require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::Payment, type: :model do let(:store) { create :store } let(:order) { Spree::Order.create(store: store) } let(:refund_reason) { create(:refund_reason) } let(:gateway) do gateway = true, name: 'Bogus gateway') allow(gateway).to receive_messages source_required: true gateway end let(:avs_code) { 'D' } let(:cvv_code) { 'M' } let(:card) { create :credit_card } let(:payment) do payment = payment.source = card payment.order = order payment.payment_method = gateway payment.amount = 5 payment end let(:amount_in_cents) { (payment.amount * 100).round } let!(:success_response) do, '', {}, { authorization: '123', cvv_result: cvv_code, avs_result: { code: avs_code } }) end let(:failed_response) do, '', {}, {}) end before(:each) do # So it doesn't create log entries every time a processing method is called allow(payment.log_entries).to receive(:create!) end context '.risky' do let!(:payment_1) { create(:payment, avs_response: 'Y', cvv_response_code: 'M', cvv_response_message: 'Match') } let!(:payment_2) { create(:payment, avs_response: 'Y', cvv_response_code: 'M', cvv_response_message: '') } let!(:payment_3) { create(:payment, avs_response: 'A', cvv_response_code: 'M', cvv_response_message: 'Match') } let!(:payment_4) { create(:payment, avs_response: 'Y', cvv_response_code: 'N', cvv_response_message: 'No Match') } it 'should not return successful responses' do expect(subject.class.risky.to_a).to match_array([payment_3, payment_4]) end end context "#captured_amount" do context "calculates based on capture events" do it "with 0 capture events" do expect(payment.captured_amount).to eq(0) end it "with some capture events" do payment.capture_events.create!(amount: 2.0) payment.capture_events.create!(amount: 3.0) expect(payment.captured_amount).to eq(5) end end end context '#uncaptured_amount' do context "calculates based on capture events" do it "with 0 capture events" do expect(payment.uncaptured_amount).to eq(5.0) end it "with some capture events" do payment.capture_events.create!(amount: 2.0) payment.capture_events.create!(amount: 3.0) expect(payment.uncaptured_amount).to eq(0) end end end context 'validations' do it "returns useful error messages when source is invalid" do payment.source = expect(payment).not_to be_valid cc_errors = payment.errors['Credit Card'] expect(cc_errors).to include("Card Number can't be blank") expect(cc_errors).to include("Month is not a number") expect(cc_errors).to include("Year is not a number") expect(cc_errors).to include("Verification Value can't be blank") end end # Regression test for context 'failure' do it 'should transition to failed from pending state' do payment.state = 'pending' payment.failure expect(payment.state).to eql('failed') end it 'should transition to failed from processing state' do payment.state = 'processing' payment.failure expect(payment.state).to eql('failed') end end context 'invalidate' do it 'should transition from checkout to invalid' do payment.state = 'checkout' payment.invalidate expect(payment.state).to eq('invalid') end context "the payment's source is invalid" do before(:each) do card.year = 2014 payment.source = card end it "transitions to invalid" do payment.state = 'checkout' payment.invalidate expect(payment.state).to eq 'invalid' end end end context "processing" do describe "#process!" do context 'with autocapture' do before do payment.payment_method.update_attributes!(auto_capture: true) end it "should purchase" do payment.process! expect(payment).to be_completed end end context 'without autocapture' do before do payment.payment_method.update_attributes!(auto_capture: false) end context 'when in the checkout state' do before { payment.update_attributes!(state: 'checkout') } it "authorizes" do payment.process! expect(payment).to be_pending end end context 'when in the processing state' do before { payment.update_attributes!(state: 'processing') } it "does not authorize" do payment.process! expect(payment).to be_processing end end context 'when in the pending state' do before { payment.update_attributes!(state: 'pending') } it "does not re-authorize" do expect(payment).to_not receive(:authorize!) payment.process! expect(payment).to be_pending end end context 'when in a failed state' do before { payment.update_attributes!(state: 'failed') } it "raises an exception" do expect { payment.process! }.to raise_error(StateMachines::InvalidTransition, /Cannot transition/) end end context 'when in the completed state' do before { payment.update_attributes!