title: QualityApi
**The Ruby SDK is deprecated as of 9/16/2020**
The Genesys Cloud Ruby SDK (v96.0.0) will be frozen at its current version level. Any new enhancements to our API or bug fixes will not be backported. If you do need to take advantage of new features or bug fixes outside the Genesys Cloud Ruby SDK, you will need to use the Genesys Cloud REST endpoints directly. More information can be found in the [Official Announcement](https://developer.mypurecloud.com/forum/t/announcement-genesys-cloud-ruby-sdk-end-of-life/8850).
## PureCloud::QualityApi
All URIs are relative to *https://api.mypurecloud.com*
Method | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**delete_quality_calibration**](QualityApi.html#delete_quality_calibration) | Delete a calibration by id.
[**delete_quality_conversation_evaluation**](QualityApi.html#delete_quality_conversation_evaluation) | Delete an evaluation
[**delete_quality_form**](QualityApi.html#delete_quality_form) | Delete an evaluation form.
[**delete_quality_forms_evaluation**](QualityApi.html#delete_quality_forms_evaluation) | Delete an evaluation form.
[**delete_quality_forms_survey**](QualityApi.html#delete_quality_forms_survey) | Delete a survey form.
[**delete_quality_keywordset**](QualityApi.html#delete_quality_keywordset) | Delete a keywordSet by id.
[**delete_quality_keywordsets**](QualityApi.html#delete_quality_keywordsets) | Delete keyword sets
[**get_quality_agents_activity**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_agents_activity) | Gets a list of Agent Activities
[**get_quality_calibration**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_calibration) | Get a calibration by id. Requires either calibrator id or conversation id
[**get_quality_calibrations**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_calibrations) | Get the list of calibrations
[**get_quality_conversation_audits**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_conversation_audits) | Get audits for conversation or recording
[**get_quality_conversation_evaluation**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_conversation_evaluation) | Get an evaluation
[**get_quality_conversation_surveys**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_conversation_surveys) | Get the surveys for a conversation
[**get_quality_evaluations_query**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_evaluations_query) | Queries Evaluations and returns a paged list
[**get_quality_evaluators_activity**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_evaluators_activity) | Get an evaluator activity
[**get_quality_form**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_form) | Get an evaluation form
[**get_quality_form_versions**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_form_versions) | Gets all the revisions for a specific evaluation.
[**get_quality_forms**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_forms) | Get the list of evaluation forms
[**get_quality_forms_evaluation**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_forms_evaluation) | Get an evaluation form
[**get_quality_forms_evaluation_versions**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_forms_evaluation_versions) | Gets all the revisions for a specific evaluation.
[**get_quality_forms_evaluations**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_forms_evaluations) | Get the list of evaluation forms
[**get_quality_forms_survey**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_forms_survey) | Get a survey form
[**get_quality_forms_survey_versions**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_forms_survey_versions) | Gets all the revisions for a specific survey.
[**get_quality_forms_surveys**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_forms_surveys) | Get the list of survey forms
[**get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk) | Retrieve a list of survey forms by their ids
[**get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk_contexts**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk_contexts) | Retrieve a list of the latest form versions by context ids
[**get_quality_keywordset**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_keywordset) | Get a keywordSet by id.
[**get_quality_keywordsets**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_keywordsets) | Get the list of keyword sets
[**get_quality_publishedform**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_publishedform) | Get the published evaluation forms.
[**get_quality_publishedforms**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_publishedforms) | Get the published evaluation forms.
[**get_quality_publishedforms_evaluation**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_publishedforms_evaluation) | Get the most recent published version of an evaluation form.
[**get_quality_publishedforms_evaluations**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_publishedforms_evaluations) | Get the published evaluation forms.
[**get_quality_publishedforms_survey**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_publishedforms_survey) | Get the most recent published version of a survey form.
[**get_quality_publishedforms_surveys**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_publishedforms_surveys) | Get the published survey forms.
[**get_quality_survey**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_survey) | Get a survey for a conversation
[**get_quality_surveys_scorable**](QualityApi.html#get_quality_surveys_scorable) | Get a survey as an end-customer, for the purposes of scoring it.
[**patch_quality_forms_survey**](QualityApi.html#patch_quality_forms_survey) | Disable a particular version of a survey form and invalidates any invitations that have already been sent to customers using this version of the form.
[**post_analytics_evaluations_aggregates_query**](QualityApi.html#post_analytics_evaluations_aggregates_query) | Query for evaluation aggregates
[**post_analytics_surveys_aggregates_query**](QualityApi.html#post_analytics_surveys_aggregates_query) | Query for survey aggregates
[**post_quality_calibrations**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_calibrations) | Create a calibration
[**post_quality_conversation_evaluations**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_conversation_evaluations) | Create an evaluation
[**post_quality_evaluations_scoring**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_evaluations_scoring) | Score evaluation
[**post_quality_forms**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_forms) | Create an evaluation form.
