http_prefix + '://cdn.jsdelivr.net/easyxdm/', function () { Retreaver['easyxdm_loaded'] = true; callback(); }); }); } }; self.buildPost = function (obj) { var post_vars = ''; for (var k in obj) { post_vars += k + "=" + obj[k] + '&'; } return post_vars; }; self.loadScript = function (scriptUrl, afterCallback) { var firstScriptElement = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.type = 'text/javascript'; scriptElement.async = false; scriptElement.src = scriptUrl; var ieLoadBugFix = function (scriptElement, callback) { if (scriptElement.readyState == 'loaded' || scriptElement.readyState == 'complete') { callback(); } else { setTimeout(function () { ieLoadBugFix(scriptElement, callback); }, 100); } }; if (typeof afterCallback === "function") { if (typeof scriptElement.addEventListener !== "undefined") { scriptElement.addEventListener("load", afterCallback, false) } else { scriptElement.onreadystatechange = function () { scriptElement.onreadystatechange = null; ieLoadBugFix(scriptElement, afterCallback); } } } firstScriptElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, firstScriptElement); }; initialize(options); self.config = config; }; Request.connection = function () { if (typeof window.Retreaver._connection === 'undefined') { var protocol = window.location.protocol.replace(':', ''); window.Retreaver._connection = new Retreaver.Base.Request({addr: 'api.rtvrapi.com', http_prefix: protocol, urlregex: "/\\/\\/[^\\/]*\\/(.*)/" }); } return window.Retreaver._connection; }; Retreaver.Base.Request = Request; })(); ;(function () { // Dependencies var Base = Retreaver.Base; var Cookies = Retreaver.Base.Cookies; var Base64 = Retreaver.Base.Base64; var Request = Retreaver.Base.Request; /** * @constructor * @memberof Retreaver.Base * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.campaign_key - The campaign uuid. * @param {Object} options.tags - The tags to search for. * @param {String} [options.default_number_replacement] * @param {String} [options.message_replacement] * @param {Array} [options.target_map] * @param {Array} [options.target_map_cs] * @param {String} [options.timer_offset] * @param {String} [options.timer_offset_cs] */ var RequestNumber = function (options) { function initialize(options) { // assert required keys and assign if valid config = Base.assert_required_keys(options, 'campaign_key'); } // INIT var self = this; var config = {}; var resource_url = '/api/v1/numbers?'; /** * Request the number * @memberOf Retreaver.Base.RequestNumber * @function perform * @instance * @param {Function} callback - Callback to fire after request */ self.perform = function (callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw "ArgumentError: Expected to receive a callback function" } var request_url = resource_url + '&campaign_key=' + config['campaign_key']; // append configs to url if provided if (config['default_number_replacement']) { request_url = request_url + "&default_number=" + config['default_number_replacement']; } if (config['message_replacement']) { request_url = request_url + "&message=" + config['message_replacement']; } var body = new Object(); var uri = document.location.href; body['u'] = Base64.encode(uri); body['st'] = Base64.encode(tags_to_script_tags(config.number_matching_tags)); var ou = Cookies.get('CallPixels-ou'); if (getParts([document.location.href])['cpreset'] || !ou) { Cookies.set('CallPixels-ou', body['u']); } else { body['ou'] = ou; } var ga_acct = 'FAILED', request_ran = false; function sendGARequest(ga_acct, ga_cookies) { if (!request_ran) { request_ran = true; body['ga'] = Base64.encode(ga_acct); body['c'] = Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(ga_cookies)); Request.connection().getJSON(request_url, body, callback); } } function runRequest() { if (!request_ran) { request_ran = true; Request.connection().getJSON(request_url, body, callback); } } window.setTimeout(runRequest, 1000); try { _gaq.push(function () { ga_acct = eval('_gat._getTrackerByName()._getAccount()'); sendGARequest(ga_acct, getGACookies()); }); } catch (e) { try { ga(function (tracker) { if (tracker && tracker.get) { try { var clientId = tracker.get('clientId'); var allTrackers = eval('ga.getAll()'); ga_acct = allTrackers[0].get('trackingId'); var ga_cookies = {}; ga_cookies['__utma'] = clientId; ga_cookies['mp'] = 'yes'; sendGARequest(ga_acct, ga_cookies); } catch (g) { sendGARequest('', {}); } } else { // tracker is null sendGARequest('', {}); } }); } catch (f) { // Post back with failed ga_acct. runRequest(); } } }; function getParts(urls) { var all_parts = {}; for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { var url_parts = getUrlParts(urls[i]); for (var attrname in url_parts) { all_parts[attrname] = url_parts[attrname]; } } return all_parts; } function getUrlParts(url) { // url contains your data. var objURL = new Object(); try { //REGEX_1: /\?