module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class SageGateway < Gateway include Empty self.display_name = '' self.homepage_url = 'Sage Payment Solutions' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = %w[US CA] self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express discover jcb diners_club] TRANSACTIONS = { purchase: '01', authorization: '02', capture: '11', void: '04', credit: '06', refund: '10' } SOURCE_CARD = 'bankcard' SOURCE_ECHECK = 'virtual_check' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) super end def authorize(money, credit_card, options = {}) post = {} add_credit_card(post, credit_card) add_transaction_data(post, money, options) commit(:authorization, post, SOURCE_CARD) end def purchase(money, payment_method, options = {}) post = {} if card_brand(payment_method) == 'check' source = SOURCE_ECHECK add_check(post, payment_method) add_check_customer_data(post, options) else source = SOURCE_CARD add_credit_card(post, payment_method) end add_transaction_data(post, money, options) commit(:purchase, post, source) end # The +money+ amount is not used. The entire amount of the # initial authorization will be captured. def capture(money, reference, options = {}) post = {} add_reference(post, reference) commit(:capture, post, SOURCE_CARD) end def void(reference, options = {}) post = {} add_reference(post, reference) source = reference.split(';').last commit(:void, post, source) end def credit(money, payment_method, options = {}) post = {} if card_brand(payment_method) == 'check' source = SOURCE_ECHECK add_check(post, payment_method) add_check_customer_data(post, options) else source = SOURCE_CARD add_credit_card(post, payment_method) end add_transaction_data(post, money, options) commit(:credit, post, source) end def refund(money, reference, options = {}) post = {} add_reference(post, reference) add_transaction_data(post, money, options) commit(:refund, post, SOURCE_CARD) end def store(credit_card, options = {}), options) end def unstore(identification, options = {}) vault.unstore(identification, options) end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) force_utf8(transcript). gsub(%r((M_id=)[^&]*), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((M_key=)[^&]*), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((C_cardnumber=)[^&]*), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((C_cvv=)[^&]*), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((C_rte=)[^&]*), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((C_acct=)[^&]*), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((C_ssn=)[^&]*), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((<ns1:CARDNUMBER>).+(</ns1:CARDNUMBER>)), '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<ns1:M_ID>).+(</ns1:M_ID>)), '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<ns1:M_KEY>).+(</ns1:M_KEY>)), '\1[FILTERED]\2') end private # use the same method as in pay_conex def force_utf8(string) return nil unless string binary = string.encode('BINARY', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?') # Needed for Ruby 2.0 since #encode is a no-op if the string is already UTF-8. It's not needed for Ruby 2.1 and up since it's not a no-op there. binary.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?') end def add_credit_card(post, credit_card) post[:C_name] = post[:C_cardnumber] = credit_card.number post[:C_exp] = expdate(credit_card) post[:C_cvv] = credit_card.verification_value if credit_card.verification_value? end def add_check(post, check) post[:C_first_name] = check.first_name post[:C_last_name] = check.last_name post[:C_rte] = check.routing_number post[:C_acct] = check.account_number post[:C_check_number] = check.number post[:C_acct_type] = account_type(check) end def add_check_customer_data(post, options) # Required Customer Type – (NACHA Transaction Class) # CCD for Commercial, Merchant Initiated # PPD for Personal, Merchant Initiated # WEB for Internet, Consumer Initiated # RCK for Returned Checks # ARC for Account Receivable Entry # TEL for TelephoneInitiated post[:C_customer_type] = 'WEB' # Optional 10 Digit Originator ID – Assigned By for each transaction class or business purpose. If not provided, the default Originator ID for the specific Customer Type will be applied. post[:C_originator_id] = options[:originator_id] # Optional Transaction Addenda post[:T_addenda] = options[:addenda] # Required Check Writer Social Security Number ( Numbers Only, No Dashes ) post[:C_ssn] = options[:ssn].to_s.gsub(/[^\d]/, '') post[:C_dl_state_code] = options[:drivers_license_state] post[:C_dl_number] = options[:drivers_license_number] post[:C_dob] = format_birth_date(options[:date_of_birth]) end def format_birth_date(date) date.respond_to?(:strftime) ? date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') : date end # DDA for Checking # SAV for Savings def account_type(check) case check.account_type when 'checking' then 'DDA' when 'savings' then 'SAV' else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown account type #{check.account_type}" end end def parse(data, source) source == SOURCE_ECHECK ? parse_check(data) : parse_credit_card(data) end def parse_check(data) response = {} response[:success] = data[1, 1] response[:code] = data[2, 6].strip response[:message] = data[8, 32].strip response[:risk] = data[40, 2] response[:reference] = data[42, 10] extra_data = data[53...-1].split("\034") response[:order_number] = extra_data[0] response[:authentication_indicator] = extra_data[1] response[:authentication_disclosure] = extra_data[2] response end def parse_credit_card(data) response = {} response[:success] = data[1, 1] response[:code] = data[2, 6] response[:message] = data[8, 32].strip response[:front_end] = data[40, 2] response[:cvv_result] = data[42, 1] response[:avs_result] = data[43, 1].strip response[:risk] = data[44, 2] response[:reference] = data[46, 10] response[:order_number], response[:recurring] = data[57...