# frozen_string_literal: true require "uri" module RelatonBib # Address class. class Address # @return [Array] attr_reader :street # @return [String, nil] attr_reader :city, :state, :country, :postcode, :formatted_address # @param street [Array] streets # @param city [String, nil] city, should be present or formatted address provided # @param state [String, nil] state # @param country [String, nil] country, should be present or formatted address provided # @param postcode [String, nil] postcode # @param formatted_address [String, nil] formatted address, should be present or city and country provided def initialize(**args) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity unless args[:formatted_address] || (args[:city] && args[:country]) raise ArgumentError, "Either formatted address or city and country must be provided" end @street = args[:street] || [] @city = args[:city] @state = args[:state] @country = args[:country] @postcode = args[:postcode] @formatted_address = args[:formatted_address] unless args[:city] && args[:country] end # @param doc [Nokogiri::XML::Document] def to_xml(doc) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength doc.address do if formatted_address doc.formattedAddress formatted_address else street.each { |str| doc.street str } doc.city city doc.state state if state doc.country country doc.postcode postcode if postcode end end end # @return [Hash] def to_hash # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength hash = { "address" => {} } if formatted_address hash["address"]["formatted_address"] = formatted_address else hash["address"]["street"] = street if street.any? hash["address"]["city"] = city hash["address"]["state"] = state if state hash["address"]["country"] = country hash["address"]["postcode"] = postcode if postcode end hash end # @param prefix [String] # @param count [Integer] number of addresses # @return [String] def to_asciibib(prefix = "", count = 1) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity pref = prefix.empty? ? "address" : "#{prefix}.address" if formatted_address "#{pref}.formatted_address:: #{formatted_address}\n" else out = count > 1 ? "#{pref}::\n" : "" street.each { |st| out += "#{pref}.street:: #{st}\n" } out += "#{pref}.city:: #{city}\n" out += "#{pref}.state:: #{state}\n" if state out += "#{pref}.country:: #{country}\n" out += "#{pref}.postcode:: #{postcode}\n" if postcode out end end end # Contact class. class Contact # @return [String] allowed "phone", "email" or "uri" attr_reader :type # @return [String] attr_reader :value # @param type [String] allowed "phone", "email" or "uri" # @param value [String] def initialize(type:, value:) @type = type @value = value end # @param builder [Nokogiri::XML::Document] def to_xml(doc) doc.send type, value end # @return [Hash] def to_hash { type => value } end # @param prefix [String] # @param count [Integer] number of contacts # @return [string] def to_asciibib(prefix = "", count = 1) pref = prefix.empty? ? prefix : "#{prefix}." out = count > 1 ? "#{pref}contact::\n" : "" # out += "#{pref}contact.type:: #{type}\n" out += "#{pref}contact.#{type}:: #{value}\n" out end end # Affiliation. class Affiliation include RelatonBib # @return [RelatonBib::LocalizedString, nil] attr_reader :name # @return [Array] attr_reader :description # @return [RelatonBib::Organization] attr_reader :organization # @param organization [RelatonBib::Organization] # @param name [RelatonBib::LocalizedString, nil] # @param description [Array] def initialize(organization:, name: nil, description: []) @name = name @organization = organization @description = description end # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] :builder XML builder # @option opts [String] :lang language def to_xml(**opts) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize opts[:builder].affiliation do |builder| builder.name { name.to_xml builder } if name desc = description.select { |d| d.language&.include? opts[:lang] } desc = description unless desc.any? desc.each { |d| builder.description { d.to_xml builder } } organization.to_xml(**opts) end end # @return [Hash] def to_hash hash = organization.to_hash hash["name"] = name.to_hash if name if description&.any? hash["description"] = single_element_array(description) end hash end # @param prefix [String] # @param count [Integer] # @return [String] def to_asciibib(prefix = "", count = 1) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize pref = prefix.empty? ? prefix : "#{prefix}." out = count > 1 ? "#{pref}affiliation::\n" : "" out += name.to_asciibib "#{pref}affiliation.name" if name description.each do |d| out += d.to_asciibib "#{pref}affiliation.description", description.size end out += organization.to_asciibib "#{pref}affiliation.*" out end end # Contributor. class Contributor include RelatonBib # @return [URI] attr_reader :uri # @return [Array] attr_reader :contact # @param url [String, nil] # @param contact [Array] def initialize(url: nil, contact: []) @uri = URI url if url @contact = contact end # Returns url. # @return [String] def url @uri.to_s end # @params builder [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] def to_xml(builder) contact.each { |contact| contact.to_xml builder } end # @return [Hash] def to_hash hash = {} hash["url"] = uri.to_s if uri hash["contact"] = single_element_array(contact) if contact&.any? hash end # @param prefix [String] # @return [String] def to_asciibib(prefix = "") # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity pref = prefix.empty? ? prefix : "#{prefix}." out = "" out += "#{pref}url:: #{uri}\n" if uri addr = contact.select { |c| c.is_a? RelatonBib::Address } addr.each { |ct| out += ct.to_asciibib prefix, addr.size } cont = contact.select { |c| c.is_a? RelatonBib::Contact } cont.each { |ct| out += ct.to_asciibib prefix, cont.size } out end end end