(state: 'completed') } it "authorizes" do payment.process! # TODO: Is this really what we want to happen in this case? expect(payment).to be_pending end end end it "should make the state 'processing'" do expect(payment).to receive(:started_processing!) payment.process! end it "should invalidate if payment method doesnt support source" do expect(payment.payment_method).to receive(:supports?).with(payment.source).and_return(false) expect { payment.process! }.to raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) expect(payment.state).to eq('invalid') end # Regression test for it "should allow payments with a gateway_customer_profile_id" do payment.source.update!(gateway_customer_profile_id: "customer_1", brand: 'visa') expect(payment.payment_method.provider_class).to receive(:supports?).with('visa').and_return(false) expect(payment).to receive(:started_processing!) payment.process! end # Another regression test for it "should allow payments with a gateway_payment_profile_id" do payment.source.update!(gateway_payment_profile_id: "customer_1", brand: 'visa') expect(payment.payment_method.provider_class).to receive(:supports?).with('visa').and_return(false) expect(payment).to receive(:started_processing!) payment.process! end end describe "#authorize!" do it "should call authorize on the gateway with the payment amount" do expect(payment.payment_method).to receive(:authorize).with(amount_in_cents, card, anything).and_return(success_response) payment.authorize! end it "should call authorize on the gateway with the currency code" do allow(payment).to receive_messages currency: 'GBP' expect(payment.payment_method).to receive(:authorize).with(amount_in_cents, card, hash_including({ currency: "GBP" })).and_return(success_response) payment.authorize! end it "should log the response" do! expect(payment.log_entries).to receive(:create!).with(details: anything) payment.authorize! end describe 'billing_address option' do context 'when the source is a credit card with an address' do let(:card) { create(:credit_card, address: address) } let(:address) { create(:address) } it 'sends the credit card address' do expect(payment.payment_method).to( receive(:authorize). with( amount_in_cents, card, hash_including(billing_address: card.address.active_merchant_hash) ). and_return(success_response) ) payment.authorize! end end context 'when the source is a credit card without an address' do let(:card) { create(:credit_card, address: nil) } before { order.update_attributes!(bill_address: address) } let(:address) { create(:address) } it 'send the order bill address' do expect(payment.payment_method).to( receive(:authorize). with( amount_in_cents, card, hash_including(billing_address: order.bill_address.active_merchant_hash) ). and_return(success_response) ) payment.authorize! end end context 'when the source is not a credit card' do before do payment.source = store_credit_payment payment.payment_method = store_credit_payment_method end let(:store_credit_payment) { create(:store_credit_payment) } let(:store_credit_payment_method) { create(:store_credit_payment_method) } before { order.update_attributes!(bill_address: address) } let(:address) { create(:address) } it 'send the order bill address' do expect(payment.payment_method).to( receive(:authorize). with( amount_in_cents, store_credit_payment, hash_including(billing_address: order.bill_address.active_merchant_hash) ). and_return(success_response) ) payment.authorize! end end end context "if successful" do before do expect(payment.payment_method).to receive(:authorize).with(amount_in_cents, card, anything).and_return(success_response) end it "should store the response_code, avs_response and cvv_response fields" do payment.authorize! expect(payment.response_code).to eq('123') expect(payment.avs_response).to eq(avs_code) expect(payment.cvv_response_code).to eq(cvv_code) expect(payment.cvv_response_message).to eq(ActiveMerchant::Billing::CVVResult::MESSAGES[cvv_code]) end it "should make payment pending" do expect(payment).to receive(:pend!) payment.authorize! end end context "if unsuccessful" do it "should mark payment as failed" do allow(gateway).to receive(:authorize).and_return(failed_response) expect(payment).to receive(:failure) expect(payment).not_to receive(:pend) expect { payment.authorize! }.to raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) end end end describe "#purchase!" do it "should call purchase on the gateway with the payment amount" do expect(gateway).to receive(:purchase).with(amount_in_cents, card, anything).and_return(success_response) payment.purchase! end it "should log the response" do! expect(payment.log_entries).to receive(:create!).with(details: anything) payment.purchase! end context "if successful" do before do expect(payment.payment_method).to receive(:purchase).with(amount_in_cents, card, anything).and_return(success_response) end it "should store the response_code and avs_response" do payment.purchase! expect(payment.response_code).to eq('123') expect(payment.avs_response).to eq(avs_code) end it "should make payment complete" do expect(payment).to