(.*)/ url = url.match(eval("/\\?(.*)/"))[0]; } catch (e) { return objURL; //Ignored } // Use the String::replace method to iterate over each // name-value pair in the query string. Location.search // gives us the query string (if it exists). url.replace( new RegExp("([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?", "g"), // For each matched query string pair, add that // pair to the URL struct using the pre-equals // value as the key. function ($0, $1, $2, $3) { objURL[$1.toLowerCase()] = $3; } ); return objURL; } function getGACookies() { var ga_cookies = ['__utma', '__utmb', '__utmc', '__utmz', '__utmv']; var cookies = new Object(); for (var i in ga_cookies) { var cookie_val = extractCookie(ga_cookies[i]); if (cookie_val || i > 0) { if (cookie_val) cookies[ga_cookies[i]] = cookie_val; } else { break; } } return cookies; } function extractCookie(name) { var regex = new RegExp(name + '=([^;]*)', 'g'); try { return regex.exec(document.cookie)[1]; } catch (e) { return false; } } function findOne(all_parts, var_arr) { for (var look_for in var_arr) { for (var attrname in all_parts) { if (attrname == var_arr[look_for]) { return all_parts[attrname]; } } } return false } initialize(options); }; function tags_to_script_tags(tags) { var script_tags = ''; for (var key in tags) { var value = tags[key]; script_tags = script_tags + '&' + key + '=' + value } return script_tags; } Retreaver.Base.RequestNumber = RequestNumber; })(); ;window.Retreaver.Cache = {};;(function () { // Dependencies var Base = Retreaver.Base; /** * @constructor * @memberOf Retreaver * @param {Object} attributes - Attributes * @property {Object} attributes * @property {Number} attributes.id - The CallPixels internal number ID. * @property {String} attributes.formatted_number - Nationally formatted phone number. * @property {String} attributes.number - E.164 formatted phone number. * @property {String} attributes.extension - The extension number. * @property {String} attributes.plain_number - The unformatted phone number digits. * @property {String} attributes.number_extension - The phone number digits with extension. * @property {Boolean} attributes.target_open - Whether there is an open, available target. */ Retreaver.Number = function (options) { var self = this; self.type = 'numbers'; function initialize(data) { self.store(data); self.set('is_active', 'true'); } /** * Add tags to a number. * @memberOf Retreaver.Number * @function add_tags * @instance * @param {Object} tags - A collection of tags {key: 'value', tag2: 'value2'} * @param {Function} callback - Callback that will be fired after request. * @throws Will throw an error if attempting to modify tags on a number that doesn't belong to a number pool * with per-visitor numbers enabled. */ self.add_tags = function (tags, callback) { ensure_is_per_visitor(); self.post_data('numbers/tag', tags_payload(tags), callback); }; /** * Replace tags on a number. Any tags that already exist on the number that match the given keys will be * removed. This can be used instead of calling remove_tags and then add_tags. * @memberOf Retreaver.Number * @function replace_tags * @instance * @param {Object} tags - A collection of tags {key: 'value', tag2: 'value2'} * @param {Function} callback - Callback that will be fired after request. * @throws Will throw an error if attempting to modify tags on a number that doesn't belong to a number pool * with per-visitor numbers enabled. */ self.replace_tags = function (tags, callback) { ensure_is_per_visitor(); self.post_data('numbers/replace_tags', tags_payload(tags), callback); }; /** * Remove tags from a number. * @memberOf Retreaver.Number * @function remove_tags * @instance * @param {Object} tags - A collection of tags {key: 'value', tag2: 'value2'} * @param {Function} callback - Callback that will be fired after request. * @throws Will throw an error if attempting to modify tags on a number that doesn't belong to a number pool * with per-visitor numbers enabled. */ self.remove_tags = function (tags, callback) { ensure_is_per_visitor(); self.post_data('numbers/untag', tags_payload(tags), callback); }; /** * Removes all tags with given keys from a number. * @memberOf Retreaver.Number * @function remove_tags_by_keys * @instance * @param {Array} keys - An array of keys to remove. eg: ['key1', 'key2'] * @param {Function} callback - Callback that will be fired after request. * @throws Will throw an error if attempting to modify tags on a number that doesn't belong to a number pool * with per-visitor numbers enabled. */ self.remove_tags_by_keys = function (keys, callback) { ensure_is_per_visitor(); if (typeof(keys) === 'string') keys = keys.split(','); var payload = { tag_keys: keys, ids: [ get('id') ], campaign_key: get('campaign_key') }; self.post_data('numbers/untag/keys', payload, callback); }; /** * Clear all tags from a number. * @memberOf Retreaver.Number * @function clear_tags * @instance * @param {Function} callback - Callback that will be fired after request. * @throws Will throw an error if attempting to modify tags on a number that doesn't belong to a number pool * with per-visitor numbers enabled. */ self.clear_tags = function (callback) { ensure_is_per_visitor(); var payload = { ids: [ get('id') ], campaign_key: get('campaign_key'), all: 'true' }; self.post_data('numbers/untag', payload, callback); }; /** * Release number back to pool. * @memberOf Retreaver.Number * @function release * @instance */ self.release = function () { self.set('is_active', 'false'); }; /** * Start a call immediately by having a campaign target dial the visitor. * @memberOf Retreaver.Number * @function initiate_call * @instance * @param {String} dial - The number to call. * @param {Object} payload - A collection of tags as key-value pairs and optional secure override properties. * @param {string} [payload.target_map] - A string mapping a placeholder number to a phone number. * @param {string} [payload.target_map_cs] - A SHA1 checksum of the target_map concatenated with your CallPixels API * key. * @param {number} [payload.timer_offset] - Number of seconds to offset the "connect" duration timers by. * @param {string} [payload.timer_offset_cs] - An SHA1 checksum of the timer_offset concatenated with your * CallPixels API key. * @param {(string|number)} [payload.*] - Key value pairs treated as tags. * @param {Function} callback - Callback that will be fired after request. * @example * number.initiate_call('4166686980', {company_name: 'CallPixels'}, function (call) { * alert('Call started with UUID ' + call.uuid) * }); */ self.initiate_call = function (dial, payload, callback) { if (typeof(payload) === 'undefined') payload = {}; // assign dial to payload payload.dial = dial; // merge payload into payload payload = Base.merge(self.get('id', 'campaign_key'), payload); // post the payload self.post_data('numbers/initiate_call', payload, callback); }; function tags_payload(tags) { if (typeof(tags) === 'string') tags = Retreaver.Number.extract_tags_from_string(tags); return { tag_values: tags, ids: [ get('id') ], campaign_key: get('campaign_key') }; } function get(key) { return self.get(key); } function ensure_is_per_visitor() { if (self.get('is_per_visitor') === false) { throw "Error: Tried to add tags to non per-visitor number."; } } initialize(options); }; Retreaver.Number.extract_tags_from_string = function (tags) { var output = {}; var tags = tags.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { var tag = tags[i].split(":"); output[tag[0]] = tag[1] } return output; }; Retreaver.Number.prototype = new Retreaver.Base.Model(); function ping_active_numbers(callback) { if (typeof(Retreaver.Base.Data._store) !== 'undefined') { // get numbers var numbers = Retreaver.Base.Data._store['numbers']; // for each number if (typeof(numbers) !