module CamaleonCms::CustomFieldsRead extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do before_destroy :_destroy_custom_field_groups has_many :fields, ->(object){ where(:object_class => object.class.to_s.gsub("Decorator","").gsub("CamaleonCms::",""))} , :class_name => "CamaleonCms::CustomField" ,foreign_key: :objectid has_many :field_values, ->(object){where(object_class: object.class.to_s.gsub("Decorator","").gsub("CamaleonCms::",""))}, :class_name => "CamaleonCms::CustomFieldsRelationship", foreign_key: :objectid, dependent: :delete_all has_many :custom_field_values, ->(object){ where(object_class: object.class.to_s.gsub("Decorator","").gsub("CamaleonCms::", ""))}, :class_name => "CamaleonCms::CustomFieldsRelationship", foreign_key: :objectid, dependent: :delete_all # valid only for simple groups and not for complex like: posts, post, ... where the group is for individual or children groups has_many :field_groups, ->(object){where(object_class: object.class.to_s.parseCamaClass)}, :class_name => "CamaleonCms::CustomFieldGroup", foreign_key: :objectid end # get custom field groups for current object # only: Post_type, Post, Category, PostTag, Widget, Site and a Custom model pre configured # return collections CustomFieldGroup # args: (Hash, used only for PostType Objects) # kind: (Post (Default) | Category | PostTag | PostType). # If kind = "Post" this will return all groups for all posts from current post type # If kind = "Category" this will return all groups for all categories from current post type # If kind = "PostTag" this will return all groups for all posttags from current post type # If kind = "all" this will return all groups from current post type # If kind = "post_type" this will return groups for all post_types # Sample: mypost.get_field_groups() ==> return fields for posts from parent posttype # Sample: mycat.get_field_groups() ==> return fields for categories from parent posttype # Sample: myposttag.get_field_groups() ==> return fields for posttags from parent posttype # Sample: mypost_type.get_field_groups({kind: 'Post'}) => return custom fields for posts # Sample: mypost_type.get_field_groups({kind: 'Category'}) => return custom fields for posts # Sample: mypost_type.get_field_groups({kind: 'PostTag'}) => return custom fields for posts def get_field_groups(args = {}) args = args.is_a?(String) ? {kind: args, include_parent: false } : {kind: "Post", include_parent: false }.merge(args) class_name = self.class.to_s.parseCamaClass case class_name when 'Category','PostTag' self.post_type.get_field_groups(class_name) when 'Post' CamaleonCms::CustomFieldGroup.where("(objectid = ? AND object_class = ?) OR (objectid = ? AND object_class = ?)", || -1, class_name,, "PostType_#{class_name}") when 'NavMenuItem' self.main_menu.field_groups when 'PostType' if args[:kind] == "all" CamaleonCms::CustomFieldGroup.where(object_class: ["PostType_Post", "PostType_Post", "PostType_PostTag", "PostType"], objectid: ) elsif args[:kind] == "post_type" self.field_groups else CamaleonCms::CustomFieldGroup.where(object_class: "PostType_#{args[:kind]}", objectid: ) end else # 'Plugin' or other classes self.field_groups end end # get custom field groups for current user # return collections CustomFieldGroup # site: site object def get_user_field_groups(site) site.custom_field_groups.where(object_class: self.class.to_s.parseCamaClass) end # get custom field value # _key: custom field key # if value is not present, then return default # return default only if the field was not registered def get_field_value(_key, _default = nil, group_number = 0) v = get_field_values(_key, group_number).first rescue _default v.present? ? v : _default end alias_method :get_field, :get_field_value alias_method :get_field!, :get_field_value # get custom field values # _key: custom field key def get_field_values(_key, group_number = 0) self.field_values.where(custom_field_slug: _key, group_number: group_number).pluck(:value) end alias_method :get_fields, :get_field_values # return the values of custom fields grouped by group_number # field_keys: (array of keys) # samples: my_object.get_fields_grouped(['my_slug1', 'my_slug2']) # return: [ # { 'my_slug1' => ["val 1"], 'my_slug2' => ['val 2']}, # { 'my_slug1' => ["val2 for slug1"], 