receive(:complete!) payment.purchase! end it "should log a capture event" do payment.purchase! expect(payment.capture_events.count).to eq(1) expect(payment.capture_events.first.amount).to eq(payment.amount) end it "should set the uncaptured amount to 0" do payment.purchase! expect(payment.uncaptured_amount).to eq(0) end end context "if unsuccessful" do before do allow(gateway).to receive(:purchase).and_return(failed_response) expect(payment).to receive(:failure) expect(payment).not_to receive(:pend) end it "should make payment failed" do expect { payment.purchase! }.to raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) end it "should not log a capture event" do expect { payment.purchase! }.to raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) expect(payment.capture_events.count).to eq(0) end end end describe "#capture!" do context "when payment is pending" do before do payment.amount = 100 payment.state = 'pending' payment.response_code = '12345' end context "if successful" do context 'for entire amount' do before do expect(payment.payment_method).to receive(:capture).with(, payment.response_code, anything).and_return(success_response) end it "should make payment complete" do expect(payment).to receive(:complete!) payment.capture! end it "logs capture events" do payment.capture! expect(payment.capture_events.count).to eq(1) expect(payment.capture_events.first.amount).to eq(payment.amount) end end it "logs capture events" do payment.capture! expect(payment.capture_events.count).to eq(1) expect(payment.capture_events.first.amount).to eq(payment.amount) end end context "capturing a partial amount" do it "logs capture events" do payment.capture!(5000) expect(payment.capture_events.count).to eq(1) expect(payment.capture_events.first.amount).to eq(50) end it "stores the captured amount on the payment" do payment.capture!(6000) expect(payment.captured_amount).to eq(60) end it "updates the amount of the payment" do payment.capture!(6000) expect(payment.reload.amount).to eq(60) end end context "if unsuccessful" do it "should not make payment complete" do allow(gateway).to receive_messages capture: failed_response expect(payment).to receive(:failure) expect(payment).not_to receive(:complete) expect { payment.capture! }.to raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) end end end # Regression test for context "when payment is completed" do before do payment.state = 'completed' end it "should do nothing" do expect(payment).not_to receive(:complete) expect(payment.payment_method).not_to receive(:capture) expect(payment.log_entries).not_to receive(:create!) payment.capture! end end end describe "#cancel!" do before do payment.response_code = 'abc' payment.state = 'pending' end context "if successful" do it "should update the response_code with the authorization from the gateway" do # Change it to something different allow(gateway).to receive_messages cancel: success_response payment.cancel! expect(payment.state).to eq('void') expect(payment.response_code).to eq('123') end end context "if unsuccessful" do it "should not void the payment" do allow(gateway).to receive_messages cancel: failed_response expect { payment.cancel! }.to raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) expect(payment.state).to eq('pending') expect(payment.response_code).to eq('abc') end end end describe "#void_transaction!" do before do payment.response_code = '123' payment.state = 'pending' end context "when profiles are supported" do it "should call payment_gateway.void with the payment's response_code" do allow(gateway).to receive_messages payment_profiles_supported?: true expect(gateway).to receive(:void).with('123', card, anything).and_return(success_response) payment.void_transaction! end end context "when profiles are not supported" do it "should call payment_gateway.void with the payment's response_code" do allow(gateway).to receive_messages payment_profiles_supported?: false expect(gateway).to receive(:void).with('123', anything).and_return(success_response) payment.void_transaction! end end it "should log the response" do expect(payment.log_entries).to receive(:create!).with(details: anything) payment.void_transaction! end context "if successful" do it "should update the response_code with the authorization from the gateway" do # Change it to something different payment.response_code = 'abc' payment.void_transaction! expect(payment.response_code).to eq('12345') end end context "if unsuccessful" do it "should not void the payment" do allow(gateway).to receive_messages void: failed_response expect(payment).not_to receive(:void) expect { payment.void_transaction! }.to raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) end end # Regression test for context "if payment is already voided" do before do payment.state = 'void' end it "should not void the payment" do