[**post_quality_forms_evaluations**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_forms_evaluations) | Create an evaluation form.
[**post_quality_forms_surveys**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_forms_surveys) | Create a survey form.
[**post_quality_keywordsets**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_keywordsets) | Create a Keyword Set
[**post_quality_publishedforms**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_publishedforms) | Publish an evaluation form.
[**post_quality_publishedforms_evaluations**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_publishedforms_evaluations) | Publish an evaluation form.
[**post_quality_publishedforms_surveys**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_publishedforms_surveys) | Publish a survey form.
[**post_quality_spotability**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_spotability) | Retrieve the spotability statistic
[**post_quality_surveys_scoring**](QualityApi.html#post_quality_surveys_scoring) | Score survey
[**put_quality_calibration**](QualityApi.html#put_quality_calibration) | Update a calibration to the specified calibration via PUT. Editable fields include: evaluators, expertEvaluator, and scoringIndex
[**put_quality_conversation_evaluation**](QualityApi.html#put_quality_conversation_evaluation) | Update an evaluation
[**put_quality_form**](QualityApi.html#put_quality_form) | Update an evaluation form.
[**put_quality_forms_evaluation**](QualityApi.html#put_quality_forms_evaluation) | Update an evaluation form.
[**put_quality_forms_survey**](QualityApi.html#put_quality_forms_survey) | Update a survey form.
[**put_quality_keywordset**](QualityApi.html#put_quality_keywordset) | Update a keywordSet to the specified keywordSet via PUT.
[**put_quality_surveys_scorable**](QualityApi.html#put_quality_surveys_scorable) | Update a survey as an end-customer, for the purposes of scoring it.
{: class="table table-striped"}
## [**Calibration**](Calibration.html) delete_quality_calibration(calibration_id, calibrator_id)
Delete a calibration by id.
Wraps DELETE /api/v2/quality/calibrations/{calibrationId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:calibration:delete
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
calibration_id = "calibration_id_example" # String | Calibration ID
calibrator_id = "calibrator_id_example" # String | calibratorId
#Delete a calibration by id.
result = api_instance.delete_quality_calibration(calibration_id, calibrator_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->delete_quality_calibration: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**calibration_id** | **String**| Calibration ID | |
**calibrator_id** | **String**| calibratorId | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**Evaluation**](Evaluation.html) delete_quality_conversation_evaluation(conversation_id, evaluation_id, opts)
Delete an evaluation
Wraps DELETE /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/evaluations/{evaluationId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluation:delete
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId
evaluation_id = "evaluation_id_example" # String | evaluationId
opts = {
expand: "expand_example" # String | evaluatorId
#Delete an evaluation
result = api_instance.delete_quality_conversation_evaluation(conversation_id, evaluation_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->delete_quality_conversation_evaluation: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | |
**evaluation_id** | **String**| evaluationId | |
**expand** | **String**| evaluatorId | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## delete_quality_form(form_id)
Delete an evaluation form.
Wraps DELETE /api/v2/quality/forms/{formId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:delete
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Delete an evaluation form.
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->delete_quality_form: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
nil (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## delete_quality_forms_evaluation(form_id)
Delete an evaluation form.
Wraps DELETE /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations/{formId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:delete
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Delete an evaluation form.
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->delete_quality_forms_evaluation: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
nil (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## delete_quality_forms_survey(form_id)
Delete a survey form.
Wraps DELETE /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId}
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:delete
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Delete a survey form.
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->delete_quality_forms_survey: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
nil (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## delete_quality_keywordset(keyword_set_id)
Delete a keywordSet by id.
Wraps DELETE /api/v2/quality/keywordsets/{keywordSetId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:keywordset:delete
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
keyword_set_id = "keyword_set_id_example" # String | KeywordSet ID
#Delete a keywordSet by id.
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->delete_quality_keywordset: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**keyword_set_id** | **String**| KeywordSet ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
nil (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## delete_quality_keywordsets(ids)
Delete keyword sets
Bulk delete of keyword sets; this will only delete the keyword sets that match the ids specified in the query param.
