## Version 1.6.1 /2010-03-26 * Bug fix: `wti push --all` was using an incorrect list of locales, thus not pushing all files. ## Version 1.6.0 /2010-03-22 * Bug fix: Encoding problem with Ruby 1.9 (Romain Sempé) * Bug fix: Make rake task create locale directory if it doesn’t exist yet. (Romain Sempé) * Bug fix: Make the list of ignore locales work for wti pull (it won’t pull the locales you ignore) * **Breaking update**: The project configuration changed and doesn’t include a list of master language files any longer. This makes configuration much simpler. However you must configure the exact file path of your files in the File Manager. This allows much more flexibility for the choice of your language file names. Ref #22. ## Version 1.5.2 /2010-03-13 * Only added a man page. ## Version 1.5.1 /2010-03-09 * Add `wti stats`, to fetch the project stats from the stats API endpoint. ## Version 1.5.0 /2010-02-19 Warning, some deprecations in this version. * Remove `wti fetch` and `wti upload`. It was deprecated in 1.4.7 in favour of `wti pull` and `wti push` respectively. * `wti push` now only pushes the master language file. Use `wti push --all` to push all or `wti push -l [locale]` to push a specific locale. * `wti pull` now only pulls the target language files. Use `wti pull --all` to pull all or `wti pull -l [locale]` to pull a specific locale. * Increase read timeout to 40s — Required for very large projects. * Bug fix: `wti autoconf` now create directory if it doesn't exist. * Bug fix: `wti autoconf` now ask the user where are the locale files. ## Version 1.4.7 /2010-02-05 * Add deprecation warning for `wti --fetch`, `wti -f`. These commands will be deprecated in favour of `wti pull`. * Add deprecation warning for `wti --upload`, `wti -u`. These commands will be deprecated in favour of `wti push`. * Add -c parameter to specify a configuration file at a custom location. * Add -l parameter to specify a specific language file to pull or push (only works with `wti pull` and `wti push`). * Add --force parameter to force Web Translate It to send the language files again, regardless if the current language file version is current (this makes `wti pull` very much slower). * Add `wti autoconf` command to automatically configure your project for Web Translate It. ## Version 1.4.6 /2010-02-04 * Add feedback when using the `wti command`. * Fix bug where fetch requests were not using the conditional get requests feature. ## Version 1.4.5 /2010-02-02 * Improved documentation * Web Translate is now an executable: `wti` ## Version 1.4.4 / 2010-02-01 * Add generator to automatically configure your project, given a Web Translate It API key. * Remove rake trans:config, as configuration is now handled by the generator. ## Version 1.4.3 / 2010-01-09 * Remove colour outputs as it increases code complexity and doesn't add any value. * Rack middleware now write to the application’s log file instead of just puts-ing * Better error messages for misconfigured projects ## Version 1.4.2 / 2010-01-07 * Bug fix for `rake trans:config` which was not installing the translation.yml file properly. ## Version 1.4.1 / 2010-01-07 * Rename `rake trans:send[fr_Fr]` to `rake trans:upload[fr_FR]` * Remove `rake trans:version` task. Instead, version number is displayed in the welcome banner. * Code refactoring * More tests ## Version 1.4.0 / 2010-01-06 * The plugin is now a gem ## Version 1.3.0 / 2010-01-05 * Add rack middleware to automatically fetch your translations * Remove `autofetch` parameter in configuration file as it is better off to leave it to the user to include the rack middleware in each environment file. * Add example of rack middleware for setting up I18n.locale ## Version 1.2.1 / 2010-01-04 * Add some documentation * More feedback on file upload ## Version 1.2 / 2010-01-04 * New: Ability to **update** language files via PUT requests. Upload brand new language files is not possible at the moment. ## Version 1.1.1 / 2010-01-04 * Fix: locales in exclude list are no longer autofetched when browsing the app in these locales. ## Version 1.1 / 2010-01-04 * Support for multi-files projects. * Deprecate `rake translation:*` in favour of the shorter form `rake trans`. * Add task `rake trans:fetch[en_US]` to fetch files locale by locale. * Add task `rake trans:fetch:all` to fetch all the files for all locales defined in Web Translate It’s web interface. ## Version 1.0.0 / 2009-11-02 * Better support for exceptions. ## Version 0.9.0 / 2009-10-26 * First version, plugin only support download of strings. Strings upload will be available in a later version.