expect(payment.payment_method).not_to receive(:void) payment.void_transaction! end end end end context "when already processing" do it "should return nil without trying to process the source" do payment.state = 'processing' expect(payment.process!).to be_nil end end context "with source required" do context "raises an error if no source is specified" do before do payment.source = nil end specify do expect { payment.process! }.to raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError, Spree.t(:payment_processing_failed)) end end end context "with source optional" do context "raises no error if source is not specified" do before do payment.source = nil allow(payment.payment_method).to receive_messages(source_required?: false) end specify do payment.process! end end end describe "#credit_allowed" do # Regression test for and it "is the difference between offsets total and payment amount" do payment.amount = 100 allow(payment).to receive(:offsets_total).and_return(0) expect(payment.credit_allowed).to eq(100) allow(payment).to receive(:offsets_total).and_return(-80) expect(payment.credit_allowed).to eq(20) end end describe "#can_credit?" do it "is true if credit_allowed > 0" do allow(payment).to receive(:credit_allowed).and_return(100) expect(payment.can_credit?).to be true end it "is false if credit_allowed is 0" do allow(payment).to receive(:credit_allowed).and_return(0) expect(payment.can_credit?).to be false end end describe "#save" do context "captured payments" do it "update order payment total" do payment = create(:payment, order: order, state: 'completed') expect(order.payment_total).to eq payment.amount end end context "not completed payments" do it "doesn't update order payment total" do expect { Spree::Payment.create(amount: 100, order: order) }.not_to change { order.payment_total } end end context 'when the payment was completed but now void' do let(:payment) do Spree::Payment.create( amount: 100, order: order, state: 'completed' ) end it 'updates order payment total' do payment.void expect(order.payment_total).to eq 0 end end context "completed orders" do let(:payment_method) { create(:check_payment_method) } before { allow(order).to receive_messages completed?: true } it "updates payment_state and shipments" do expect(order.updater).to receive(:update_payment_state) expect(order.updater).to receive(:update_shipment_state) Spree::Payment.create!(amount: 100, order: order, payment_method: payment_method) end end context "when profiles are supported" do before do allow(gateway).to receive_messages payment_profiles_supported?: true allow(payment.source).to receive_messages has_payment_profile?: false end context "when there is an error connecting to the gateway" do it "should call gateway_error " do expect(gateway).to receive(:create_profile).and_raise("foo", nil)) expect do Spree::Payment.create( amount: 100, order: order, source: card, payment_method: gateway ) raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) end end context "with multiple payment attempts" do let(:attributes) { attributes_for(:credit_card) } around do |example| Spree::Deprecation.silence{ } end it "should not try to create profiles on old failed payment attempts" do allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Payment).to receive(:payment_method) { gateway } order.payments.create!( source_attributes: attributes, payment_method: gateway, amount: 100 ) expect(gateway).to receive(:create_profile).exactly :once expect(order.payments.count).to eq(1) order.payments.create!( source_attributes: attributes, payment_method: gateway, amount: 100 ) end end context "when successfully connecting to the gateway" do it "should create a payment profile" do expect(payment.payment_method).to receive :create_profile Spree::Payment.create( amount: 100, order: order, source: card, payment_method: gateway ) end end end context "when profiles are not supported" do before { allow(gateway).to receive_messages payment_profiles_supported?: false } it "should not create a payment profile" do expect(gateway).not_to receive :create_profile Spree::Payment.create( amount: 100, order: order, source: card, payment_method: gateway ) end end end describe '#invalidate_old_payments' do it 'should not invalidate other payments if not valid' do invalid_payment = 100, order: order, state: 'invalid', payment_method: gateway) expect(payment.reload.state).to eq('checkout') end end describe "#apply_source_attributes" do # This method is deprecated around do |example| Spree::Deprecation.silence do end end context 'with a new source' do let(:params) do { amount: 100, payment_method: gateway, source_attributes: { expiry: "01 / 99", number: '1234567890123', verification_value: '123', name: 'Spree Commerce' } } end it "should build the payment's source" do payment = expect(payment).to be_valid