require File.expand_path(File.join('..', 'pah', 'version.rb'), File.dirname(__FILE__)) %w{colored}.each do |component| if Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(component).empty? run "gem install #{component}" Gem.refresh Gem::Specification.find_by_name(component).activate end end require "rails" require "colored" require "bundler" # Directories for template partials and static files @template_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))) @partials = File.join(@template_root, 'partials') @static_files = File.join(@template_root, 'files') # Copy a static file from the template into the new application def copy_static_file(path) remove_file path file path,, path)) end def apply_n(partial, message='') puts message.magenta in_root do Bundler.with_clean_env do apply "#{@partials}/_#{partial}.rb" end end puts "\n" end def will_you_like_to?(question) answer = ask("Will you like to #{question} [y,n]".red) case answer.downcase when "yes", "y" true when "no", "n" false else will_you_like_to?(question) end end def ask_unless_test(*params) ask(*params) end def git_commit(message) message = "#{message}\n\nGenerated by pah version #{Pah::VERSION}" git commit: "-qm '#{message}'" end puts "\n=========================================================" puts " Pah".yellow.bold puts "=========================================================\n" apply_n :config apply_n :git, 'Initializing new Git repo...' apply_n :ruby_env, 'Setting up ruby env...' apply_n :cleanup, 'Removing unnecessary files...' apply_n :gems, 'Setting up bundler and installing bundled gems (may take a while)...' apply_n :database, 'Initializing databases...' apply_n :rspec, 'Setting up RSpec...' apply_n :layout, 'Adding layout files...' apply_n :assets, 'Adding asset files...' apply_n :public, 'Adding public files...' apply_n :secure_headers, 'Adding secure headers...' apply_n :secret_token, 'Replacing secret token with environment variable...' apply_n :capybara, 'Adding capybara helpers...' apply_n :generators, 'Adding generators...' apply_n :simple_form, 'Configuring simple_form...' apply_n :letter_opener, 'Adding letter_opener...' apply_n :sendgrid, 'Adding sendgrid...' apply_n :bullet, 'Setting up bullet...' apply_n :locale, 'Adding locale...' apply_n :canonical_host, 'Configuring canonical hosts...' apply_n :puma, 'Configuring Puma...' apply_n :rack_timeout, 'Setting up Rack::Timeout...' apply_n :rack_deflater, 'Setting up Rack::Deflater...' apply_n :jumpup, 'Setting up Jumpup...' apply_n :newrelic, 'Setting up New Relic...' apply_n :readme, 'Adding default README...' apply_n :rollbar, 'Setting up Rollbar...' apply_n :heroku, 'Configuring Heroku application...' apply_n :bin, 'Configuring the binstub...' puts "\n=========================================================" puts " CONGRATS! INSTALLATION COMPLETE!".yellow.bold puts "=========================================================\n\n\n" def run_bundle; end