package org.cx4a.rsense; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.PathMatcher; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.cx4a.rsense.ruby.IRubyObject; import org.cx4a.rsense.util.Logger; import org.cx4a.rsense.util.StringUtil; import org.cx4a.rsense.util.SourceLocation; public class Main { private static class TestStats { public int count = 0; public int success = 0; public int failure = 0; public int error = 0; } private static class ProgressMonitor extends Thread implements Project.EventListener { private boolean stop; private PrintStream out; private int interval; private Project.EventListener.Event event; public ProgressMonitor(PrintStream out, int interval) { this.out = out; this.interval = interval; } public void run() { if (interval > 0) { while (isAlive()) { print(); try { Thread.sleep(interval); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } } public void attach(Project project) { event = null; if (interval >= 0) { project.addEventListener(this); if (!isAlive()) start(); } } public void detach(Project project) { event = null; if (interval >= 0) project.removeEventListener(this); } public void update(Project.EventListener.Event event) { this.event = event; if (interval == 0) print(); } private void print() { if (event != null) { switch (event.type) { case DEFINE: out.printf("progress: defining method %s...\n",; break; case CLASS: out.printf("progress: defining class %s...\n",; break; case MODULE: out.printf("progress: defining module %s...\n",; break; } } } } private Properties properties; private File currentDir; private InputStream in; private PrintStream out; private Reader inReader; private CodeAssist codeAssist; private TestStats testStats; private ProgressMonitor progressMonitor; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new Main().run(args); } public void run(String[] args) throws Exception { in =; out = System.out; inReader = new InputStreamReader(in); properties = new Properties(); InputStream stream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(""); if (stream != null) properties.load(stream); if (args.length == 0 || args[0].equals("help")) { usage(); return; } else if (args[0].equals("version")) { version(); return; } String command = args[0]; Options options = parseOptions(args, 1); System.out.println("Command: " + command); System.out.println("\nOptions: " + options); Logger.getInstance().setLevel(options.getLogLevel()); init(options); if (options.getLog() != null) { PrintStream log = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(options.getLog(), true)); try { Logger.getInstance().setOut(log); start(command, options); } finally { log.close(); } } else { start(command, options); } testResult(options); } private void init(Options options) { codeAssist = new CodeAssist(options); Integer interval = options.getProgress(); progressMonitor = new ProgressMonitor(out, interval != null ? interval * 1000 : -1); progressMonitor.setDaemon(true); } private void start(String command, Options options) { command(command, options); } private void usage() { out.print("RSense: Ruby development tools\n" + "\n" + "Usage: java -jar rsense.jar org.cx4a.rsense.Main command option...\n" + "\n" + "command:\n" + " code-completion - Code completion at specified position.\n" + " --file= - File to analyze\n" + " --location= - Location where you want to complete (pos, line:col, str)\n" + " --prefix= - Specify prefix string to complete\n" + "\n" + " type-inference - Infer type at specified position.\n" + " --file= - File to analyze\n" + " --location= - Location where you want to infer (pos, line:col, str)\n" + "\n" + " find-definition - Infer type at specified position.\n" + " --file= - File to analyze\n" + " --location= - Location where you want to find (pos, line:col, str)\n" + "\n" + " where - Print which class/module/method cursor at.\n" + " --file= - File to analyze\n" + " --line= - Line number to find\n" + "\n" + " load - Load file without any outputs.\n" + " --file= - File to analyze\n" + "\n" + " script - Run rsense script from file or stdin.\n" + " --prompt= - Prompt string in interactive shell mode\n" + " --no-prompt - Do not show prompt\n" + "\n" + " clear - Clear current environment.\n" + "\n" + " gc - Execute garbage collection.\n" + "\n" + " list-project - List loaded projects.\n" + "\n" + " open-project - Open project in .\n" + "\n" + " close-project - Close project named .