Wraps DELETE /api/v2/quality/keywordsets
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:keywordset:delete
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
ids = "ids_example" # String | A comma-delimited list of valid KeywordSet ids
#Delete keyword sets
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->delete_quality_keywordsets: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**ids** | **String**| A comma-delimited list of valid KeywordSet ids | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
nil (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**AgentActivityEntityListing**](AgentActivityEntityListing.html) get_quality_agents_activity(opts)
Gets a list of Agent Activities
Including the number of evaluations and average evaluation score
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/agents/activity
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluation:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested
page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
expand: ["expand_example"], # Array | variable name requested by expand list
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
start_time: DateTime.parse("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), # DateTime | Start time of agent activity. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
end_time: DateTime.parse("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), # DateTime | End time of agent activity. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
agent_user_id: ["agent_user_id_example"], # Array | user id of agent requested
evaluator_user_id: "evaluator_user_id_example", # String | user id of the evaluator
name: "name_example", # String | name
group: "group_example" # String | group id
#Gets a list of Agent Activities
result = api_instance.get_quality_agents_activity(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_agents_activity: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] |
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] |
**expand** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional] |
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] |
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] |
**start_time** | **DateTime**| Start time of agent activity. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
**end_time** | **DateTime**| End time of agent activity. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
**agent_user_id** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| user id of agent requested | [optional] |
**evaluator_user_id** | **String**| user id of the evaluator | [optional] |
**name** | **String**| name | [optional] |
**group** | **String**| group id | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**Calibration**](Calibration.html) get_quality_calibration(calibration_id, opts)
Get a calibration by id. Requires either calibrator id or conversation id
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/calibrations/{calibrationId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:calibration:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
calibration_id = "calibration_id_example" # String | Calibration ID
opts = {
calibrator_id: "calibrator_id_example", # String | calibratorId
conversation_id: "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId
#Get a calibration by id. Requires either calibrator id or conversation id
result = api_instance.get_quality_calibration(calibration_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_calibration: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**calibration_id** | **String**| Calibration ID | |
**calibrator_id** | **String**| calibratorId | [optional] |
**conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**CalibrationEntityListing**](CalibrationEntityListing.html) get_quality_calibrations(calibrator_id, opts)
Get the list of calibrations
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/calibrations
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:calibration:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
calibrator_id = "calibrator_id_example" # String | user id of calibrator
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested
page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
expand: ["expand_example"], # Array | variable name requested by expand list
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
conversation_id: "conversation_id_example", # String | conversation id
start_time: DateTime.parse("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), # DateTime | Beginning of the calibration query. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
end_time: DateTime.parse("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00") # DateTime | end of the calibration query. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
#Get the list of calibrations
result = api_instance.get_quality_calibrations(calibrator_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_calibrations: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**calibrator_id** | **String**| user id of calibrator | |
**page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] |
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] |
**expand** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional] |
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] |
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] |
**conversation_id** | **String**| conversation id | [optional] |
**start_time** | **DateTime**| Beginning of the calibration query. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
**end_time** | **DateTime**| end of the calibration query. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**QualityAuditPage**](QualityAuditPage.html) get_quality_conversation_audits(conversation_id, opts)
Get audits for conversation or recording
Different permissions are required for viewing different resource audit entries. The quality:evaluation:viewAudit permission is required to view evaluation audits, the recording:recording:viewAudit permission is required to view recording audits, and so on.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/audits
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:calibration:viewAudit
* quality:evaluation:viewAudit
* quality:survey:viewAudit
* recording:recording:viewAudit
* recording:annotation:viewAudit
* recording:screenRecording:viewAudit
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | Conversation ID
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested
page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
expand: ["expand_example"], # Array | variable name requested by expand list
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
recording_id: "recording_id_example", # String | id of the recording
entity_type: "Recording" # String | entity type options: Recording, Calibration, Evaluation, Annotation, Screen_Recording
#Get audits for conversation or recording
result = api_instance.get_quality_conversation_audits(conversation_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_conversation_audits: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**conversation_id** | **String**| Conversation ID | |
**page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] |
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] |
**expand** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional] |
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] |
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] |
**recording_id** | **String**| id of the recording | [optional] |
**entity_type** | **String**| entity type options: Recording, Calibration, Evaluation, Annotation, Screen_Recording | [optional] [default to Recording] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**Evaluation**](Evaluation.html) get_quality_conversation_evaluation(conversation_id, evaluation_id, opts)
Get an evaluation
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/evaluations/{evaluationId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluation:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId
evaluation_id = "evaluation_id_example" # String | evaluationId
opts = {
expand: "expand_example" # String | agent, evaluator, evaluationForm
#Get an evaluation
result = api_instance.get_quality_conversation_evaluation(conversation_id, evaluation_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_conversation_evaluation: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | |
