#### Luca Base View
Luca.View = Backbone.View.extend
  base: 'Luca.View'

# The Luca.View class adds some very commonly used patterns
# and functionality to the stock Backbone.View class. Features
# such as auto event binding, the facilitation of deferred rendering
# against a Backbone.Model or Backbone.Collection reset event, Caching
# views into a global Component Registry, and more.

Luca.View.originalExtend = Backbone.View.extend

# By overriding Backbone.View.extend we are able to intercept
# some method definitions and add special behavior around them
# mostly related to render()
Luca.View.extend = (definition)->
  #### Rendering
  # Our base view class wraps the defined render() method
  # of the views which inherit from it, and does things like
  # trigger the before and after render events automatically.
  # In addition, if the view has a deferrable property on it
  # then it will make sure that the render method doesn't get called
  # until.

  _base = definition.render

  _base ||= ()->
    container = if _.isFunction(@container) then @container() else @container

    return @ unless $(container) and @$el

    $(container).append( @$el )

    return @

  definition.render = ()->
    if @deferrable
      @trigger "before:render", @

      @deferrable.bind @deferrable_event, _.once ()=>
        _base.apply(@, arguments)
        @trigger "after:render", @

      # we might not want to fetch immediately upon
      # rendering, so we can pass a deferrable_trigger
      # event and not fire the fetch until this event
      # occurs
      if !@deferrable_trigger
        @immediate_trigger = true

      if @immediate_trigger is true
        @bind @deferrable_trigger, _.once ()=>

      return @

      @trigger "before:render", @
      _base.apply(@, arguments)
      @trigger "after:render", @

      return @

  Luca.View.originalExtend.apply @, [definition]

_.extend Luca.View.prototype,
  debug: ()->
    return unless @debugMode or window.LucaDebugMode?
    console.log [(@name || @cid),message] for message in arguments

  trigger: ()->
    if Luca.enableGlobalObserver
      Luca.ViewObserver ||= new Luca.Observer(type:"view")
      Luca.ViewObserver.relay @, arguments

    Backbone.View.prototype.trigger.apply @, arguments


  # which event should we listen to on
  # our deferrable property, before we
  # trigger the actual rendering
  deferrable_event: "reset"

  initialize: (@options={})->

    _.extend @, @options

    @cid = _.uniqueId(@name) if @name?

    #### View Caching
    # Luca.View(s) which get created get stored in a global cache by their
    # component id.  This allows us to re-use views when it makes sense
    Luca.cache( @cid, @ )

    unique = _( Luca.View.prototype.hooks.concat( @hooks ) ).uniq()

    @setupHooks( unique )

    if @autoBindEventHandlers is true
      _( @events ).each (handler,event)=>
        if _.isString(handler)
          _.bindAll @, handler

    @trigger "after:initialize", @



  $container: ()-> $(@container)
  #### Hooks or Auto Event Binding
  # views which inherit from Luca.View can define hooks
  # or events which can be emitted from them.  Automatically,
  # any functions on the view which are named according to the
  # convention will automatically get run.
  # by default, all Luca.View classes come with the following:
  # before:render     : beforeRender()
  # after:render      : afterRender()
  # after:initialize  : afterInitialize()
  # first:activation  : firstActivation()
  setupHooks: (set)->
    set ||= @hooks

    _(set).each (eventId)=>
      parts = eventId.split(':')
      prefix = parts.shift()

      parts = _( parts ).map (p)-> _.capitalize(p)
      fn = prefix + parts.join('')

      @bind eventId, ()=> @[fn].apply @, arguments if @[fn]

  #### Luca.Collection and Luca.CollectionManager integration

  # under the hood, this will find your collection manager using
  # Luca.CollectionManager.get, which is a function that returns
  # the first instance of the CollectionManager class ever created.
  # if you want to use more than one collection manager, over ride this
  # function in your views with your own logic
  getCollectionManager: ()->
    @collectionManager || Luca.CollectionManager.get?.call()

  ##### Collection Events
  # By defining a hash of collectionEvents in the form of
  # "books add" : "onBookAdd"
  # the Luca.View will bind to the collection found in the
  # collectionManager with that key, and bind to that event.
  # a property of @booksCollection will be created on the view,
  # and the "add" event will trigger "onBookAdd"
  # you may also specify a function directly.  this
  registerCollectionEvents: ()->
    manager = @getCollectionManager()

    _( @collectionEvents ).each (handler, signature)=>
      [key,event] = signature.split(" ")

      collection = @["#{ key }Collection"] = manager.getOrCreate( key )

      if !collection
        throw "Could not find collection specified by #{ key }"

      if _.isString(handler)
        handler = @[handler]

      unless _.isFunction(handler)
        throw "invalid collectionEvents configuration"

        collection.bind(event, handler)
      catch e
        console.log "Error Binding To Collection in registerCollectionEvents", @
        throw e

  registerEvent: (selector, handler)->
    @events ||= {}
    @events[ selector ] = handler