var Education; Education = { init: function(name) { try { Debug.log("Education.init", name); var m; = name; m = ""; m = m + Tags.linkToFunction("Close", "Education.educate(); return false;", {"class": "close"}); m = m + Education.educationModule(); Education.container().insert(m); Education.container().insert({"after": Education.forcedEducation()}); Education.load(); } catch(omg) { Debug.error(omg); } }, educationModule: function() { var m; m = Tags.div(Education.ol(), {"id":, "class": "education_module"}); return m; }, forcedEducation: function() { var m; m = Tags.div(Education.minForcedEducation(), {"id": "forced_education", "style": "display: none;"}); return m; }, minForcedEducation: function() { var m, id; id = "min_" + + "_education"; Debug.log("getting min forced education key", id); m = Tags.div(I18n.t(id), {"id": id}); Debug.log("got key", m); return m; }, ol: function() { var m, entries; entries = Education.entries(); entries = entries.join(""); m = Tags.ol(entries); return m; }, entries: function() { var m, entries, entry, i; entries = []; i = 0; do { i = i + 1; entry = Education.entry(i); entries.push(entry); } while(entry); return entries; }, entry: function(index) { var m, text, id; id = + "_" + String(index); text = I18n.t(id); if (text) { m =, {"id": id}); } return m; }, show: function(educations) { Debug.log('Education.init'); Education.educations = educations; Debug.log("Educations.educations: ", educations); if (Education.container() !== null) { Education.getModules(); } }, get: function(params, success_function, error_function) { Debug.log('Education.get. About to call OIB.get'); OIB.get("educations/", params, success_function, error_function); }, post: function(params, success_function, error_function) { Debug.log('');"educations/create", params, success_function, error_function); }, educate: function() { // Grab the children divs of $('education') with the class education_module that are NOT HIDDEN // For each education module returned, post the id and view as params[:title] and params[:page_name] $$('.education_module').each(function(element) { if (!element.hasClassName('educated')) { Debug.log(element.identify());{"page_name":, "title": element.identify()}, function(response) { Debug.log("Response: " + response); }); } }); Education.container().hide(); $('forced_education').show(); }, getModules: function() { var showContainer = false; $$('.education_module').each(function(element) { Education.educations.each(function(education) { if (element.identify() === education.title && === education.page_name.toLowerCase()) { element.addClassName('educated'); } }); }); $$('.education_module').each(function(element) { if(!element.hasClassName('educated')) { showContainer = true; } }); if (showContainer) { Education.container().show(); } else { $('forced_education').show(); } }, container: function() { return $('education'); }, load: function() { try { Debug.log('Education.load'); Education.get({}, function(response) {; }); } catch(err) { YAHOO.oib.showError({ "method": "Education.load", "type": "exception caught", "error": err }); Debug.error(err); } } };