**evaluation_id** | **String**| evaluationId | |
**expand** | **String**| agent, evaluator, evaluationForm | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**Array<Survey>**](Survey.html) get_quality_conversation_surveys(conversation_id)
Get the surveys for a conversation
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/surveys
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:survey:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId
#Get the surveys for a conversation
result = api_instance.get_quality_conversation_surveys(conversation_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_conversation_surveys: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationEntityListing**](EvaluationEntityListing.html) get_quality_evaluations_query(opts)
Queries Evaluations and returns a paged list
Query params must include one of conversationId, evaluatorUserId, or agentUserId
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/evaluations/query
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluation:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested
page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
expand: ["expand_example"], # Array | variable name requested by expand list
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
conversation_id: "conversation_id_example", # String | conversationId specified
agent_user_id: "agent_user_id_example", # String | user id of the agent
evaluator_user_id: "evaluator_user_id_example", # String | evaluator user id
queue_id: "queue_id_example", # String | queue id
start_time: "start_time_example", # String | start time of the evaluation query
end_time: "end_time_example", # String | end time of the evaluation query
evaluation_state: ["evaluation_state_example"], # Array |
is_released: true, # BOOLEAN | the evaluation has been released
agent_has_read: true, # BOOLEAN | agent has the evaluation
expand_answer_total_scores: true, # BOOLEAN | get the total scores for evaluations
maximum: 56, # Integer | maximum
sort_order: "sort_order_example" # String | sort order options for agentUserId or evaluatorUserId query. Valid options are 'a', 'asc', 'ascending', 'd', 'desc', 'descending'
#Queries Evaluations and returns a paged list
result = api_instance.get_quality_evaluations_query(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_evaluations_query: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] |
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] |
**expand** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional] |
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] |
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] |
**conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId specified | [optional] |
**agent_user_id** | **String**| user id of the agent | [optional] |
**evaluator_user_id** | **String**| evaluator user id | [optional] |
**queue_id** | **String**| queue id | [optional] |
**start_time** | **String**| start time of the evaluation query | [optional] |
**end_time** | **String**| end time of the evaluation query | [optional] |
**evaluation_state** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| | [optional] |
**is_released** | **BOOLEAN**| the evaluation has been released | [optional] |
**agent_has_read** | **BOOLEAN**| agent has the evaluation | [optional] |
**expand_answer_total_scores** | **BOOLEAN**| get the total scores for evaluations | [optional] |
**maximum** | **Integer**| maximum | [optional] |
**sort_order** | **String**| sort order options for agentUserId or evaluatorUserId query. Valid options are 'a', 'asc', 'ascending', 'd', 'desc', 'descending' | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluatorActivityEntityListing**](EvaluatorActivityEntityListing.html) get_quality_evaluators_activity(opts)
Get an evaluator activity
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/evaluators/activity
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluation:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested
page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
expand: ["expand_example"], # Array | variable name requested by expand list
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
start_time: DateTime.parse("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), # DateTime | The start time specified. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
end_time: DateTime.parse("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"), # DateTime | The end time specified. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
name: "name_example", # String | Evaluator name
permission: ["permission_example"], # Array | permission strings
group: "group_example" # String | group id
#Get an evaluator activity
result = api_instance.get_quality_evaluators_activity(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_evaluators_activity: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] |
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] |
**expand** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional] |
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] |
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] |
**start_time** | **DateTime**| The start time specified. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
**end_time** | **DateTime**| The end time specified. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] |
**name** | **String**| Evaluator name | [optional] |
**permission** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| permission strings | [optional] |
**group** | **String**| group id | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) get_quality_form(form_id)
Get an evaluation form
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/{formId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Get an evaluation form
result = api_instance.get_quality_form(form_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_form: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationFormEntityListing**](EvaluationFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_form_versions(form_id, opts)
Gets all the revisions for a specific evaluation.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/{formId}/versions
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | Page size
page_number: 1 # Integer | Page number
#Gets all the revisions for a specific evaluation.
result = api_instance.get_quality_form_versions(form_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_form_versions: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
**page_size** | **Integer**| Page size | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional] [default to 1] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationFormEntityListing**](EvaluationFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_forms(opts)
Get the list of evaluation forms
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested
page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
expand: "expand_example", # String | Expand
name: "name_example", # String | Name
sort_order: "sort_order_example" # String | Order to sort results, either asc or desc
#Get the list of evaluation forms
result = api_instance.get_quality_forms(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_forms: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] |
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] |
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] |
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] |
**expand** | **String**| Expand | [optional] |
**name** | **String**| Name | [optional] |
**sort_order** | **String**| Order to sort results, either asc or desc | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) get_quality_forms_evaluation(form_id)
Get an evaluation form
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations/{formId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Get an evaluation form
result = api_instance.get_quality_forms_evaluation(form_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_forms_evaluation: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationFormEntityListing**](EvaluationFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_forms_evaluation_versions(form_id, opts)
Gets all the revisions for a specific evaluation.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations/{formId}/versions
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | Page size
page_number: 1 # Integer | Page number
#Gets all the revisions for a specific evaluation.