expect(payment.source).not_to be_nil end it "assigns user and gateway to payment source" do order = create(:order) source = expect(source.user_id).to eq order.user_id expect(source.payment_method_id).to eq end it "errors when payment source not valid" do params = { amount: 100, payment_method: gateway, source_attributes: { expiry: "1 / 12" } } payment = expect(payment).not_to be_valid expect(payment.source).not_to be_nil expect(payment.source.error_on(:number).size).to eq(1) expect(payment.source.error_on(:verification_value).size).to eq(1) end it "does not build a new source when duplicating the model with source_attributes set" do payment = create(:payment) payment.source_attributes = params[:source_attributes] expect { payment.dup }.to_not change { payment.source } end end context 'with an existing credit card' do let(:order) { create(:order, user: user) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let!(:credit_card) { create(:credit_card, user_id: order.user_id) } let(:params) do { source_attributes: { existing_card_id:, verification_value: '321' } } end it 'sets the existing card as the source for the new payment' do expect { order.payments.create!(params) }.to change { Spree::Payment.count }.by(1) expect(order.payments.last.source).to eq(credit_card) end it 'sets the payment payment_method to that of the credit card' do order.payments.create!(params) expect(order.payments.last.payment_method_id).to eq(credit_card.payment_method_id) end it 'sets the verification_value on the credit card' do payment = order.payments.create!(params) expect(payment.source.verification_value).to eq('321') end it 'sets the request_env on the payment' do payment = order.payments.create!(params.merge(request_env: { 'USER_AGENT' => 'Firefox' })) expect(payment.request_env).to eq({ 'USER_AGENT' => 'Firefox' }) end context 'the credit card belongs to a different user' do let(:other_user) { create(:user) } before { credit_card.update!(user_id: } it 'errors' do expect { order.payments.create!(params) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end context 'the credit card has no user' do before { credit_card.update!(user_id: nil) } it 'errors' do expect { order.payments.create!(params) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end context 'the order has no user' do before { order.update_attributes!(user_id: nil) } it 'errors' do expect { order.payments.create!(params) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end context 'the order and the credit card have no user' do before do order.update_attributes!(user_id: nil) credit_card.update!(user_id: nil) end it 'errors' do expect { order.payments.create!(params) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end end describe "#currency" do before { allow(order).to receive(:currency) { "ABC" } } it "returns the order currency" do expect(payment.currency).to eq("ABC") end end describe "#display_amount" do it "returns a Spree::Money for this amount" do expect(payment.display_amount).to eq( end end # Regression test for describe "#gateway_options" do before { allow(order).to receive_messages(last_ip_address: "") } it "contains an IP" do expect(payment.gateway_options[:ip]).to eq(order.last_ip_address) end it "contains the email address from a persisted order" do # Sets the payment's order to a different Ruby object entirely payment.order = Spree::Order.find(payment.order_id) email = '' order.update_attributes(email: email) expect(payment.gateway_options[:email]).to eq(email) end end describe "#set_unique_identifier" do # Regression test for it "sets a unique identifier on create" do payment.run_callbacks(:create) expect(payment.number).not_to be_blank expect(payment.number.size).to eq(8) expect(payment.number).to be_a(String) end # Regression test for it "does not regenerate the identifier on re-save" do! old_number = payment.number! expect(payment.number).to eq(old_number) end context "other payment exists" do let(:other_payment) { payment = payment.source = card payment.order = order payment.payment_method = gateway payment } before {! } it "doesn't set duplicate identifier" do expect(payment).to receive(:generate_identifier).and_return(other_payment.number) expect(payment).to receive(:generate_identifier).and_call_original payment.run_callbacks(:create) expect(payment.number).not_to be_blank expect(payment.number).not_to eq(other_payment.number) end end end describe "#amount=" do before do subject.amount = amount end context "when the amount is a string" do context "amount is a decimal" do let(:amount) { '2.99' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('2.99')) end end context "amount is an integer" do let(:amount) { '2' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('2.0')) end end context "amount contains a dollar sign" do