module Effective class QbRequest < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :qb_ticket belongs_to :order # NOTE: Anything that is 'raise' here finds its way to qb_ticket#error! # these are the states that signal a request is finished COMPLETED_STATES = ['Finished', 'Error'] PROCESSING_STATES = ['Processing', 'CustomerQuery', 'CreateCustomer', 'OrderSync'] # structure do # request_qbxml :text # response_qbxml :text # request_sent_at :datetime # response_received_at :datetime # state :string, :validates => [:presence, :inclusion => { :in => COMPLETED_STATES + PROCESSING_STATES}] # error :text # site_id :integer # ActsAsSiteSpecific # timestamps # end validates :state, inclusion: { in: COMPLETED_STATES + PROCESSING_STATES } validates :qb_ticket, presence: true validates :order, presence: true # creates (does not persist) QbRequests for outstanding orders. The caller may choose to # persist a request when that request starts communicating with QuickBooks def self.new_requests_for_unsynced_items finished_order_ids = Effective::QbRequest.where(state: 'Finished').pluck(:order_id) Effective::Order.purchased.includes(order_items: [:purchasable, :qb_order_item]) .where.not(id: finished_order_ids).map { |order| order) } end # Finds a QbRequest using response qb_xml. If the response could not be parsed, or if there was no # corresponding record, nil will be returned. def self.find_using_response_qbxml(xml) return nil if xml.blank? element = Effective::QbRequest.find_first_response_having_a_request_id(xml) Effective::QbRequest.find_by_id(element.attr('requestID').to_i) if element end def has_more_work? PROCESSING_STATES.include?(state) end def state self[:state] || 'Processing' end # searches the XML and returns the first element having a requestID attribute. Since the # application does not bundle requests (yet), this should work. def self.find_first_response_having_a_request_id(xml) doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml) doc.xpath('//*[@requestID]')[0] end # parses the response XML and processes it. # returns true if the responseXML indicates success, false otherwise def consume_response_xml(xml) update_attributes!(response_qbxml: xml) handle_response_xml(xml) end # handle response xml def handle_response_xml(xml) case state when 'CustomerQuery' handle_customer_query_response_xml(xml) when 'CreateCustomer' handle_create_customer_response_xml(xml) when 'OrderSync' handle_order_sync_response_xml(xml) else raise "Request in state #{state} was not expecting a response from the server" end end # outputs this request in qb_xml_format def to_qb_xml if state == 'Processing' # this is a dummy state -- we need to transition to the CustomerQuery state before any XML goes out. transition_state 'CustomerQuery' end xml = generate_request_xml wrap_qbxml_request(xml) end # generates the actual request XML that will be wrapped in a qbxml_request def generate_request_xml # safety checks to make sure we are linked in to the order raise 'Missing Order' unless order if order.order_items.any? { |order_item| order_item.qb_item_name.blank? } raise 'expected .qb_item_name() to be present on Effective::OrderItem' end case self.state when 'CustomerQuery' generate_customer_query_request_xml when 'OrderSync' generate_order_sync_request_xml when 'CreateCustomer' generate_create_customer_request_xml else raise "Unsupported state for generating request XML: #{state}" end end # transitions the request state and also outputs a log statement def transition_state(state) old_state = self.state update_attributes!(state: state) log "Transitioned request state from [#{old_state}] to [#{state}]" end def transition_to_finished # We create one QbOrderItem for each OrderItem here. order.order_items.each do |order_item| order_item.qb_item_name end transition_state('Finished') end # This should be private too, but test needs it def handle_create_customer_response_xml(xml) queryResponse = Nokogiri::XML(xml).xpath('//CustomerAddRs').first['statusCode'] statusMessage = Nokogiri::XML(xml).xpath('//CustomerAddRs').first['statusMessage'] if '0' == queryResponse # the customer was created log "Customer #{order.billing_name} created successfully" transition_state 'OrderSync' else raise "[Order ##{}] Customer #{order.billing_name} could not be created in QuickBooks: #{statusMessage}" end true # indicate success end private # ensures that the total amount includes two decimal places def qb_amount(amount) raise 'amount should be an Integer representing the price in number of cents' unless amount.kind_of?(Integer) sprintf('%0.2f', (amount / 100.0)) end def truncate(str, max_chars) str[(0...max_chars)] rescue '' end def generate_create_customer_request_xml do |xml| xml.CustomerAddRq(requestID: id) { xml.CustomerAdd { xml.Name(truncate(order.billing_name, 41)) xml.FirstName(truncate(order.billing_name.split(' ').first, 25)) xml.LastName(truncate(order.billing_name.split(' ')[1..-1].join(' '), 25)) xml.BillAddress { xml.Addr1(truncate(order.billing_name, 41)) xml.Addr2(truncate(order.billing_address.address1, 41)) xml.Addr3(truncate(order.billing_address.address2, 41)) xml.City(truncate(, 31)) xml.PostalCode(truncate(order.billing_address.postal_code, 13)) } xml.Phone(truncate((order.user.try(:phone) || order.user.try(:cell_phone)), 21)) xml.Email(truncate(order.user.try(:email), 1023)) } } end.doc.root.to_s end def generate_customer_query_request_xml do |xml| xml.CustomerQueryRq(requestID: id) { xml.FullName(truncate(order.billing_name, 209)) } end.doc.root.to_s end def handle_customer_query_response_xml(xml) queryResponse = Nokogiri::XML(xml).xpath('//CustomerQueryRs').first['statusCode'] if '500' == queryResponse # the user was not found. log "Customer #{order.billing_name} was not found" transition_state 'CreateCustomer' else # the user was found log "Customer #{order.billing_name} exists" transition_state 'OrderSync' end true # indicate success end # delegates logging to the ticket def log(message) qb_ticket.log("Request: #{message}") if qb_ticket end def generate_order_sync_request_xml do |xml| xml.SalesReceiptAddRq(requestID: id) { xml.SalesReceiptAdd { xml.CustomerRef { xml.FullName(truncate(order.billing_name, 209)) } xml.TxnDate(order.purchased_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) xml.Memo("Order ##{order.to_param} from website") xml.IsToBePrinted('false') xml.IsToBeEmailed('false') order.order_items.each do |order_item| xml.SalesReceiptLineAdd { xml.ItemRef { xml.FullName(order_item.qb_item_name) } xml.Desc(order_item.title) xml.Amount(qb_amount(order_item.subtotal)) } end if EffectiveQbSync.quickbooks_tax_name.present? xml.SalesReceiptLineAdd { xml.ItemRef { xml.FullName(EffectiveQbSync.quickbooks_tax_name) } xml.Desc(EffectiveQbSync.quickbooks_tax_name) xml.Amount(qb_amount( } end } } end.doc.root.to_s end def handle_order_sync_response_xml(xml) queryResponse = Nokogiri::XML(xml).xpath('//SalesReceiptAddRs').first['statusCode'] statusMessage = Nokogiri::XML(xml).xpath('//SalesReceiptAddRs').first['statusMessage'] if '0' == queryResponse log "Order #{order.to_param} successfully syncronized" transition_to_finished elsif '3180' == queryResponse log "Order #{order.to_param} was not recorded by quickbooks because it was an empty transaction" transition_to_finished else raise "[Order ##{order.to_param}] could not be synchronized with QuickBooks: #{statusMessage}" end true # indicate success end # Simple wrapping helper def wrap_qbxml_request(body) '' + (body || '') + '' end end end