\n" + "\n" + " environment - Print environment.\n" + "\n" + " help - Print this help.\n" + "\n" + " version - Print version information.\n" + "\n" + "script-command:\n" + " exit\n" + " quit - Exit script.\n" + "\n" + "common-options:\n" + " --home= - Specify RSense home directory\n" + " --debug - Print debug messages (shorthand of --log-evel=debug)\n" + " --log= - Log file to output (default stderr)\n" + " --log-level= - Log level (fixme, error, warn, message, info, debug)\n" + " --progress - Report progress immediately\n" + " --progress= - Report progress per seconds\n\n" + " --format= - Output format (plain, emacs)\n" + " --verbose - Verbose output\n" + " --time - Print timing of each command\n" + " --encoding= - Input encoding\n" + " --load-path= - Load path string (: or ; separated)\n" + " --gem-path= - Gem path string (: or ; separated)\n" + " --config= - Config file\n" + " --project= - Specify project name\n" + " --detect-project - Detect project from --file option\n" + " --detect-project= - Detect project from specified location\n" + "\n" + "test-options:\n" + " --test= - Specify fixture name\n" + " --test-color - Print test result with colors\n" + " --should-contain= - Success if data contains expected data\n" + " --should-not-contain= - Success if data doesn't contains expected data\n" + " --should-be= - Success if data equals to expected data\n" + " --should-be-empty - Success if data is empty\n" + "\n" + "debug-options:\n" + " --print-ast - Print parsed AST\n" ); } private void version() { out.println(versionString()); } private String versionString() { return "RSense " + properties.getProperty("rsense.version"); } private Options parseOptions(String[] args, int offset) { Options options = new Options(); for (int i = offset; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; if (arg.startsWith("--")) { String[] lr = arg.substring(2).split("="); if (lr.length >= 1) { options.addOption(lr[0], lr.length >= 2 ? lr[1] : null); } } else { options.addRestArg(arg); } } String config = options.getConfig(); if (config != null) { File configFile = new File(config); if (configFile.isFile()) { options.loadConfig(configFile); } } return options; } static HashMap map = new HashMap(); private void script(Options options) { if (options.getRestArgs().isEmpty()) { runScript(in, options, false); } else { try { for (String filename : options.getRestArgs()) { if (filename.contains("*")) { PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:" + filename); for (String file: currentDir.list()) { if (matcher.matches(new File(file).toPath()) && map.get(file) == null) { map.put(file, true); runFileScript(file, options); } } } else { runFileScript(filename, options); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private void runFileScript(String filename, Options options) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { File file; if (currentDir == null || !(file = new File(currentDir, filename)).exists()) { // Load from current directory if possible file = new File(filename); } File oldCurrentDir = currentDir; currentDir = file.getParentFile(); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); try { runScript(in, options, true); } finally { in.close(); currentDir = oldCurrentDir; } } private void runScript(InputStream in, Options options, boolean noprompt) { String prompt = options.getPrompt(); if (prompt == null) { prompt = options.defaultPrompt(); } Reader oldInReader = inReader; try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, options.getEncoding())); inReader = reader; String line; String endMark = options.getEndMark(); if (endMark != null && endMark.length() == 0) { endMark = Options.defaultEndMark(); } while (true) { if (!noprompt) { out.print(prompt); } line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } else if (line.matches("^\\s*#.