result = api_instance.get_quality_forms_evaluation_versions(form_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_forms_evaluation_versions: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
**page_size** | **Integer**| Page size | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional] [default to 1] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationFormEntityListing**](EvaluationFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_forms_evaluations(opts)
Get the list of evaluation forms
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested
page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
expand: "expand_example", # String | Expand
name: "name_example", # String | Name
sort_order: "sort_order_example" # String | Order to sort results, either asc or desc
#Get the list of evaluation forms
result = api_instance.get_quality_forms_evaluations(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_forms_evaluations: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] |
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] |
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] |
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] |
**expand** | **String**| Expand | [optional] |
**name** | **String**| Name | [optional] |
**sort_order** | **String**| Order to sort results, either asc or desc | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyForm**](SurveyForm.html) get_quality_forms_survey(form_id)
Get a survey form
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId}
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Get a survey form
result = api_instance.get_quality_forms_survey(form_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_forms_survey: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyFormEntityListing**](SurveyFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_forms_survey_versions(form_id, opts)
Gets all the revisions for a specific survey.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId}/versions
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | Page size
page_number: 1 # Integer | Page number
#Gets all the revisions for a specific survey.
result = api_instance.get_quality_forms_survey_versions(form_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_forms_survey_versions: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
**page_size** | **Integer**| Page size | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional] [default to 1] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyFormEntityListing**](SurveyFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_forms_surveys(opts)
Get the list of survey forms
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested
page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
expand: "expand_example", # String | Expand
name: "name_example", # String | Name
sort_order: "sort_order_example" # String | Order to sort results, either asc or desc
#Get the list of survey forms
result = api_instance.get_quality_forms_surveys(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_forms_surveys: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] |
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] |
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] |
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] |
**expand** | **String**| Expand | [optional] |
**name** | **String**| Name | [optional] |
**sort_order** | **String**| Order to sort results, either asc or desc | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyFormEntityListing**](SurveyFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk(id)
Retrieve a list of survey forms by their ids
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/bulk
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
id = ["id_example"] # Array | A comma-delimited list of valid survey form ids
#Retrieve a list of survey forms by their ids
result = api_instance.get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk(id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| A comma-delimited list of valid survey form ids | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyFormEntityListing**](SurveyFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk_contexts(context_id, opts)
Retrieve a list of the latest form versions by context ids
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/bulk/contexts
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
context_id = ["context_id_example"] # Array | A comma-delimited list of valid survey form context ids
opts = {
published: true # BOOLEAN | If true, the latest published version will be included. If false, only the unpublished version will be included.
#Retrieve a list of the latest form versions by context ids
result = api_instance.get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk_contexts(context_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_forms_surveys_bulk_contexts: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**context_id** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| A comma-delimited list of valid survey form context ids | |
**published** | **BOOLEAN**| If true, the latest published version will be included. If false, only the unpublished version will be included. | [optional] [default to true] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**KeywordSet**](KeywordSet.html) get_quality_keywordset(keyword_set_id)
Get a keywordSet by id.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/keywordsets/{keywordSetId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:keywordset:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
keyword_set_id = "keyword_set_id_example" # String | KeywordSet ID
#Get a keywordSet by id.
result = api_instance.get_quality_keywordset(keyword_set_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_keywordset: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**keyword_set_id** | **String**| KeywordSet ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**KeywordSetEntityListing**](KeywordSetEntityListing.html) get_quality_keywordsets(opts)
Get the list of keyword sets
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/keywordsets
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:keywordset:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | The total page size requested
page_number: 1, # Integer | The page number requested
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
expand: ["expand_example"], # Array | variable name requested by expand list
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
name: "name_example", # String | the keyword set name - used for filtering results in searches.
queue_id: "queue_id_example", # String | the queue id - used for filtering results in searches.
agent_id: "agent_id_example", # String | the agent id - used for filtering results in searches.
operator: "operator_example" # String | If agentID and queueId are both present, this determines whether the query is an AND or OR between those parameters.
#Get the list of keyword sets
result = api_instance.get_quality_keywordsets(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_keywordsets: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| The total page size requested | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| The page number requested | [optional] [default to 1] |
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional] |
**expand** | [**Array<String>**](String.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional] |
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional] |
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional] |
**name** | **String**| the keyword set name - used for filtering results in searches. | [optional] |
**queue_id** | **String**| the queue id - used for filtering results in searches. | [optional] |
**agent_id** | **String**| the agent id - used for filtering results in searches. | [optional] |
**operator** | **String**| If agentID and queueId are both present, this determines whether the query is an AND or OR between those parameters. | [optional]
**Values**: AND, OR |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) get_quality_publishedform(form_id)
Get the published evaluation forms.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/{formId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Get the published evaluation forms.
result = api_instance.get_quality_publishedform(form_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_publishedform: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationFormEntityListing**](EvaluationFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_publishedforms(opts)
Get the published evaluation forms.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | Page size
page_number: 1, # Integer | Page number
name: "name_example", # String | Name
only_latest_per_context: false # BOOLEAN | onlyLatestPerContext
#Get the published evaluation forms.