let(:amount) { '$2.99' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('2.99')) end end context "amount contains a comma" do let(:amount) { '$2,999.99' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('2999.99')) end end context "amount contains a negative sign" do let(:amount) { '-2.99' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('-2.99')) end end context "amount is invalid" do let(:amount) { 'invalid' } # this is a strange default for ActiveRecord it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('0')) end end context "amount is an empty string" do let(:amount) { '' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to be_nil end end end context "when the amount is a number" do let(:amount) { 1.55 } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('1.55')) end end context "when the locale uses a coma as a decimal separator" do before(:each) do I18n.backend.store_translations(:fr, { number: { currency: { format: { delimiter: ' ', separator: ',' } } } }) I18n.locale = :fr subject.amount = amount end after do I18n.locale = I18n.default_locale end context "amount is a decimal" do let(:amount) { '2,99' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('2.99')) end end context "amount contains a $ sign" do let(:amount) { '2,99 $' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('2.99')) end end context "amount is a number" do let(:amount) { 2.99 } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('2.99')) end end context "amount contains a negative sign" do let(:amount) { '-2,99 $' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('-2.99')) end end context "amount uses a dot as a decimal separator" do let(:amount) { '2.99' } it '#amount' do expect(subject.amount).to eql(BigDecimal('2.99')) end end end end describe "is_avs_risky?" do it "returns false if avs_response included in NON_RISKY_AVS_CODES" do ('A'..'Z').reject{ |x| subject.class::RISKY_AVS_CODES.include?(x) }.to_a.each do |char| payment.update_attribute(:avs_response, char) expect(payment.is_avs_risky?).to eq false end end it "returns false if avs_response.blank?" do payment.update_attribute(:avs_response, nil) expect(payment.is_avs_risky?).to eq false payment.update_attribute(:avs_response, '') expect(payment.is_avs_risky?).to eq false end it "returns true if avs_response in RISKY_AVS_CODES" do # should use avs_response_code helper ('A'..'Z').reject{ |x| subject.class::NON_RISKY_AVS_CODES.include?(x) }.to_a.each do |char| payment.update_attribute(:avs_response, char) expect(payment.is_avs_risky?).to eq true end end end describe "is_cvv_risky?" do it "returns false if cvv_response_code == 'M'" do payment.update_attribute(:cvv_response_code, "M") expect(payment.is_cvv_risky?).to eq(false) end it "returns false if cvv_response_code == nil" do payment.update_attribute(:cvv_response_code, nil) expect(payment.is_cvv_risky?).to eq(false) end it "returns false if cvv_response_message == ''" do payment.update_attribute(:cvv_response_message, '') expect(payment.is_cvv_risky?).to eq(false) end it "returns true if cvv_response_code == [A-Z], omitting D" do # should use cvv_response_code helper (%w{N P S U} << "").each do |char| payment.update_attribute(:cvv_response_code, char) expect(payment.is_cvv_risky?).to eq(true) end end end # Regression test for (kinda) # The need for this was discovered in the research for context "state changes" do it "are logged to the database" do expect(payment.state_changes).to be_empty expect(payment.process!).to be true expect(payment.state_changes.count).to eq(2) changes = { |change| { change.previous_state => change.next_state } } expect(changes).to match_array([ { "checkout" => "processing" }, { "processing" => "pending" } ]) end end describe "#actions" do let(:source) { } before { allow(subject).to receive(:payment_source) { source } } it "includes the actions that the source can take" do allow(source).to receive(:can_capture?) { true } expect(subject.actions).to include "capture" end it "excludes actions that the source cannot take" do allow(source).to receive(:can_capture?) { false } expect(subject.actions).not_to include "capture" end it "does not include 'failure' by default" do expect(subject.actions).not_to include "failure" end context "payment state is processing" do it "includes the 'failure' action" do # because the processing state does not provide # clarity about what has happened with an external # payment processor, so we want to allow the ability # to have someone look at the what happened and determine # to mark the payment as having failed subject.state = 'processing' expect(subject.actions).to include "failure" end end end describe "#payment_method" do context 'with a soft-deleted payment method' do before do!! gateway.destroy end it "works with a soft deleted payment method" do expect(payment.reload.payment_method).to eq(gateway) end end end end