-1].split("\034") response end def add_invoice(post, options) post[:T_ordernum] = (options[:order_id] || generate_unique_id).slice(0, 20) post[:T_tax] = amount(options[:tax]) unless empty?(options[:tax]) post[:T_shipping] = amount(options[:shipping]) unless empty?(options[:shipping]) end def add_reference(post, reference) ref, = reference.to_s.split(';') post[:T_reference] = ref end def add_amount(post, money) post[:T_amt] = amount(money) end def add_customer_data(post, options) post[:T_customer_number] = options[:customer] if Float(options[:customer]) rescue nil end def add_addresses(post, options) billing_address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] || {} post[:C_address] = billing_address[:address1] post[:C_city] = billing_address[:city] post[:C_state] = empty?(billing_address[:state]) ? 'Outside of US' : billing_address[:state] post[:C_zip] = billing_address[:zip] post[:C_country] = billing_address[:country] post[:C_telephone] = billing_address[:phone] post[:C_fax] = billing_address[:fax] post[:C_email] = options[:email] if shipping_address = options[:shipping_address] post[:C_ship_name] = shipping_address[:name] post[:C_ship_address] = shipping_address[:address1] post[:C_ship_city] = shipping_address[:city] post[:C_ship_state] = shipping_address[:state] post[:C_ship_zip] = shipping_address[:zip] post[:C_ship_country] = shipping_address[:country] end end def add_transaction_data(post, money, options) add_amount(post, money) add_invoice(post, options) add_addresses(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) end def commit(action, params, source) url = url(params, source) response = parse(ssl_post(url, post_data(action, params)), source) success?(response), response[:message], response, test: test?, authorization: authorization_from(response, source), avs_result: { code: response[:avs_result] }, cvv_result: response[:cvv_result] ) end def url(params, source) if source == SOURCE_ECHECK "#{live_url}/eftVirtualCheck.dll?transaction" else "#{live_url}/eftBankcard.dll?transaction" end end def authorization_from(response, source) "#{response[:reference]};#{source}" end def success?(response) response[:success] == 'A' end def post_data(action, params = {}) params[:M_id] = @options[:login] params[:M_key] = @options[:password] params[:T_code] = TRANSACTIONS[action] params.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join('&') end def vault @vault ||=, self) end class SageVault def initialize(options, gateway) @live_url = '' @options = options @gateway = gateway end def store(credit_card, options = {}) request = build_store_request(credit_card, options) commit(:store, request) end def unstore(identification, options = {}) request = build_unstore_request(identification, options) commit(:unstore, request) end private # A valid request example, since the Sage docs have none: # # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> # <SOAP-ENV:Envelope # xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" # xmlns:ns1=""> # <SOAP-ENV:Body> # <ns1:INSERT_CREDIT_CARD_DATA> # <ns1:M_ID>279277516172</ns1:M_ID> # <ns1:M_KEY>O3I8G2H8V6A3</ns1:M_KEY> # <ns1:CARDNUMBER>4111111111111111</ns1:CARDNUMBER> # <ns1:EXPIRATION_DATE>0915</ns1:EXPIRATION_DATE> # </ns1:INSERT_CREDIT_CARD_DATA> # </SOAP-ENV:Body> # </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> def build_store_request(credit_card, options) xml = add_credit_card(xml, credit_card, options)! end def build_unstore_request(identification, options) xml = add_identification(xml, identification, options)! end def add_customer_data(xml) xml.tag! 'ns1:M_ID', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'ns1:M_KEY', @options[:password] end def add_credit_card(xml, credit_card, options) xml.tag! 'ns1:CARDNUMBER', credit_card.number xml.tag! 'ns1:EXPIRATION_DATE', exp_date(credit_card) end def add_identification(xml, identification, options) xml.tag! 'ns1:GUID', identification end def exp_date(credit_card) year = sprintf('%.4i', credit_card.year) month = sprintf('%.2i', credit_card.month) "#{month}#{year[-2..-1]}" end def commit(action, request) response = parse( @gateway.ssl_post( @live_url, build_soap_request(action, request), build_headers(action) ) ) case action when :store success = response[:success] == 'true' message = response[:message].downcase.capitalize if response[:message] when :unstore success = response[:delete_data_result] == 'true' message = success ? 'Succeeded' : 'Failed' end success, message, response, authorization: response[:guid] ) end ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES = { 'xmlns:SOAP-ENV' => '', 'xmlns:ns1' => '' } ACTION_ELEMENTS = { store: 'INSERT_CREDIT_CARD_DATA', unstore: 'DELETE_DATA' } def build_soap_request(action, body) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'SOAP-ENV:Envelope', ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES do xml.tag! 'SOAP-ENV:Body' do xml.tag! "ns1:#{ACTION_ELEMENTS[action]}" do add_customer_data(xml) xml << body end end end! end SOAP_ACTIONS = { store: '', unstore: '' } def build_headers(action) { 'SOAPAction' => SOAP_ACTIONS[action], 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' } end def parse(body) response = {} hashify_xml!(body, response) response end def hashify_xml!(xml, response) xml = # Store xml.elements.each('//Table1/*') do |node| response[] = node.text end # Unstore xml.elements.each('//DELETE_DATAResponse/*') do |node| response[] = node.text end end end end end end