*")) { // comment continue; } String[] argv = StringUtil.shellwords(line); if (argv.length > 0) { String command = argv[0]; if (command.equals("exit") || command.equals("quit")) { return; } Options opts = parseOptions(argv, 1); opts.inherit(options); command(command, opts); if (endMark != null) { out.println(endMark); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { this.inReader = oldInReader; } } private void command(String command, Options options) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"command: %s", command); if (options.isTest() && !options.isKeepEnv()) { codeAssist.clear(); } if (command.equals("code-completion")) { commandCodeCompletion(options); } else if (command.equals("type-inference")) { commandTypeInference(options); } else if (command.equals("find-definition")) { commandFindDefinition(options); } else if (command.equals("where")) { commandWhere(options); } else if (command.equals("load")) { commandLoad(options); } else if (command.equals("script")) { script(options); } else if (command.equals("clear")) { commandClear(options); } else if (command.equals("gc")) { commandGC(options); } else if (command.equals("list-project")) { commandListProject(options); } else if (command.equals("open-project")) { commandOpenProject(options); } else if (command.equals("close-project")) { commandCloseProject(options); } else if (command.equals("environment")) { commandEnvironment(options); } else if (command.equals("help")) { commandHelp(options); } else if (command.equals("version")) { commandVersion(options); } else if (command.length() == 0) { } else { commandUnknown(command, options); } if (options.isTime()) { Logger.message("%s: %dms", command, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } } private void commandCodeCompletion(Options options) { CodeCompletionResult result; Project project = codeAssist.getProject(options); try { progressMonitor.attach(project); if (options.isFileStdin()) { result = codeAssist.codeCompletion(project, new File("(stdin)"), options.getHereDocReader(inReader), options.getLocation()); } else { result = codeAssist.codeCompletion(project, options.getFile(), options.getEncoding(), options.getLocation()); } if (options.isPrintAST()) { Logger.debug("AST:\n%s", result.getAST()); } String prefix = options.getPrefix(); if (options.isTest()) { Set data = new HashSet(); for (CodeCompletionResult.CompletionCandidate completion : result.getCandidates()) { data.add(completion.getCompletion()); } test(options, data); } else { if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.print("("); out.print("(completion"); for (CodeCompletionResult.CompletionCandidate completion : result.getCandidates()) { if (prefix == null || completion.getCompletion().startsWith(prefix)) { out.printf(" (\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\")", completion.getCompletion(), completion.getQualifiedName(), completion.getBaseName(), completion.getKind()); } } out.println(")"); codeAssistError(result, options); out.println(")"); } else { for (CodeCompletionResult.CompletionCandidate completion : result.getCandidates()) { if (prefix == null || completion.getCompletion().startsWith(prefix)) { out.printf("completion: %s %s %s %s\n", completion.getCompletion(), completion.getQualifiedName(), completion.getBaseName(), completion.getKind()); } } codeAssistError(result, options); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (options.isTest()) { testError(options); } commandException(e, options); } finally { progressMonitor.detach(project); } } private void commandTypeInference(Options options) { TypeInferenceResult result; Project project = codeAssist.getProject(options); try { progressMonitor.attach(project); if (options.isFileStdin()) { result = codeAssist.typeInference(project, new File("(stdin)"), options.getHereDocReader(inReader), options.getLocation()); } else { result = codeAssist.typeInference(project, options.getFile(), options.getEncoding(), options.getLocation()); } if (options.isPrintAST()) { Logger.debug("AST:\n%s", result.getAST()); } if (options.isTest()) { Set data = new HashSet(); for (IRubyObject klass : result.getTypeSet()) { data.add(klass.toString()); } test(options, data); } else { if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.print("("); out.print("(type"); for (IRubyObject klass : result.getTypeSet()) { out.print(" \""); out.print(klass); out.print("\""); } out.println(")"); codeAssistError(result, options); out.println(")"); } else { for (IRubyObject klass : result.getTypeSet()) { out.print("type: "); out.println(klass); } codeAssistError(result, options); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (options.isTest()) { testError(options); } commandException(e, options); } finally { progressMonitor.detach(project); } } private void commandFindDefinition(Options options) { FindDefinitionResult result; Project project = codeAssist.getProject(options); try { progressMonitor.attach(project); if (options.isFileStdin()) { result = codeAssist.findDefinition(project, new