result = api_instance.get_quality_publishedforms(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_publishedforms: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| Page size | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional] [default to 1] |
**name** | **String**| Name | [optional] |
**only_latest_per_context** | **BOOLEAN**| onlyLatestPerContext | [optional] [default to false] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) get_quality_publishedforms_evaluation(form_id)
Get the most recent published version of an evaluation form.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/evaluations/{formId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Get the most recent published version of an evaluation form.
result = api_instance.get_quality_publishedforms_evaluation(form_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_publishedforms_evaluation: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationFormEntityListing**](EvaluationFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_publishedforms_evaluations(opts)
Get the published evaluation forms.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/evaluations
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | Page size
page_number: 1, # Integer | Page number
name: "name_example", # String | Name
only_latest_per_context: false # BOOLEAN | onlyLatestPerContext
#Get the published evaluation forms.
result = api_instance.get_quality_publishedforms_evaluations(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_publishedforms_evaluations: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| Page size | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional] [default to 1] |
**name** | **String**| Name | [optional] |
**only_latest_per_context** | **BOOLEAN**| onlyLatestPerContext | [optional] [default to false] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyForm**](SurveyForm.html) get_quality_publishedforms_survey(form_id)
Get the most recent published version of a survey form.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/surveys/{formId}
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Get the most recent published version of a survey form.
result = api_instance.get_quality_publishedforms_survey(form_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_publishedforms_survey: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyFormEntityListing**](SurveyFormEntityListing.html) get_quality_publishedforms_surveys(opts)
Get the published survey forms.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/surveys
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
page_size: 25, # Integer | Page size
page_number: 1, # Integer | Page number
name: "name_example", # String | Name
only_latest_enabled_per_context: false # BOOLEAN | onlyLatestEnabledPerContext
#Get the published survey forms.
result = api_instance.get_quality_publishedforms_surveys(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_publishedforms_surveys: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| Page size | [optional] [default to 25] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional] [default to 1] |
**name** | **String**| Name | [optional] |
**only_latest_enabled_per_context** | **BOOLEAN**| onlyLatestEnabledPerContext | [optional] [default to false] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**Survey**](Survey.html) get_quality_survey(survey_id)
Get a survey for a conversation
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/surveys/{surveyId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:survey:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
survey_id = "survey_id_example" # String | surveyId
#Get a survey for a conversation
result = api_instance.get_quality_survey(survey_id)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_survey: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**survey_id** | **String**| surveyId | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**ScorableSurvey**](ScorableSurvey.html) get_quality_surveys_scorable(customer_survey_url)
Get a survey as an end-customer, for the purposes of scoring it.
Wraps GET /api/v2/quality/surveys/scorable
Requires NO permissions:
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
customer_survey_url = "customer_survey_url_example" # String | customerSurveyUrl
#Get a survey as an end-customer, for the purposes of scoring it.
result = api_instance.get_quality_surveys_scorable(customer_survey_url)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->get_quality_surveys_scorable: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**customer_survey_url** | **String**| customerSurveyUrl | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyForm**](SurveyForm.html) patch_quality_forms_survey(form_id, body)
Disable a particular version of a survey form and invalidates any invitations that have already been sent to customers using this version of the form.
Wraps PATCH /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId}
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:disable
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
body = PureCloud::SurveyForm.new # SurveyForm | Survey form
#Disable a particular version of a survey form and invalidates any invitations that have already been sent to customers using this version of the form.
result = api_instance.patch_quality_forms_survey(form_id, body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->patch_quality_forms_survey: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
**body** | [**SurveyForm**](SurveyForm.html)| Survey form | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationAggregateQueryResponse**](EvaluationAggregateQueryResponse.html) post_analytics_evaluations_aggregates_query(body)
Query for evaluation aggregates
Wraps POST /api/v2/analytics/evaluations/aggregates/query
Requires ANY permissions:
* analytics:evaluationAggregate:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::EvaluationAggregationQuery.new # EvaluationAggregationQuery | query
#Query for evaluation aggregates
result = api_instance.post_analytics_evaluations_aggregates_query(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_analytics_evaluations_aggregates_query: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**EvaluationAggregationQuery**](EvaluationAggregationQuery.html)| query | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyAggregateQueryResponse**](SurveyAggregateQueryResponse.html) post_analytics_surveys_aggregates_query(body)
Query for survey aggregates
Wraps POST /api/v2/analytics/surveys/aggregates/query
Requires ANY permissions:
* analytics:surveyAggregate:view
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::SurveyAggregationQuery.new # SurveyAggregationQuery | query
#Query for survey aggregates
result = api_instance.post_analytics_surveys_aggregates_query(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_analytics_surveys_aggregates_query: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**SurveyAggregationQuery**](SurveyAggregationQuery.html)| query | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**Calibration**](Calibration.html) post_quality_calibrations(body, opts)
Create a calibration
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/calibrations
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:calibration:add
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::CalibrationCreate.new # CalibrationCreate | calibration
opts = {
expand: "expand_example" # String | calibratorId
#Create a calibration
result = api_instance.post_quality_calibrations(body, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_calibrations: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**CalibrationCreate**](CalibrationCreate.html)| calibration | |
**expand** | **String**| calibratorId | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**Evaluation**](Evaluation.html) post_quality_conversation_evaluations(conversation_id, body, opts)
Create an evaluation
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/evaluations
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluation:add
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId
body = PureCloud::Evaluation.new # Evaluation | evaluation
opts = {
expand: "expand_example" # String | evaluatorId
#Create an evaluation
result = api_instance.post_quality_conversation_evaluations(conversation_id, body, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_conversation_evaluations: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | |
**body** | [**Evaluation**](Evaluation.html)| evaluation | |
**expand** | **String**| evaluatorId | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationScoringSet**](EvaluationScoringSet.html) post_quality_evaluations_scoring(body)
Score evaluation
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/evaluations/scoring
Requires NO permissions:
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::EvaluationFormAndScoringSet.new # EvaluationFormAndScoringSet | evaluationAndScoringSet
#Score evaluation
result = api_instance.post_quality_evaluations_scoring(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_evaluations_scoring: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**EvaluationFormAndScoringSet**](EvaluationFormAndScoringSet.html)| evaluationAndScoringSet | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) post_quality_forms(body)
Create an evaluation form.
