module DmIsReflective::PostgresAdapter include DataMapper def storages sql = <<-SQL SELECT table_name FROM "information_schema"."tables" WHERE table_schema = current_schema() SQL select(Ext::String.compress_lines(sql)) end private def reflective_query_storage storage sql_indices = <<-SQL SELECT a.attname, i.relname, ix.indisprimary, ix.indisunique FROM pg_class t, pg_class i, pg_index ix, pg_attribute a WHERE t.oid = ix.indrelid AND i.oid = ix.indexrelid AND a.attrelid = t.oid AND a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey) AND t.relkind = 'r' AND t.relname = ? SQL sql_columns = <<-SQL SELECT column_name, column_default, is_nullable, character_maximum_length, udt_name FROM "information_schema"."columns" WHERE table_schema = current_schema() AND table_name = ? SQL indices = select(Ext::String.compress_lines(sql_indices), storage). group_by(&:attname) select(Ext::String.compress_lines(sql_columns), storage).map do |column| if idx = indices[column.column_name] is_key = !!idx.find{ |i| i.indisprimary } idx_uni, idx_com = idx.partition{ |i| i.indisunique }.map{ |i| if i.empty? nil elsif i.size == 1 i.first.relname.to_sym else{ |ii| ii.relname.to_sym } end } else is_key = false idx_uni, idx_com = nil end column.instance_eval <<-RUBY def key? ; #{is_key} ; end def unique_index; #{idx_uni.inspect}; end def index ; #{idx_com.inspect}; end RUBY column end end def reflective_field_name field field.column_name end def reflective_primitive field field.udt_name end def reflective_attributes field, attrs = {} # strip data type if field.column_default field.column_default.gsub!(/(.*?)::[\w\s]*/, '\1') end attrs[:serial] = true if field.column_default =~ /nextval\('\w+'\)/ attrs[:key] = true if field.key? attrs[:unique_index] = field.unique_index if field.unique_index attrs[ :index] = field. index if field. index attrs[:allow_nil] = field.is_nullable == 'YES' # strip string quotation attrs[:default] = field.column_default.gsub(/^'(.*?)'$/, '\1') if field.column_default && !attrs[:serial] if field.character_maximum_length attrs[:length] = field.character_maximum_length elsif field.udt_name.upcase == 'TEXT' attrs[:length] = Property::Text.length end attrs end def reflective_lookup_primitive primitive case primitive.upcase when /^INT\d+$/ ; Integer when /^FLOAT\d+$/ ; Float when 'VARCHAR', 'BPCHAR'; String when 'TIMESTAMP', 'DATE'; DateTime when 'TEXT' ; Property::Text when 'BOOL' ; Property::Boolean when 'NUMERIC' ; Property::Decimal end || super(primitive) end end