shared_examples_for 'It Has Setup Resources' do before :all do # A simplistic example, using with an Integer property class Knight include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :name, String end class Dragon include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :name, String property :is_fire_breathing, Boolean property :toes_on_claw, Integer property :birth_at, DateTime property :birth_on, Date property :birth_time, Time belongs_to :knight end # A more complex example, with BigDecimal and Float properties # Statistics taken from CIA World Factbook: # class Country include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :name, String, :nullable => false property :population, Integer property :birth_rate, Float, :precision => 4, :scale => 2 property :gold_reserve_tonnes, Float, :precision => 6, :scale => 2 property :gold_reserve_value, BigDecimal, :precision => 15, :scale => 1 # approx. value in USD end DataMapper.auto_migrate! @birth_at = @birth_on = Date.parse(@birth_at.to_s) @birth_time = Time.parse(@birth_at.to_s) @chuck = Knight.create(:name => 'Chuck') @larry = Knight.create(:name => 'Larry') Dragon.create(:name => 'George', :is_fire_breathing => false, :toes_on_claw => 3, :birth_at => @birth_at, :birth_on => @birth_on, :birth_time => @birth_time, :knight => @chuck ) Dragon.create(:name => 'Puff', :is_fire_breathing => true, :toes_on_claw => 4, :birth_at => @birth_at, :birth_on => @birth_on, :birth_time => @birth_time, :knight => @larry ) Dragon.create(:name => nil, :is_fire_breathing => true, :toes_on_claw => 5, :birth_at => nil, :birth_on => nil, :birth_time => nil) gold_kilo_price = 277738.70 @gold_tonne_price = gold_kilo_price * 10000 Country.create(:name => 'China', :population => 1330044605, :birth_rate => 13.71, :gold_reserve_tonnes => 600.0, :gold_reserve_value => 600.0 * @gold_tonne_price) # 32150000 Country.create(:name => 'United States', :population => 303824646, :birth_rate => 14.18, :gold_reserve_tonnes => 8133.5, :gold_reserve_value => 8133.5 * @gold_tonne_price) Country.create(:name => 'Brazil', :population => 191908598, :birth_rate => 16.04, :gold_reserve_tonnes => nil) # example of no stats available Country.create(:name => 'Russia', :population => 140702094, :birth_rate => 11.03, :gold_reserve_tonnes => 438.2, :gold_reserve_value => 438.2 * @gold_tonne_price) Country.create(:name => 'Japan', :population => 127288419, :birth_rate => 7.87, :gold_reserve_tonnes => 765.2, :gold_reserve_value => 765.2 * @gold_tonne_price) Country.create(:name => 'Mexico', :population => 109955400, :birth_rate => 20.04, :gold_reserve_tonnes => nil) # example of no stats available Country.create(:name => 'Germany', :population => 82369548, :birth_rate => 8.18, :gold_reserve_tonnes => 3417.4, :gold_reserve_value => 3417.4 * @gold_tonne_price) @approx_by = 0.000001 end end shared_examples_for 'An Aggregatable Class' do describe '#size' do it_should_behave_like 'count with no arguments' end describe '#count' do it_should_behave_like 'count with no arguments' describe 'with a property name' do it 'should count the results' do @dragons.count(:name).should == 2 end it 'should count the results with conditions having operators' do @dragons.count(:name, => 3).should == 1 end it 'should count the results with raw conditions' do statement = 'is_fire_breathing = ?' @dragons.count(:name, :conditions => [ statement, false ]).should == 1 @dragons.count(:name, :conditions => [ statement, true ]).should == 1 end end end describe '#min' do describe 'with no arguments' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @dragons.min }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe 'with a property name' do it 'should provide the lowest value of an Integer property' do @dragons.min(:toes_on_claw).should == 3 @countries.min(:population).should == 82369548 end it 'should provide the lowest value of a Float property' do @countries.min(:birth_rate).should be_kind_of(Float) @countries.min(:birth_rate).should >= 7.87 - @approx_by # approx match @countries.min(:birth_rate).should <= 7.87 + @approx_by # approx match end it 'should provide the lowest value of a BigDecimal property' do @countries.min(:gold_reserve_value).should be_kind_of(BigDecimal) @countries.min(:gold_reserve_value).should == BigDecimal('1217050983400.0') end it 'should provide the lowest value of a DateTime property' do @dragons.min(:birth_at).should be_kind_of(DateTime) @dragons.min(:birth_at).to_s.should == @birth_at.to_s end it 'should provide the lowest value of a Date property' do @dragons.min(:birth_on).should be_kind_of(Date) @dragons.min(:birth_on).to_s.should == @birth_on.to_s end it 'should provide the lowest value of a Time property' do @dragons.min(:birth_time).should be_kind_of(Time) @dragons.min(:birth_time).to_s.should == @birth_time.to_s end it 'should provide the lowest value when conditions provided' do @dragons.min(:toes_on_claw, :is_fire_breathing => true).should == 4 @dragons.min(:toes_on_claw, :is_fire_breathing => false).should == 3 end end end describe '#max' do describe 'with no arguments' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @dragons.max }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe 'with a property name' do it 'should provide the highest value of an