/*! * froala_editor v2.8.5 (https://www.froala.com/wysiwyg-editor) * License https://froala.com/wysiwyg-editor/terms/ * Copyright 2014-2018 Froala Labs */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // Node/CommonJS module.exports = function( root, jQuery ) { if ( jQuery === undefined ) { // require('jQuery') returns a factory that requires window to // build a jQuery instance, we normalize how we use modules // that require this pattern but the window provided is a noop // if it's defined (how jquery works) if ( typeof window !== 'undefined' ) { jQuery = require('jquery'); } else { jQuery = require('jquery')(root); } } return factory(jQuery); }; } else { // Browser globals factory(window.jQuery); } }(function ($) { /** * Traditional Chinese spoken in Taiwan. */ $.FE.LANGUAGE['zh_tw'] = { translation: { // Place holder "Type something": "\u8f38\u5165\u4e00\u4e9b\u5167\u5bb9", // Basic formatting "Bold": "\u7c97\u9ad4", "Italic": "\u659c\u9ad4", "Underline": "\u5e95\u7dda", "Strikethrough": "\u522a\u9664\u7dda", // Main buttons "Insert": "\u63d2\u5165", "Delete": "\u522a\u9664", "Cancel": "\u53d6\u6d88", "OK": "\u78ba\u5b9a", "Back": "\u5f8c", "Remove": "\u79fb\u9664", "More": "\u66f4\u591a", "Update": "\u66f4\u65b0", "Style": "\u6a23\u5f0f", // Font "Font Family": "\u5b57\u9ad4", "Font Size": "\u5b57\u578b\u5927\u5c0f", // Colors "Colors": "\u984f\u8272", "Background": "\u80cc\u666f", "Text": "\u6587\u5b57", "HEX Color": "十六進制顏色", // Paragraphs "Paragraph Format": "\u683c\u5f0f", "Normal": "\u6b63\u5e38", "Code": "\u7a0b\u5f0f\u78bc", "Heading 1": "\u6a19\u984c 1", "Heading 2": "\u6a19\u984c 2", "Heading 3": "\u6a19\u984c 3", "Heading 4": "\u6a19\u984c 4", // Style "Paragraph Style": "\u6bb5\u843d\u6a23\u5f0f", "Inline Style": "\u5167\u806f\u6a23\u5f0f", // Alignment "Align": "\u5c0d\u9f4a", "Align Left": "\u7f6e\u5de6\u5c0d\u9f4a", "Align Center": "\u7f6e\u4e2d\u5c0d\u9f4a", "Align Right": "\u7f6e\u53f3\u5c0d\u9f4a", "Align Justify": "\u5de6\u53f3\u5c0d\u9f4a", "None": "\u7121", // Lists "Ordered List": "\u6578\u5b57\u6e05\u55ae", "Unordered List": "\u9805\u76ee\u6e05\u55ae", // Indent "Decrease Indent": "\u6e1b\u5c11\u7e2e\u6392", "Increase Indent": "\u589e\u52a0\u7e2e\u6392", // Links "Insert Link": "\u63d2\u5165\u9023\u7d50", "Open in new tab": "\u5728\u65b0\u5206\u9801\u958b\u555f", "Open Link": "\u958b\u555f\u9023\u7d50", "Edit Link": "\u7de8\u8f2f\u9023\u7d50", "Unlink": "\u79fb\u9664\u9023\u7d50", "Choose Link": "\u9078\u64c7\u9023\u7d50", // Images "Insert Image": "\u63d2\u5165\u5716\u7247", "Upload Image": "\u4e0a\u50b3\u5716\u7247", "By URL": "\u7db2\u5740\u4e0a\u50b3", "Browse": "\u700f\u89bd", "Drop image": "\u5716\u7247\u62d6\u66f3", "or click": "\u6216\u9ede\u64ca", "Manage Images": "\u7ba1\u7406\u5716\u7247", "Loading": "\u8f09\u5165\u4e2d", "Deleting": "\u522a\u9664", "Tags": "\u6a19\u7c64", "Are you sure? Image will be deleted.": "\u78ba\u5b9a\u522a\u9664\u5716\u7247\uff1f", "Replace": "\u66f4\u63db", "Uploading": "\u4e0a\u50b3", "Loading image": "\u4e0a\u50b3\u4e2d", "Display": "\u986f\u793a", "Inline": "\u5d4c\u5165", "Break Text": "\u8207\u6587\u5b57\u5206\u96e2", "Alternative Text": "\u6587\u5b57\u74b0\u7e5e", "Change Size": "\u8abf\u6574\u5927\u5c0f", "Width": "\u5bec\u5ea6", "Height": "\u9ad8\u5ea6", "Something went wrong. Please try again.": "\u932f\u8aa4\uff0c\u8acb\u518d\u8a66\u4e00\u6b21\u3002", "Image Caption": "圖片說明", "Advanced Edit": "高級編輯", // Video "Insert Video": "\u63d2\u5165\u5f71\u7247", "Embedded Code": "\u5d4c\u5165\u7a0b\u5f0f\u78bc", "Paste in a video URL": "粘貼在視頻網址", "Drop