== 'undefined') { // group number_ids by campaign_key var grouped = {}; for (var primary_key in numbers) { var number = numbers[primary_key]; if (number.is_active === 'true') { if (typeof(grouped[number.campaign_key]) === 'undefined') { grouped[number.campaign_key] = []; grouped[number.campaign_key]['ids'] = []; grouped[number.campaign_key]['hashes'] = []; } grouped[number.campaign_key]['ids'].push(number.id); grouped[number.campaign_key]['hashes'].push(number.id_checksum); } } // ping each group of number_ids for (var campaign_key in grouped) { var payload = { ids: grouped[campaign_key].ids, hashes: grouped[campaign_key].hashes }; Retreaver.Base.Request.connection().postJSON('/api/v1/numbers/ping', payload, [Retreaver.Base.Model.update, callback], this); } } } // call recursively setTimeout(ping_active_numbers, 15000); } // always ping active numbers ping_active_numbers(); })();;(function() { // Dependencies var RequestNumber = Retreaver.Base.RequestNumber; /** * @constructor * @memberOf Retreaver * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.campaign_key - Campaign key * @example * var campaign = new Retreaver.Campaign({ campaign_key: '67d9fb1917ae8f4eaff36831b41788c3' }); */ var Campaign = function(options) { function initialize(data) { // initialize data store self.store(data); } function find_and_replace_number(replacement_numbers) { for (var i = 0; i < replacement_numbers.length; i++) { var rn = replacement_numbers[i]; Retreaver.Vendor.findAndReplaceDOMText(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], { find: rn['find'], replace: rn['replace_with'] }); var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var j = 0; j < links.length; j++) { var link = links[j]; var href = link.getAttribute('href'); if (href !== null) { var match = href.match(/^(tel:|clk[a-z]\/tel\/)(.*)/); if (match && match[2] === rn['find']) { link.setAttribute('href', match[1] + rn['replace_with']); } } } } } function handle_true_call_integration(number) { const integrations = number.get("integrations"); if (typeof(integrations) != 'object'){ return; } const trueCallConfig = integrations["truecall.com"]; if (typeof(trueCallConfig) == 'undefined') { return; } // Load the trueCall script into the page it it's missing if(!document.getElementById("__tc_script") || !window.TrueCall) { (function () { const trueCallScriptTag = document.createElement('script'); trueCallScriptTag.type = 'text/javascript'; trueCallScriptTag.async = true; trueCallScriptTag.defer = true; trueCallScriptTag.dataset.tc_campaign_id = trueCallConfig["tcCampaignId"]; trueCallScriptTag.id = "__tc_script" trueCallScriptTag.src = trueCallConfig["scriptSrc"]; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(trueCallScriptTag); })(); } const obtainTrueCallId = new Promise(function(resolve) { const trueCallInterval = setInterval(function() { if (window.TrueCall && window.TrueCall.getId()) { resolve(window.TrueCall.getId()) clearInterval(trueCallInterval); } }, trueCallConfig["checkIntervalMs"]); // Try to get the trueCallId every X milliseconds }) obtainTrueCallId.then(function (trueCallId) { const tags = {}; tags[trueCallConfig["tagName"]] = trueCallId; number.replace_tags(tags); }); } var self = this; self.type = 'campaigns'; self.primary_key('campaign_key'); self.numbers = []; /** * Fetch a campaign number. * @memberOf Retreaver.Campaign * @function request_number * @instance * @param {Object} [tags] - A collection of tags as key-value pairs. The number returned will match these tags. * @param {getNumberCallback} callback - Callback fired if the request completes successfully. * @param {Function} error_callback - Callback fired if the request raises an error. * @example * campaign.request_number({calling_about: 'support'}, function (number) { * alert(number.get('number')) * }, function(response){ * alert('something went wrong: ' + response); * }; */ self.request_number = function(tags, callback, error_callback) { // if the first argument is a function, the user has decided to skip passing tags // therefore cascade the arguments upwards so that everything works as expected if (typeof(tags) === 'function') { // argument 3 becomes argument 2 error_callback = callback; // argument 2 becomes argument 1 callback = tags; // argument 1 becomes an empty tags object tags = {}; } if (typeof callback === 'undefined') { callback = function () { }; } if (typeof tags === 'undefined') { tags = {}; } // assign the tags (this is important since it runs it through set_number_matching_tags) self.set('number_matching_tags', tags); // request the number new RequestNumber(self.get('campaign_key', 'number_matching_tags')).perform(function(data) { // did retreaver return a valid number? if (typeof(data) !