Integer property' do @dragons.max(:toes_on_claw).should == 5 @countries.max(:population).should == 1330044605 end it 'should provide the highest value of a Float property' do @countries.max(:birth_rate).should be_kind_of(Float) @countries.max(:birth_rate).should >= 20.04 - @approx_by # approx match @countries.max(:birth_rate).should <= 20.04 + @approx_by # approx match end it 'should provide the highest value of a BigDecimal property' do @countries.max(:gold_reserve_value).should == BigDecimal('22589877164500.0') end it 'should provide the highest value of a DateTime property' do @dragons.min(:birth_at).should be_kind_of(DateTime) @dragons.min(:birth_at).to_s.should == @birth_at.to_s end it 'should provide the highest value of a Date property' do @dragons.min(:birth_on).should be_kind_of(Date) @dragons.min(:birth_on).to_s.should == @birth_on.to_s end it 'should provide the highest value of a Time property' do @dragons.min(:birth_time).should be_kind_of(Time) @dragons.min(:birth_time).to_s.should == @birth_time.to_s end it 'should provide the highest value when conditions provided' do @dragons.max(:toes_on_claw, :is_fire_breathing => true).should == 5 @dragons.max(:toes_on_claw, :is_fire_breathing => false).should == 3 end end end describe '#avg' do describe 'with no arguments' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @dragons.avg }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe 'with a property name' do it 'should provide the average value of an Integer property' do @dragons.avg(:toes_on_claw).should be_kind_of(Float) @dragons.avg(:toes_on_claw).should == 4.0 end it 'should provide the average value of a Float property' do mean_birth_rate = (13.71 + 14.18 + 16.04 + 11.03 + 7.87 + 20.04 + 8.18) / 7 @countries.avg(:birth_rate).should be_kind_of(Float) @countries.avg(:birth_rate).should >= mean_birth_rate - @approx_by # approx match @countries.avg(:birth_rate).should <= mean_birth_rate + @approx_by # approx match end it 'should provide the average value of a BigDecimal property' do mean_gold_reserve_value = ((600.0 + 8133.50 + 438.20 + 765.20 + 3417.40) * @gold_tonne_price) / 5 @countries.avg(:gold_reserve_value).should be_kind_of(BigDecimal) @countries.avg(:gold_reserve_value).should == BigDecimal(mean_gold_reserve_value.to_s) end it 'should provide the average value when conditions provided' do @dragons.avg(:toes_on_claw, :is_fire_breathing => true).should == 4.5 @dragons.avg(:toes_on_claw, :is_fire_breathing => false).should == 3 end end end describe '#sum' do describe 'with no arguments' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @dragons.sum }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe 'with a property name' do it 'should provide the sum of values for an Integer property' do @dragons.sum(:toes_on_claw).should == 12 total_population = 1330044605 + 303824646 + 191908598 + 140702094 + 127288419 + 109955400 + 82369548 @countries.sum(:population).should == total_population end it 'should provide the sum of values for a Float property' do total_tonnes = 600.0 + 8133.5 + 438.2 + 765.2 + 3417.4 @countries.sum(:gold_reserve_tonnes).should be_kind_of(Float) @countries.sum(:gold_reserve_tonnes).should >= total_tonnes - @approx_by # approx match @countries.sum(:gold_reserve_tonnes).should <= total_tonnes + @approx_by # approx match end it 'should provide the sum of values for a BigDecimal property' do @countries.sum(:gold_reserve_value).should == BigDecimal('37090059214100.0') end it 'should provide the average value when conditions provided' do @dragons.sum(:toes_on_claw, :is_fire_breathing => true).should == 9 @dragons.sum(:toes_on_claw, :is_fire_breathing => false).should == 3 end end end describe '#aggregate' do describe 'with no arguments' do it 'should raise an error' do lambda { @dragons.aggregate }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe 'with only aggregate fields specified' do it 'should provide aggregate results' do results = @dragons.aggregate(:all.count, :name.count, :toes_on_claw.min, :toes_on_claw.max, :toes_on_claw.avg, :toes_on_claw.sum) results.should == [ 3, 2, 3, 5, 4.0, 12 ] end end describe 'with aggregate fields and a property to group by' do it 'should provide aggregate results' do results = @dragons.aggregate(:all.count, :name.count, :toes_on_claw.min, :toes_on_claw.max, :toes_on_claw.avg, :toes_on_claw.sum, :is_fire_breathing) results.should == [ [ 1, 1, 3, 3, 3.0, 3, false ], [ 2, 1, 4, 5, 4.5, 9, true ] ] end end end describe 'query path issue' do it "should not break when a query path is specified" do dragon = @dragons.first( => 'Chuck') == 'George' end end end shared_examples_for 'count with no arguments' do it 'should count the results' do @dragons.count.should == 3 @countries.count.should == 7 end it 'should count the results with conditions having operators' do @dragons.count( => 3).should == 2 @countries.count( => 12).should == 3 @countries.count( => 1000000000).should == 1 @countries.count( => 2000000000).should == 0 @countries.count( => 10).should == 0 end it 'should count the results with raw conditions' do dragon_statement = 'is_fire_breathing = ?' @dragons.count(:conditions => [ dragon_statement, false ]).should == 1 @dragons.count(:conditions => [ dragon_statement, true ]).should == 2 end end