video": "放下視頻", "Your browser does not support HTML5 video.": "您的瀏覽器不支持html5視頻。", "Upload Video": "上傳視頻", // Tables "Insert Table": "\u63d2\u5165\u8868\u683c", "Table Header": "\u8868\u982d", "Remove Table": "\u522a\u9664\u8868", "Table Style": "\u8868\u6a23\u5f0f", "Horizontal Align": "\u6c34\u6e96\u5c0d\u9f4a\u65b9\u5f0f", "Row": "\u884c", "Insert row above": "\u5411\u4e0a\u63d2\u5165\u4e00\u884c", "Insert row below": "\u5411\u4e0b\u63d2\u5165\u4e00\u884c", "Delete row": "\u522a\u9664\u884c", "Column": "\u5217", "Insert column before": "\u5411\u5de6\u63d2\u5165\u4e00\u5217", "Insert column after": "\u5411\u53f3\u63d2\u5165\u4e00\u5217", "Delete column": "\u522a\u9664\u884c", "Cell": "\u5132\u5b58\u683c", "Merge cells": "\u5408\u4f75\u5132\u5b58\u683c", "Horizontal split": "\u6c34\u5e73\u5206\u5272", "Vertical split": "\u5782\u76f4\u5206\u5272", "Cell Background": "\u5132\u5b58\u683c\u80cc\u666f", "Vertical Align": "\u5782\u76f4\u5c0d\u9f4a\u65b9\u5f0f", "Top": "\u4e0a", "Middle": "\u4e2d", "Bottom": "\u4e0b", "Align Top": "\u5411\u4e0a\u5c0d\u9f4a", "Align Middle": "\u4e2d\u9593\u5c0d\u9f4a", "Align Bottom": "\u5e95\u90e8\u5c0d\u9f4a", "Cell Style": "\u5132\u5b58\u683c\u6a23\u5f0f", // Files "Upload File": "\u4e0a\u50b3\u6587\u4ef6", "Drop file": "\u6587\u4ef6\u62d6\u66f3", // Emoticons "Emoticons": "\u8868\u60c5", "Grinning face": "\u81c9\u4e0a\u7b11\u563b\u563b", "Grinning face with smiling eyes": "\u7b11\u563b\u563b\u7684\u81c9\uff0c\u542b\u7b11\u7684\u773c\u775b", "Face with tears of joy": "\u81c9\u4e0a\u5e36\u8457\u559c\u6085\u7684\u6dda\u6c34", "Smiling face with open mouth": "\u7b11\u81c9\u5f35\u958b\u5634", "Smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes": "\u7b11\u81c9\u5f35\u958b\u5634\u5fae\u7b11\u7684\u773c\u775b", "Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat": "\u7b11\u81c9\u5f35\u958b\u5634\uff0c\u4e00\u8eab\u51b7\u6c57", "Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes": "\u7b11\u81c9\u5f35\u958b\u5634\uff0c\u7dca\u7dca\u9589\u8457\u773c\u775b", "Smiling face with halo": "\u7b11\u81c9\u6688", "Smiling face with horns": "\u5fae\u7b11\u7684\u81c9\u89d2", "Winking face": "\u7728\u773c\u8868\u60c5", "Smiling face with smiling eyes": "\u9762\u5e36\u5fae\u7b11\u7684\u773c\u775b", "Face savoring delicious food": "\u9762\u5c0d\u54c1\u5690\u7f8e\u5473\u7684\u98df\u7269", "Relieved face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u5982\u91cb\u91cd\u8ca0", "Smiling face with heart-shaped eyes": "\u5fae\u7b11\u7684\u81c9\uff0c\u5fc3\u81df\u5f62\u7684\u773c\u775b", "Smiling face with sunglasses": "\u7b11\u81c9\u592a\u967d\u93e1", "Smirking face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u9762\u5e36\u7b11\u5bb9", "Neutral face": "\u4e2d\u6027\u9762", "Expressionless face": "\u9762\u7121\u8868\u60c5", "Unamused face": "\u4e00\u81c9\u4e0d\u5feb\u7684\u81c9", "Face with cold sweat": "\u9762\u5c0d\u51b7\u6c57", "Pensive face": "\u6c89\u601d\u7684\u81c9", "Confused face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u56f0\u60d1", "Confounded face": "\u8a72\u6b7b\u7684\u81c9", "Kissing face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u63a5\u543b", "Face throwing a kiss": "\u9762\u5c0d\u6295\u64f2\u4e00\u500b\u543b", "Kissing face with smiling eyes": "\u63a5\u543b\u81c9\uff0c\u542b\u7b11\u7684\u773c\u775b", "Kissing face with closed eyes": "\u63a5\u543b\u7684\u81c9\u9589\u8457\u773c\u775b", "Face with stuck out tongue": "\u9762\u5c0d\u4f38\u51fa\u820c\u982d", "Face with stuck out tongue and winking eye": "\u9762\u5c0d\u4f38\u51fa\u820c\u982d\u548c\u7728\u52d5\u7684\u773c\u775b", "Face