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/forms
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:add
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::EvaluationForm.new # EvaluationForm | Evaluation form
#Create an evaluation form.
result = api_instance.post_quality_forms(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_forms: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html)| Evaluation form | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) post_quality_forms_evaluations(body)
Create an evaluation form.
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:add
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::EvaluationForm.new # EvaluationForm | Evaluation form
#Create an evaluation form.
result = api_instance.post_quality_forms_evaluations(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_forms_evaluations: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html)| Evaluation form | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyForm**](SurveyForm.html) post_quality_forms_surveys(body)
Create a survey form.
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:add
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::SurveyForm.new # SurveyForm | Survey form
#Create a survey form.
result = api_instance.post_quality_forms_surveys(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_forms_surveys: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**SurveyForm**](SurveyForm.html)| Survey form | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**KeywordSet**](KeywordSet.html) post_quality_keywordsets(body, opts)
Create a Keyword Set
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/keywordsets
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:keywordset:add
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::KeywordSet.new # KeywordSet | keywordSet
opts = {
expand: "expand_example" # String | queueId
#Create a Keyword Set
result = api_instance.post_quality_keywordsets(body, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_keywordsets: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**KeywordSet**](KeywordSet.html)| keywordSet | |
**expand** | **String**| queueId | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) post_quality_publishedforms(body)
Publish an evaluation form.
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/publishedforms
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:add
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::PublishForm.new # PublishForm | Publish request containing id of form to publish
#Publish an evaluation form.
result = api_instance.post_quality_publishedforms(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_publishedforms: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**PublishForm**](PublishForm.html)| Publish request containing id of form to publish | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) post_quality_publishedforms_evaluations(body)
Publish an evaluation form.
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/evaluations
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:add
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::PublishForm.new # PublishForm | Publish request containing id of form to publish
#Publish an evaluation form.
result = api_instance.post_quality_publishedforms_evaluations(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_publishedforms_evaluations: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**PublishForm**](PublishForm.html)| Publish request containing id of form to publish | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyForm**](SurveyForm.html) post_quality_publishedforms_surveys(body)
Publish a survey form.
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/surveys
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:add
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::PublishForm.new # PublishForm | Survey form
#Publish a survey form.
result = api_instance.post_quality_publishedforms_surveys(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_publishedforms_surveys: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**PublishForm**](PublishForm.html)| Survey form | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**KeywordSet**](KeywordSet.html) post_quality_spotability(opts)
Retrieve the spotability statistic
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/spotability
Requires NO permissions:
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
opts = {
body: PureCloud::KeywordSet.new # KeywordSet | Keyword Set
#Retrieve the spotability statistic
result = api_instance.post_quality_spotability(opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_spotability: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**KeywordSet**](KeywordSet.html)| Keyword Set | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyScoringSet**](SurveyScoringSet.html) post_quality_surveys_scoring(body)
Score survey
Wraps POST /api/v2/quality/surveys/scoring
Requires NO permissions:
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::SurveyFormAndScoringSet.new # SurveyFormAndScoringSet | surveyAndScoringSet
#Score survey
result = api_instance.post_quality_surveys_scoring(body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->post_quality_surveys_scoring: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**SurveyFormAndScoringSet**](SurveyFormAndScoringSet.html)| surveyAndScoringSet | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**Calibration**](Calibration.html) put_quality_calibration(calibration_id, body)
Update a calibration to the specified calibration via PUT. Editable fields include: evaluators, expertEvaluator, and scoringIndex
Wraps PUT /api/v2/quality/calibrations/{calibrationId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:calibration:edit
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
calibration_id = "calibration_id_example" # String | Calibration ID
body = PureCloud::Calibration.new # Calibration | Calibration
#Update a calibration to the specified calibration via PUT. Editable fields include: evaluators, expertEvaluator, and scoringIndex
result = api_instance.put_quality_calibration(calibration_id, body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->put_quality_calibration: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**calibration_id** | **String**| Calibration ID | |
**body** | [**Calibration**](Calibration.html)| Calibration | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**Evaluation**](Evaluation.html) put_quality_conversation_evaluation(conversation_id, evaluation_id, body, opts)
Update an evaluation
The quality:evaluation:edit permission allows modification of most fields, while the quality:evaluation:editScore permission allows an evaluator to change just the question scores, and the quality:evaluation:editAgentSignoff permission allows an agent to change the agent comments and sign off on the evaluation.