== 'undefined' && typeof(data.number) !== 'undefined' && data.number !== '') { // initialize number var number = new Retreaver.Number(data.number); try { handle_true_call_integration(number); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not integrate with truecall.com, ", e); } // if there is a replacement in the response, replace all occurrences // of that number on the page with the retreaver number if (typeof(data.number.replacement_numbers) !== 'undefined') { find_and_replace_number(data.number.replacement_numbers); } // call callback callback.apply(self, [number]); } // otherwise fire the error callback else if (typeof(error_callback) === 'function') { error_callback.apply(self, [data]); } }); }; /** * Auto replace all numbers on page according to campaign settings * Calls campaign.request_number * @memberOf Retreaver.Campaign * @function auto_replace_numbers * @instance * @param {Object} [tags] - A collection of tags as key-value pairs. The number returned will match these tags. * @param {getNumberCallback} callback - Callback fired if the request completes successfully. * @param {Function} error_callback - Callback fired if the request raises an error. * @example * campaign.auto_replace_numbers({calling_about: 'support'}, function (number) { * alert(number.get('number')) * }, function(response){ * alert('something went wrong: ' + response); * }; */ self.auto_replace_numbers = function(tags, callback, error_callback) { if (typeof callback === 'undefined') { callback = function() {}; } if (typeof error_callback === 'undefined') { error_callback = function() {}; } self.request_number(tags, callback, error_callback); }; /** * Retreaver.Campaign#request_number callback fired after the request completes. * @callback getNumberCallback * @param {Retreaver.Number} - The number that was returned */ self.numbers = function() { var output = []; if (typeof(Retreaver.Base.Data._store) !== 'undefined') { // get numbers var numbers = Retreaver.Base.Data._store['numbers']; // present? if (typeof(numbers) !== 'undefined') { // collect numbers matching this campaign for (var primary_key in numbers) { var number = numbers[primary_key]; if (self.get('campaign_key') == number.campaign_key) { output.push(new Retreaver.Number(number)); } } } } return output; }; self.set_number_matching_tags = function(tags) { if (typeof(tags) === 'string') { tags = Retreaver.Number.extract_tags_from_string(tags); } if (tags && (typeof tags === "object") && !(tags instanceof Array)) { return tags } else { throw "ArgumentError: Expected number_matching_tags to be an object. eg: {tag: 'value'}"; } }; initialize(options); }; Campaign.prototype = new Retreaver.Base.Model(); Retreaver.Campaign = Campaign; })(); ;(function (context) { context.Callpixels = window.Retreaver; })(window); ;/** * findAndReplaceDOMText v 0.4.3 * @author James Padolsey http://james.padolsey.com * @license http://unlicense.org/UNLICENSE * * Matches the text of a DOM node against a regular expression * and replaces each match (or node-separated portions of the match) * in the specified element. */ if (typeof(Retreaver) === 'undefined') { var Retreaver = {}; } if (typeof(Retreaver.Vendor) === 'undefined') { Retreaver.Vendor = {}; } (function (root, factory) { // Browser globals root.findAndReplaceDOMText = factory(); }(Retreaver.Vendor, function factory() { var PORTION_MODE_RETAIN = 'retain'; var PORTION_MODE_FIRST = 'first'; var doc = document; var hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty; function escapeRegExp(s) { return String(s).