'my_slug2' => ['val 2 for slug2']} # ] ==> 2 groups # # return: [ # { 'my_slug1' => ["val 1", 'val 2 for fields multiple support'], 'my_slug2' => ['val 2']}, # { 'my_slug1' => ["val2 for slug1", 'val 2'], 'my_slug2' => ['val 2 for slug2']} # { 'my_slug1' => ["val3 for slug1", 'val 3'], 'my_slug2' => ['val 3 for slug2']} # ] ==> 3 groups # # puts res[0]['my_slug1'].first ==> "val 1" def get_fields_grouped(field_keys) res = [] field_values.where(custom_field_slug: field_keys).order(group_number: :asc).group_by(&:group_number).each do |group_number, group_fields| group = {} field_keys.each do |field_key| group[field_key] = [] group_fields.each{ |field| group[field_key] << field.value if field_key == field.custom_field_slug } end res << group end res end # return all values # {key1: "single value", key2: [multiple, values], key3: value4} if include_options = false # {key1: {values: "single value", options: {a:1, b: 4}}, key2: {values: [multiple, values], options: {a=1, b=2} }} if include_options = true def get_field_values_hash(include_options = false) fields = {} self.field_values.to_a.uniq.each do |field_value| custom_field = field_value.custom_fields values = custom_field.values.where(objectid: fields[field_value.custom_field_slug] = custom_field.cama_options[:multiple].to_s.to_bool ? values : values.first unless include_options fields[field_value.custom_field_slug] = {values: custom_field.cama_options[:multiple].to_s.to_bool ? values : values.first, options: custom_field.cama_options, id:} if include_options end fields.to_sym end # return all custom fields for current element # {my_field_slug: {options: {}, values: [], name: '', ...} } # deprecated f attribute def get_fields_object(f=true) fields = {} self.field_values.to_a.uniq.each do |field_value| custom_field = field_value.custom_fields # if custom_field.options[:show_frontend].to_s.to_bool values = custom_field.values.where(objectid: fields[field_value.custom_field_slug] = custom_field.attributes.merge(options: custom_field.cama_options, values: custom_field.cama_options[:multiple].to_s.to_bool ? values : values.first) # end end fields.to_sym end # add a custom field group for current model # values: # name: name for the group # slug: key for group (if slug = _default => this will never show title and description) # description: description for the group (optional) # is_repeat: (boolean, optional -> default false) indicate if group support multiple format (repeated values) # Model supported: PostType, Category, Post, Posttag, Widget, Plugin, Theme, User and Custom models pre configured # Note 1: If you need add fields for all post's or all categories, then you need to add the fields into the # post_type.add_custom_field_group(values, kind = "Post") # post_type.add_custom_field_group(values, kind = "Category") # Note 2: If you need add fields for only the Post_type, you have to use options or metas # return: CustomFieldGroup object # kind: argument only for PostType model: (Post | Category | PostTag), default => Post. If kind = "" this will add group for all post_types def add_custom_field_group(values, kind = "Post") values = values.with_indifferent_access group = get_field_groups(kind).where(slug: values[:slug]).first unless group.present? site = _cama_get_field_site values[:parent_id] = if site.present? if self.is_a?(CamaleonCms::Post) # harcoded for post to support custom field groups group = CamaleonCms::CustomFieldGroup.where(object_class: "Post", objectid:!(values) else group = get_field_groups(kind).create!(values) end end group end alias_method :add_field_group, :add_custom_field_group # Add custom fields for a default group: # This will create a new group with slug=_default if it doesn't exist yet # more details in add_manual_field(item, options) from custom field groups # kind: argument only for PostType model: (Post | Category | PostTag), default => Post def add_custom_field_to_default_group(item, options, kind = "Post") g = get_field_groups(kind).where(slug: "_default").first g = add_custom_field_group({name: "Default Field Group", slug: "_default"}, kind) unless g.present? f = g.add_manual_field(item, options) end alias_method :add_field, :add_custom_field_to_default_group # return field object for current model def get_field_object(slug) CamaleonCms::CustomField.where( slug: slug, parent_id: get_field_groups.pluck(:id), ).first || CamaleonCms::CustomField.where( slug: slug, parent_id: get_field_groups({include_parent: true}) ).first end # save all fields sent from browser (reservated for browser request) # sample: # { # "0"=>{ "untitled-text-box"=>{"id"=>"262", "values"=>{"0"=>"33333"}}}, # "1"=>{ "untitled-text-box"=>{"id"=>"262", "values"=>{"0"=>"33333"}}} # } def set_field_values(datas = {}) if datas.present? self.field_values.delete_all datas.each do |index, fields_data| fields_data.each do |field_key, values| if values[:values].present? order_value = -1 ((values[:values].is_a?(Hash) || values[:values].is_a?(ActionController::Parameters)) ? values[:values].values : values[:values]).each do |value| item = self.field_values.create!({custom_field_id: values[:id], custom_field_slug: field_key, value: fix_meta_value(value), term_order: order_value += 1, group_number: values[:group_number] || 0}) end end end end end end # update new value for field with slug _key # Sample: my_posy.update_field_value('sub_title', 'Test Sub Title') def update_field_value(_key, value = nil, group_number = 0) self.field_values.where(custom_field_slug: _key, group_number: group_number).first.update_column('value', value) rescue nil end # Set custom field values for current model # key: slug of the custom field # value: array of values for multiple values support # value: string value def save_field_value(key, value, order = 0, clear = true) set_field_value(key, value, {clear: clear, order: order}) end # Set custom field values for current model (support for multiple group values) # key: (string required) slug of the custom field # value: (array | string) array: array of values for multiple values support, string: uniq value for the custom field # args: # field_id: (integer optional) identifier of the custom field # order: order or position of the field value # group_number: number of the group (only for custom field group with is_repeat enabled) # clear: (boolean, default true) if true, will remove previous values and set these values, if not will append values # return false if the was not saved because there is not present the field with slug: key # sample: my_post.set_field_value('subtitle', 'Sub Title') # sample: my_post.set_field_value('subtitle', ['Sub Title1', 'Sub Title2']) # set values for a field (for fields that support multiple values) # sample: my_post.set_field_value('subtitle', 'Sub Title', {group_number: 1}) # sample: my_post.set_field_value('subtitle', 'Sub Title', {group_number: 1, group_number: 1}) # add field values for fields in group 1 def set_field_value(key, value, args = {}) args = {order: 0, group_number: 0, field_id: nil, clear: true}.merge(args) args[:field_id] = get_field_object(key).id rescue nil unless args[:field_id].present? unless args[:field_id].present? raise ArgumentError, "There is no custom field configured for #{key}" end self.field_values.where({custom_field_slug: key, group_number: args[:group_number]}).delete_all if args[:clear] v = {custom_field_id: args[:field_id], custom_field_slug: key, value: fix_meta_value(value), term_order: args[:order], group_number: args[:group_number]} if value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |val| self.field_values.create!(v.merge({value: fix_meta_value(val)})) end else self.field_values.create!(v) end end private def fix_meta_value(value) if (value.is_a?(Array) || value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(ActionController::Parameters)) value = value.to_json end value end def _destroy_custom_field_groups class_name = self.class.to_s.parseCamaClass if ['Category','Post','PostTag'].include?(class_name) CamaleonCms::CustomFieldGroup.where(objectid:, object_class: class_name).destroy_all elsif ['PostType'].include?(class_name) get_field_groups("Post").destroy_all get_field_groups("Category").destroy_all get_field_groups("PostTag").destroy_all elsif ["NavMenuItem"].include?(class_name) # menu items doesn't include field groups else get_field_groups().destroy_all if get_field_groups.present? end end # return the Site Model owner of current model def _cama_get_field_site case self.class.to_s.parseCamaClass when 'Category','Post','PostTag' when 'Site' self else end end end