filters["markdown"] = new \MtHaml\Filter\Markdown\MichelfMarkdown( new Markdown ); $this->filters["coffeescript"] = new \MtHaml\Filter\CoffeeScript( new CoffeeScript(), array( "header" => false ) ); /** * Get the input file */ if( isset( $opts['input'] ) ) { $this->input_file = $opts['input']; } else { throw new \Exception( self::colorize( "No input file was passed into \$opts.", ";31" ) ); } /** * Get the output dir */ if( isset( $opts['output'] ) ) { $this->output_dir = $opts["output"]; } else { throw new \Exception( self::colorize( "No output directory was passed into \$opts.", ";31" ) ); } /** * Make sure an options map was passed */ if( isset( $opts['options'] ) ) { $this->options = $opts['options']; } else { throw new \Exception( self::colorize( "No options were passed into \$opts.", ";31" ) ); } /** * Get the environment */ if( isset( $this->options['environment'] ) ) { $this->environment = $this->options['environment']; } else { throw new \Exception( self::colorize( "No environment was passed into \$opts.", ";31" ) ); } // Set the MtHaml environment self::set_environment(); } /** * Runs compiler and writes contents to output file * * @since 0.1.0 */ public function run() { // Compile output $this->output = $this->compile(); // Compress output if set if( $this->options["compress_output"] ) { $this->output = $this->compress(); } // Write output to file $this->write(); } /** * Create HtHaml environment * * @since 0.1.0 */ private function set_environment() { $this->compiler = new \MtHaml\Environment( $this->environment, array( 'enable_dynamic_attrs' => false, "enable_escaper" => false, "cdata" => false ), array( "markdown" => $this->filters["markdown"], "coffeescript" => $this->filters["coffeescript"], )); } /** * Instantiate MtHaml and compile passed file * * @since 0.1.0 */ private function compile() { if ( $this->options["static_files"] ) { // Instantiate executor based on environment if ( $this->environment == "php" ) { $this->executor = new \MtHaml\Support\Php\Executor( $this->compiler, array( "cache" => $this->output_dir . '/cache', )); } else { throw new \Exception(self::colorize( "To compile static files, please set your environment to PHP. It is currently set to `$this->environment`.", ";31" ) ); } // Compile assets return $this->executor->render( $this->input_file, array() ); } else { // Get contents from input file and compile return $this->compiler->compileString( file_get_contents( $this->input_file ), basename( $this->input_file ) ); } } /** * Removes all white space and newlines from output * * @TODO Find a Composer plugin that will do this, as this isn't very clean * * @since 0.1.0 */ private function compress() { return preg_replace( "/^\s+|\n|\r|\s+$/m", "", $this->output ); } /** * Make sure that the path is writable * * @param {String} $dir * Directory path * * @since 0.1.0 */ private function ensure_path_writable( $dir ) { // Attempt to change permissions if not writable if ( ! is_writable( $dir ) ) { chmod( $dir, 0760 ); } // If dir is still not writable, throw err if ( ! is_writable( $dir ) ) { throw new \Exception( self::colorize( "It looks like the directory `$dir` isn't writable.", ";31" ) ); } } /** * Writes compiled assets to output file * * @since 0.1.0 */ private function write() { if ( $this->output ) { $extension = $this->options["static_files"] ? "html" : $this->environment; // Make sure our path is writable self::ensure_path_writable( $this->output_dir ); // Render output return file_put_contents( "$this->output_dir/" . basename( $this->input_file, ".haml" ) . ".$extension", $this->output ); } else { throw new \Exception( self::colorize( "It looks like `" . basename( $this->input_file ) . "` compiled without any output.", ";33" ) ); } } /** * Colorize output messages to terminal * * @param {String} $message * @param {String} $color * * @since 0.2.0 */ private function colorize($message, $color) { return "\e[0$color" . "m" . "$message\e[0m"; } } /** * Get passed arguments from Guard */ $opts = getopt( "", array( "input:", "output:", "environment:", "static_files:", "compress_output:" ) ); /** * Instantiate compiler and parse file with input from Guard */ try { $compiler = new MtHamlCompiler( array( "input" => $opts["input"], "output" => $opts["output"], "options" => array( "environment" => $opts["environment"], "static_files" => $opts["static_files"] === "true" ? true : false, "compress_output" => $opts["compress_output"] === "true" ? true : false ) )); $compiler->run(); } catch ( \Exception $err ) { exit ( $err->getMessage() . "\n" ); }