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); } function exposed() { // Try deprecated arg signature first: return deprecated.apply(null, arguments) || findAndReplaceDOMText.apply(null, arguments); } function deprecated(regex, node, replacement, captureGroup, elFilter) { if ((node && !node.nodeType) && arguments.length <= 2) { return false; } var isReplacementFunction = typeof replacement == 'function'; if (isReplacementFunction) { replacement = (function(original) { return function(portion, match) { return original(portion.text, match.startIndex); }; }(replacement)); } // Awkward support for deprecated argument signature (<0.4.0) var instance = findAndReplaceDOMText(node, { find: regex, wrap: isReplacementFunction ? null : replacement, replace: isReplacementFunction ? replacement : '$' + (captureGroup || '&'), prepMatch: function(m, mi) { // Support captureGroup (a deprecated feature) if (!m[0]) throw 'findAndReplaceDOMText cannot handle zero-length matches'; if (captureGroup > 0) { var cg = m[captureGroup]; m.index += m[0].indexOf(cg); m[0] = cg; } m.endIndex = m.index + m[0].length; m.startIndex = m.index; m.index = mi; return m; }, filterElements: elFilter }); exposed.revert = function() { return instance.revert(); }; return true; } /** * findAndReplaceDOMText * * Locates matches and replaces with replacementNode * * @param {Node} node Element or Text node to search within * @param {RegExp} options.find The regular expression to match * @param {String|Element} [options.wrap] A NodeName, or a Node to clone * @param {String|Function} [options.replace='$&'] What to replace each match with * @param {Function} [options.filterElements] A Function to be called to check whether to * process an element. (returning true = process element, * returning false = avoid element) */ function findAndReplaceDOMText(node, options) { return new Finder(node, options); } exposed.NON_PROSE_ELEMENTS = { br:1, hr:1, // Media / Source elements: script:1, style:1, img:1, video:1, audio:1, canvas:1, svg:1, map:1, object:1, // Input elements input:1, textarea:1, select:1, option:1, optgroup: 1, button:1 }; exposed.NON_CONTIGUOUS_PROSE_ELEMENTS = { // Elements that will not contain prose or block elements where we don't // want prose to be matches across element borders: // Block Elements address:1, article:1, aside:1, blockquote:1, dd:1, div:1, dl:1, fieldset:1, figcaption:1, figure:1, footer:1, form:1, h1:1, h2:1, h3:1, h4:1, h5:1, h6:1, header:1, hgroup:1, hr:1, main:1, nav:1, noscript:1, ol:1, output:1, p:1, pre:1, section:1, ul:1, // Other misc. elements that are not part of continuous inline prose: br:1, li: 1, summary: 1, dt:1, details:1, rp:1, rt:1, rtc:1, // Media / Source elements: script:1, style:1, img:1, video:1, audio:1, canvas:1, svg:1, map:1, object:1, // Input elements input:1, textarea:1, select:1, option:1, optgroup:1, button:1, // Table related elements: table:1, tbody:1, thead:1, th:1, tr:1, td:1, caption:1, col:1, tfoot:1, colgroup:1 }; exposed.NON_INLINE_PROSE = function(el) { return hasOwn.call(exposed.NON_CONTIGUOUS_PROSE_ELEMENTS, el.nodeName.toLowerCase()); }; // Presets accessed via `options.preset` when calling findAndReplaceDOMText(): exposed.PRESETS = { prose: { forceContext: exposed.NON_INLINE_PROSE, filterElements: function(el) { return !hasOwn.call(exposed.NON_PROSE_ELEMENTS, el.nodeName.toLowerCase()); } } }; exposed.Finder = Finder; /** * Finder -- encapsulates logic to find and replace. */ function Finder(node, options) { var preset = options.preset && exposed.PRESETS[options.preset]; options.portionMode = options.portionMode || PORTION_MODE_RETAIN; if (preset) { for (var i in preset) { if (hasOwn.call(preset, i) && !hasOwn.call(options, i)) { options[i] = preset[i]; } } } this.node = node; this.options = options; // Enable match-preparation method to be passed as option: this.prepMatch = options.prepMatch || this.prepMatch; this.reverts = []; this.matches = this.search(); if (this.matches.length) { this.processMatches(); } } Finder.prototype = { /** * Searches for all matches that comply with the instance's 'match' option */ search: function() { var match; var matchIndex = 0; var offset = 0; var regex = this.options.find; var textAggregation = this.getAggregateText(); var matches = []; var self = this; regex = typeof regex === 'string' ? RegExp(escapeRegExp(regex), 'g') : regex; matchAggregation(textAggregation); function matchAggregation(textAggregation) { for (var i = 0, l = textAggregation.length; i < l; ++i) { var text = textAggregation[i]; if (typeof text !