File("(stdin)"), options.getHereDocReader(inReader), options.getLocation()); } else { result = codeAssist.findDefinition(project, options.getFile(), options.getEncoding(), options.getLocation()); } if (options.isPrintAST()) { Logger.debug("AST:\n%s", result.getAST()); } if (options.isTest()) { Set data = new HashSet(); for (SourceLocation location : result.getLocations()) { data.add(location.toString()); } test(options, data); } else { if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.print("("); out.print("(location"); for (SourceLocation location : result.getLocations()) { if (location.getFile() != null) out.printf(" (%s . %d)", emacsStringLiteral(location.getFile()), location.getLine()); } out.println(")"); codeAssistError(result, options); out.println(")"); } else { for (SourceLocation location : result.getLocations()) { out.printf("location: %d %s\n", location.getLine(), location.getFile()); } codeAssistError(result, options); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (options.isTest()) testError(options); commandException(e, options); } finally { progressMonitor.detach(project); } } private void commandWhere(Options options) { WhereResult result; Project project = codeAssist.getProject(options); try { progressMonitor.attach(project); if (options.isFileStdin()) { result = codeAssist.where(project, new File("(stdin)"), options.getHereDocReader(inReader), options.getLine()); } else { result = codeAssist.where(project, options.getFile(), options.getEncoding(), options.getLine()); } if (options.isPrintAST()) { Logger.debug("AST:\n%s", result.getAST()); } if (options.isTest()) { Set data = new HashSet(); if (result.getName() != null) data.add(result.getName()); test(options, data); } else { if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.print("("); if (result.getName() != null) out.printf("(name . \"%s\")", result.getName()); codeAssistError(result, options); out.println(")"); } else { if (result.getName() != null) { out.print("name: "); out.println(result.getName()); } codeAssistError(result, options); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (options.isTest()) testError(options); commandException(e, options); } finally { progressMonitor.detach(project); } } private void commandLoad(Options options) { LoadResult result; Project project = codeAssist.getProject(options); try { progressMonitor.attach(project); if (options.isFileStdin()) { result = codeAssist.load(project, new File("(stdin)"), options.getHereDocReader(inReader)); } else { result = codeAssist.load(project, options.getFile(), options.getEncoding()); } if (options.isPrintAST()) { Logger.debug("AST:\n%s", result.getAST()); } if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.print("("); codeAssistError(result, options); out.println(")"); } else { codeAssistError(result, options); } } catch (Exception e) { commandException(e, options); } finally { progressMonitor.detach(project); } } private void commandClear(Options options) { codeAssist.clear(); } private void commandGC(Options options) { System.gc(); } private void commandListProject(Options options) { boolean first = true; boolean verbose = options.isVerbose(); if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.print("("); } for (Map.Entry entry : codeAssist.getProjects().entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); Project project = entry.getValue(); if (verbose) { if (!first) { out.println(); } first = false; out.printf("%s:\n", name); out.printf(" path: %s\n", project.getPath()); out.println(" load-path:"); for (File dir : project.getLoadPath()) { out.println(" - " + dir.toString()); } out.println(" gem-path:"); for (File dir : project.getGemPath()) { out.println(" - " + dir.toString()); } } else { if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.print("\"" + name + "\" "); } else { out.println(name); } } } if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.println(")"); } } private void commandOpenProject(Options options) { for (String name : options.getRestArgs()) { codeAssist.openProject(name, options); } } private void commandCloseProject(Options options) { for (String name : options.getRestArgs()) { codeAssist.closeProject(name); } } private void commandEnvironment(Options options) { out.println("version: " + versionString()); out.println("home: " + options.getRsenseHome()); out.println("debug: " + (options.isDebug() ? "yes" : "no")); out.println("log: " + (options.getLog() != null ? options.getLog() : "")); out.println("load-path:"); for (String path : options.getLoadPath()) { out.println(" - " + path); } out.println("gem-path:"); for (String path : options.getLoadPath()) { out.println(" - " + path); } } private void commandHelp(Options options) { if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.print("\""); } usage(); if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.println("\""); } } private void commandVersion(Options options) { if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.println("\"" + versionString() + "\""); } else { version(); } } private void commandUnknown(String command, Options options) { if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.printf("((error . \"unknown command: %s\"))\n", command); } else { out.printf("unknown command: %s\n", command); } } private void commandException(Exception e, Options options) { if (options.isEmacsFormat()) { out.println("((error . \"unexpected error\"))"); } else if (e instanceof Options.InvalidOptionException) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } else { out.println("unexpected error:"); e.printStackTrace(out); } } private void test(Options options, Collection data) { if (options.isShouldBeGiven()) { Set shouldBe = options.getShouldBe(); if (shouldBe.equals(data)) { testSuccess(options); } else { String expected = shouldBe.isEmpty() ? "empty" : shouldBe.toString(); testFailure(options, "%s should be %s", data, expected); } } else { Set shouldContain = options.getShouldContain(); Set shouldNotContain = options.getShouldNotContain(); for (String str : shouldContain) { if (!data.contains(str)) { testFailure(options, "%s should be in %s", str, shouldContain); return; } } for (String str : shouldNotContain) { if (data.contains(str)) { testFailure(options, "%s should not be in %s", str, shouldNotContain); return; } } testSuccess(options); } } private void testSuccess(Options options) { testSuccess(options, null); } private void testSuccess(Options options, String format, Object... args) { if (testStats == null) { testStats = new TestStats(); } testStats.count++; testStats.success++; if (options.isTestColor()) { out.printf("\33[34m%s\33[0m... [\33[1;32mOK\33[0m]", options.getTest()); } else { out.printf("%s... [OK]", options.getTest()); } if (format != null) { out.print("\n "); out.printf(format, args); } out.println(); } private void testFailure(Options options) { testFailure(options, null); } private void testFailure(Options options, String format, Object... args) { if (testStats == null) { testStats = new TestStats(); } testStats.count++; testStats.failure++; if (options.isTestColor()) { out.printf("\33[34m%s\33[0m... [\33[1;31mBAD\33[0m]", options.getTest()); } else { out.printf("%s... [BAD]", options.getTest()); } if (format != null) { out.print("\n "); out.printf(format, args); } out.println(); } private void testError(Options options) { if (testStats == null) { testStats = new TestStats(); } testStats.count++; testStats.error++; if (options.isTestColor()) { out.printf("\33[34m%s\33[0m... [\33[1;31mERROR\33[0m]", options.getTest()); } else { out.printf("%s... [BAD]", options.getTest()); } out.println(); } private void testResult(Options options) { if (testStats != null) { String ok, bad, error; if (options.isTestColor()) { ok = String.format("\33[32;1m%s\33[0m", testStats.success); if (testStats.failure > 0) { bad = String.format("\33[31;1m%s\33[0m", testStats.failure); } else { bad = String.valueOf(testStats.failure); } if (testStats.error > 0) { error = String.format("\33[31;1m%s\33[0m", testStats.error); } else { error = String.valueOf(testStats.error); } } else { ok = String.valueOf(testStats.success); bad = String.valueOf(testStats.failure); error = String.valueOf(testStats.error); } out.printf("test: count=%d, success=%s, failure=%s, error=%s\n", testStats.count, ok, bad, error); } } private void codeAssistError(CodeAssistResult result, Options options) { boolean emacsFormat = options.isEmacsFormat(); if (emacsFormat) { out.print(" (error"); } for (CodeAssistError error : result.getErrors()) { if (emacsFormat) { out.print(" "); out.print(error.getShortError()); } else { out.printf("error: ", error.getShortError()); out.println(error.getCause()); } } if (emacsFormat) { out.println(")"); } } private String emacsStringLiteral(String s) { return "\"" + s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replaceAll("\"", "\\\"") + "\""; } }