with stuck out tongue and tightly-closed eyes": "\u9762\u5c0d\u4f38\u51fa\u820c\u982d\u548c\u7dca\u9589\u7684\u773c\u775b", "Disappointed face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u5931\u671b", "Worried face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u64d4\u5fc3", "Angry face": "\u61a4\u6012\u7684\u81c9", "Pouting face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u5658\u5634", "Crying face": "\u54ed\u6ce3\u7684\u81c9", "Persevering face": "\u600e\u5948\u81c9", "Face with look of triumph": "\u9762\u5e36\u770b\u7684\u52dd\u5229", "Disappointed but relieved face": "\u5931\u671b\uff0c\u4f46\u81c9\u4e0a\u91cb\u7136", "Frowning face with open mouth": "\u9762\u5c0d\u76ba\u8457\u7709\u982d\u5f35\u53e3", "Anguished face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u75db\u82e6", "Fearful face": "\u53ef\u6015\u7684\u81c9", "Weary face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u53ad\u5026", "Sleepy face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u56f0", "Tired face": "\u75b2\u618a\u7684\u81c9", "Grimacing face": "\u7319\u7370\u7684\u81c9", "Loudly crying face": "\u5927\u8072\u54ed\u81c9", "Face with open mouth": "\u9762\u5c0d\u5f35\u958b\u5634", "Hushed face": "\u5b89\u975c\u7684\u81c9", "Face with open mouth and cold sweat": "\u9762\u5c0d\u5f35\u958b\u5634\uff0c\u4e00\u8eab\u51b7\u6c57", "Face screaming in fear": "\u9762\u5c0d\u5c16\u53eb\u5728\u6050\u61fc\u4e2d", "Astonished face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u9a5a\u8a1d", "Flushed face": "\u7d05\u64b2\u64b2\u7684\u81c9\u86cb", "Sleeping face": "\u719f\u7761\u7684\u81c9", "Dizzy face": "\u9762\u5c0d\u7729", "Face without mouth": "\u81c9\u4e0a\u6c92\u6709\u5634", "Face with medical mask": "\u9762\u5c0d\u91ab\u7642\u53e3\u7f69", // Line breaker "Break": "\u63db\u884c", // Math "Subscript": "\u4e0b\u6a19", "Superscript": "\u4e0a\u6a19", // Full screen "Fullscreen": "\u5168\u87a2\u5e55", // Horizontal line "Insert Horizontal Line": "\u63d2\u5165\u6c34\u5e73\u7dda", // Clear formatting "Clear Formatting": "\u6e05\u9664\u683c\u5f0f", // Undo, redo "Undo": "\u5fa9\u539f", "Redo": "\u53d6\u6d88\u5fa9\u539f", // Select all "Select All": "\u5168\u9078", // Code view "Code View": "\u539f\u59cb\u78bc", // Quote "Quote": "\u5f15\u6587", "Increase": "\u7e2e\u6392", "Decrease": "\u53bb\u9664\u7e2e\u6392", // Quick Insert "Quick Insert": "\u5feb\u63d2", // Spcial Characters "Special Characters": "特殊字符", "Latin": "拉丁", "Greek": "希臘語", "Cyrillic": "西里爾", "Punctuation": "標點", "Currency": "貨幣", "Arrows": "箭頭", "Math": "數學", "Misc": "雜項", // Print. "Print": "打印", // Spell Checker. "Spell Checker": "拼寫檢查器", // Help "Help": "幫幫我", "Shortcuts": "快捷鍵", "Inline Editor": "內聯編輯器", "Show the editor": "顯示編輯", "Common actions": "共同行動", "Copy": "複製", "Cut": "切", "Paste": "糊", "Basic Formatting": "基本格式", "Increase quote level": "提高報價水平", "Decrease quote level": "降低報價水平", "Image / Video": "圖像/視頻", "Resize larger": "調整大小更大", "Resize smaller": "調整大小更小", "Table": "表", "Select table cell": "選擇表單元格", "Extend selection one cell": "擴展選擇一個單元格", "Extend selection one row": "擴展選擇一行", "Navigation": "導航", "Focus popup / toolbar": "焦點彈出/工具欄", "Return focus to previous position": "將焦點返回到上一個位置", // Embed.ly "Embed URL": "嵌入網址", "Paste in a URL to embed": "粘貼在一個網址中嵌入", // Word Paste. "The pasted content is coming from a Microsoft Word document. Do you want to keep the format or clean it up?": "粘貼的內容來自微軟Word文檔。你想保留格式還是清理它?", "Keep": "保持", "Clean": "清潔", "Word Paste Detected": "檢測到字貼" }, direction: "ltr" }; }));