# @summary # Run a task, command or script on canary nodes before running it on all nodes. # # This plan accepts a action and a $nodes parameter. The action can be the name # of a task, a script or a command to run. It will run the action on a canary # group of nodes and only continue to the rest of the nodes if it succeeds on # all canaries. This returns a ResultSet object with a Result for every node. # Any skipped nodes will have a 'canary/skipped-node' error kind. # # @param task # The name of the task to run. Mutually exclusive with command and script. # @param command # The command to run. Mutually exclusive with task and script. # @param script # The script to run. Mutually exclusive with task and command. # @param nodes # The target to run on. # @param params # The parameters to use for the task. # @param canary_size # How many targets to use in the canary group. # # @return ResultSet a merged resultset from running the action on all targets # # @example Run a command # run_plan(canary, command => 'whoami', nodes => $mynodes) # plan canary( Optional[String[0]] $task = undef, Optional[String[0]] $command = undef, Optional[String[0]] $script = undef, TargetSpec $nodes, Hash[String, Data] $params = {}, Integer $canary_size = 1 ) { # Validation $type_count = [$task, $command, $script].reduce(0) |$acc, $v| { if ($v) { $acc + 1 } else { $acc } } if ($type_count == 0) { fail_plan("Must specify a command, script, or task to run", 'canary/invalid-params') } if ($type_count > 1) { fail_plan("Must specify only one command, script, or task to run", 'canary/invalid-params') } [$canaries, $rest] = canary::random_split(get_targets($nodes), $canary_size) $catch_params = $params + { '_catch_errors' => true } if ($task) { $action = 'run_task' $object = $task $canr = run_task($task, $canaries, $catch_params) if ($canr.ok) { $restr = run_task($task, $rest, $catch_params) } } elsif ($command) { $action = 'run_command' $object = $command $canr = run_command($command, $canaries, $catch_params) if ($canr.ok) { $restr = run_command($command, $rest, $catch_params) } } elsif ($script) { $action = 'run_script' $object = $script $canr = run_script($script, $canaries, $catch_params) if ($canr.ok) { $restr = run_script($script, $rest, $catch_params) } } unless ($canr.ok) { $restr = canary::skip($rest) } $merged_result = canary::merge($canr, $restr) unless ($merged_result.ok) { if ($canr.ok) { $message = "Plan failed for ${merged_result.error_set.count} targets." } else { $message = "Plan aborted. ${canr.error_set.count} canary target failures. ${restr.count} targets skipped." } $details = {'action' => $action, 'object' => $object, 'result_set' => $merged_result} fail_plan($message, 'bolt/run-failure', $details) } return $merged_result }