Wraps PUT /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/evaluations/{evaluationId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluation:edit
* quality:evaluation:editScore
* quality:evaluation:editAgentSignoff
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
conversation_id = "conversation_id_example" # String | conversationId
evaluation_id = "evaluation_id_example" # String | evaluationId
body = PureCloud::Evaluation.new # Evaluation | evaluation
opts = {
expand: "expand_example" # String | evaluatorId
#Update an evaluation
result = api_instance.put_quality_conversation_evaluation(conversation_id, evaluation_id, body, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->put_quality_conversation_evaluation: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**conversation_id** | **String**| conversationId | |
**evaluation_id** | **String**| evaluationId | |
**body** | [**Evaluation**](Evaluation.html)| evaluation | |
**expand** | **String**| evaluatorId | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) put_quality_form(form_id, body)
Update an evaluation form.
Wraps PUT /api/v2/quality/forms/{formId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:edit
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
body = PureCloud::EvaluationForm.new # EvaluationForm | Evaluation form
#Update an evaluation form.
result = api_instance.put_quality_form(form_id, body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->put_quality_form: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
**body** | [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html)| Evaluation form | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html) put_quality_forms_evaluation(form_id, body)
Update an evaluation form.
Wraps PUT /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations/{formId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:evaluationForm:edit
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
body = PureCloud::EvaluationForm.new # EvaluationForm | Evaluation form
#Update an evaluation form.
result = api_instance.put_quality_forms_evaluation(form_id, body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->put_quality_forms_evaluation: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
**body** | [**EvaluationForm**](EvaluationForm.html)| Evaluation form | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**SurveyForm**](SurveyForm.html) put_quality_forms_survey(form_id, body)
Update a survey form.
Wraps PUT /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId}
Requires ALL permissions:
* quality:surveyForm:edit
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
body = PureCloud::SurveyForm.new # SurveyForm | Survey form
#Update a survey form.
result = api_instance.put_quality_forms_survey(form_id, body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->put_quality_forms_survey: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**form_id** | **String**| Form ID | |
**body** | [**SurveyForm**](SurveyForm.html)| Survey form | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**KeywordSet**](KeywordSet.html) put_quality_keywordset(keyword_set_id, body)
Update a keywordSet to the specified keywordSet via PUT.
Wraps PUT /api/v2/quality/keywordsets/{keywordSetId}
Requires ANY permissions:
* quality:keywordset:edit
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
# setup authorization
environment = "mypurecloud.com"
@authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment
PureCloud.configure do |config|
config.access_token = @authToken
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
keyword_set_id = "keyword_set_id_example" # String | KeywordSet ID
body = PureCloud::KeywordSet.new # KeywordSet | keywordSet
#Update a keywordSet to the specified keywordSet via PUT.
result = api_instance.put_quality_keywordset(keyword_set_id, body)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->put_quality_keywordset: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**keyword_set_id** | **String**| KeywordSet ID | |
**body** | [**KeywordSet**](KeywordSet.html)| keywordSet | |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
## [**ScorableSurvey**](ScorableSurvey.html) put_quality_surveys_scorable(body, opts)
Update a survey as an end-customer, for the purposes of scoring it.
Wraps PUT /api/v2/quality/surveys/scorable
Requires NO permissions:
### Example
# load the gem
require 'purecloudplatformclientv2'
api_instance = PureCloud::QualityApi.new
body = PureCloud::ScorableSurvey.new # ScorableSurvey | survey
opts = {
customer_survey_url: "customer_survey_url_example" # String | customerSurveyUrl
#Update a survey as an end-customer, for the purposes of scoring it.
result = api_instance.put_quality_surveys_scorable(body, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->put_quality_surveys_scorable: #{e}"
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**body** | [**ScorableSurvey**](ScorableSurvey.html)| survey | |
**customer_survey_url** | **String**| customerSurveyUrl | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json