$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'fssm' require 'pathname' require 'rubygems' require 'ruby-prof' $test_path = "#{Pathname.new('..').expand_path}" $iterations = 90000 class Pathname # original segments implementation I was using with # the plain ruby Pathname library. def segments prefix, names = split_names(@path) names.unshift(prefix) unless prefix.empty? names.shift if names[0] == '.' names end end core_result = Pathname.new($test_path).segments fssm_result = FSSM::Pathname.new($test_path).segments raise Exception, "#{core_result.inspect} != #{fssm_result.inspect}\nFSSM::Pathname is incompatible with Pathname" unless core_result == fssm_result RubyProf.start RubyProf.pause $iterations.times do |num| iteration = "%-6d" % (num + 1) puts "FSSM::Pathname iteration #{iteration}" RubyProf.resume p = FSSM::Pathname.new($test_path) segments = p.segments RubyProf.pause end puts "\nFSSM Pathname profile finished\n\n" result = RubyProf.stop output = File.new('prof-fssm-pathname.html', 'w+') printer = RubyProf::GraphHtmlPrinter.new(result) printer.print(output, :min_percent => 1) RubyProf.start RubyProf.pause $iterations.times do |num| iteration = "%-6d" % (num + 1) puts "::Pathname iteration #{iteration}" RubyProf.resume p = ::Pathname.new($test_path) segments = p.segments RubyProf.pause end puts "\nruby Pathname profile finished\n\n" result = RubyProf.stop output = File.new('prof-plain-pathname.html', 'w+') printer = RubyProf::GraphHtmlPrinter.new(result) printer.print(output, :min_percent => 1)