== 'string') { // Deal with nested contexts: (recursive) matchAggregation(text); continue; } if (regex.global) { while (match = regex.exec(text)) { matches.push(self.prepMatch(match, matchIndex++, offset)); } } else { if (match = text.match(regex)) { matches.push(self.prepMatch(match, 0, offset)); } } offset += text.length; } } return matches; }, /** * Prepares a single match with useful meta info: */ prepMatch: function(match, matchIndex, characterOffset) { if (!match[0]) { throw new Error('findAndReplaceDOMText cannot handle zero-length matches'); } match.endIndex = characterOffset + match.index + match[0].length; match.startIndex = characterOffset + match.index; match.index = matchIndex; return match; }, /** * Gets aggregate text within subject node */ getAggregateText: function() { var elementFilter = this.options.filterElements; var forceContext = this.options.forceContext; return getText(this.node); /** * Gets aggregate text of a node without resorting * to broken innerText/textContent */ function getText(node) { if (node.nodeType === 3) { return [node.data]; } if (elementFilter && !elementFilter(node)) { return []; } var txt = ['']; var i = 0; if (node = node.firstChild) do { if (node.nodeType === 3) { txt[i] += node.data; continue; } var innerText = getText(node); if ( forceContext && node.nodeType === 1 && (forceContext === true || forceContext(node)) ) { txt[++i] = innerText; txt[++i] = ''; } else { if (typeof innerText[0] === 'string') { // Bridge nested text-node data so that they're // not considered their own contexts: // I.e. ['some', ['thing']] -> ['something'] txt[i] += innerText.shift(); } if (innerText.length) { txt[++i] = innerText; txt[++i] = ''; } } } while (node = node.nextSibling); return txt; } }, /** * Steps through the target node, looking for matches, and * calling replaceFn when a match is found. */ processMatches: function() { var matches = this.matches; var node = this.node; var elementFilter = this.options.filterElements; var startPortion, endPortion, innerPortions = [], curNode = node, match = matches.shift(), atIndex = 0, // i.e. nodeAtIndex matchIndex = 0, portionIndex = 0, doAvoidNode, nodeStack = [node]; out: while (true) { if (curNode.nodeType === 3) { if (!endPortion && curNode.length + atIndex >= match.endIndex) { // We've found the ending endPortion = { node: curNode, index: portionIndex++, text: curNode.data.substring(match.startIndex - atIndex, match.endIndex - atIndex), indexInMatch: atIndex - match.startIndex, indexInNode: match.startIndex - atIndex, // always zero for end-portions endIndexInNode: match.endIndex - atIndex, isEnd: true }; } else if (startPortion) { // Intersecting node innerPortions.push({ node: curNode, index: portionIndex++, text: curNode.data, indexInMatch: atIndex - match.startIndex, indexInNode: 0 // always zero for inner-portions }); } if (!startPortion && curNode.length + atIndex > match.startIndex) { // We've found the match start startPortion = { node: curNode, index: portionIndex++, indexInMatch: 0, indexInNode: match.startIndex - atIndex, endIndexInNode: match.endIndex - atIndex, text: curNode.data.substring(match.startIndex - atIndex, match.endIndex - atIndex) }; } atIndex += curNode.data.length; } doAvoidNode = curNode.nodeType === 1 && elementFilter && !elementFilter(curNode); if (startPortion && endPortion) { curNode = this.replaceMatch(match, startPortion, innerPortions, endPortion); // processMatches has to return the node that replaced the endNode // and then we step back so we can continue from the end of the // match: atIndex -= (endPortion.node.data.length - endPortion.endIndexInNode); startPortion = null; endPortion = null; innerPortions = []; match = matches.shift(); portionIndex = 0; matchIndex++; if (!match) { break; // no more matches } } else if ( !doAvoidNode && (curNode.firstChild || curNode.nextSibling) ) { // Move down or forward: if (curNode.firstChild) { nodeStack.push(curNode); curNode = curNode.firstChild; } else { curNode = curNode.nextSibling; } continue; } // Move forward or up: while (true) { if (curNode.nextSibling) { curNode = curNode.nextSibling; break; } curNode = nodeStack.pop(); if (curNode === node) { break out; } } } }, /** * Reverts ... TODO */ revert: function() { // Reversion occurs backwards so as to avoid nodes subsequently // replaced during the matching phase (a forward process): for (var l = this.reverts.length; l--;) { this.reverts[l](); } this.reverts = []; }, prepareReplacementString: function(string, portion, match) { var portionMode = this.options.portionMode; if ( portionMode === PORTION_MODE_FIRST && portion.indexInMatch > 0 ) { return ''; } string = string.replace(/\$(\d+|&|`|')/g, function($0, t) { var replacement; switch(t) { case '&': replacement = match[0]; break; case '`': replacement = match.input.substring(0, match.startIndex); break; case '\'': replacement = match.input.substring(match.endIndex); break; default: replacement = match[+t]; } return replacement; }); if (portionMode === PORTION_MODE_FIRST) { return string; } if (portion.isEnd) { return string.substring(portion.indexInMatch); } return string.substring(portion.indexInMatch, portion.indexInMatch + portion.text.length); }, getPortionReplacementNode: function(portion, match) { var replacement = this.options.replace || '$&'; var wrapper = this.options.wrap; if (wrapper && wrapper.nodeType) { // Wrapper has been provided as a stencil-node for us to clone: var clone = doc.createElement('div'); clone.innerHTML = wrapper.outerHTML || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(wrapper); wrapper = clone.firstChild; } if (typeof replacement == 'function') { replacement = replacement(portion, match); if (replacement && replacement.nodeType) { return replacement; } return doc.createTextNode(String(replacement)); } var el = typeof wrapper == 'string' ? doc.createElement(wrapper) : wrapper; replacement = doc.createTextNode( this.prepareReplacementString( replacement, portion, match ) ); if (!replacement.data) { return replacement; } if (!el) { return replacement; } el.appendChild(replacement); return el; }, replaceMatch: function(match, startPortion, innerPortions, endPortion) { var matchStartNode = startPortion.node; var matchEndNode = endPortion.node; var precedingTextNode; var followingTextNode; if (matchStartNode === matchEndNode) { var node = matchStartNode; if (startPortion.indexInNode > 0) { // Add `before` text node (before the match) precedingTextNode = doc.createTextNode(node.data.substring(0, startPortion.indexInNode)); node.parentNode.insertBefore(precedingTextNode, node); } // Create the replacement node: var newNode = this.getPortionReplacementNode( endPortion, match ); node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node); if (endPortion.endIndexInNode < node.length) { // ????? // Add `after` text node (after the match) followingTextNode = doc.createTextNode(node.data.substring(endPortion.endIndexInNode)); node.parentNode.insertBefore(followingTextNode, node); } node.parentNode.removeChild(node); this.reverts.push(function() { if (precedingTextNode === newNode.previousSibling) { precedingTextNode.parentNode.removeChild(precedingTextNode); } if (followingTextNode === newNode.nextSibling) { followingTextNode.parentNode.removeChild(followingTextNode); } newNode.parentNode.replaceChild(node, newNode); }); return newNode; } else { // Replace matchStartNode -> [innerMatchNodes...] -> matchEndNode (in that order) precedingTextNode = doc.createTextNode( matchStartNode.data.substring(0, startPortion.indexInNode) ); followingTextNode = doc.createTextNode( matchEndNode.data.substring(endPortion.endIndexInNode) ); var firstNode = this.getPortionReplacementNode( startPortion, match ); var innerNodes = []; for (var i = 0, l = innerPortions.length; i < l; ++i) { var portion = innerPortions[i]; var innerNode = this.getPortionReplacementNode( portion, match ); portion.node.parentNode.replaceChild(innerNode, portion.node); this.reverts.push((function(portion, innerNode) { return function() { innerNode.parentNode.replaceChild(portion.node, innerNode); }; }(portion, innerNode))); innerNodes.push(innerNode); } var lastNode = this.getPortionReplacementNode( endPortion, match ); matchStartNode.parentNode.insertBefore(precedingTextNode, matchStartNode); matchStartNode.parentNode.insertBefore(firstNode, matchStartNode); matchStartNode.parentNode.removeChild(matchStartNode); matchEndNode.parentNode.insertBefore(lastNode, matchEndNode); matchEndNode.parentNode.insertBefore(followingTextNode, matchEndNode); matchEndNode.parentNode.removeChild(matchEndNode); this.reverts.push(function() { precedingTextNode.parentNode.removeChild(precedingTextNode); firstNode.parentNode.replaceChild(matchStartNode, firstNode); followingTextNode.parentNode.removeChild(followingTextNode); lastNode.parentNode.replaceChild(matchEndNode, lastNode); }); return lastNode; } } }; return exposed; }));