=== Version 0.9 / 2016-12-7 * Updated Gemfile generation to use PageObject 2.0 * Updated hooks generation to use Watir instead of WatirWebdriver * Updated hooks generation to default to chrome browser === Version 0.8.8 / 2016-07-31 * Removed redundant line with rake gem from Gemfile * Added support of appium lib (Thanks Kirikami) === Version 0.8.7 / 2014-12-12 * Updated to remove Rake warning (Thanks Paul Clewell) === Version 0.8.6 / 2014-6-25 * Updated to work with >= rspec 3.0 === Version 0.8.5 / 2014-1-4 * When using Mohawk it forces specific version of ffi * Updated Mohawk dependency === Version 0.8.4 / 2013-9-6 * Fix for Mohwak win32/screenshot require * Updated Mohawk dependency to version 0.0.8 === Version 0.8.3 / 2013-7-24 * Updated Mohawk's startup to match updates to gem * Mohawk now takes screenshot when test fails === Version 0.8.2 / 2013-7-19 * Changed gemfile to use https for rubygems.org === Version 0.8.1 / 2013-4-26 * Updated --with-gametel option to match updated gametel gem release === Verstion 0.8 / 2013-4-8 * Simplified Gametel generated files to utilize Gametel updates === Version 0.7 / 2013-3-24 * Fixed order of requires when using the --with-lib option === Version 0.6 / 2012-12-8 * Removed the require of page-object/page_factory since it is no longer needed * Added support for building projects with the mohawk gem using --with-mohawk === Version 0.5.2 / 2012-11-5 * Removed unused reference to uname gem === Version 0.5.1 / 2012-10-1 * Added rake to the gemfile when using gametel * Added required usage of require_all in env.rb when using gametel * Changed placeholder for call to start === Version 0.5 / 2012-09-24 * Added support for the latest features of gametel === Version 0.4 / 2012-08-20 * Added support for gametel by using the --with-gametel option === Version 0.3 / 2012-08-01 * Fixed problem with not including source in generated Gemfile === Version 0.2.4 / 2011-10-28 * Enhancements * added --with-lib option to store pages in a lib directory off the project root === Version 0.2.3 / 2011-09-30 * Fixed problem with hooks file when using Selenium === Version 0.2.2 / 2011-09-30 * Created empty pages directory when pageobject driver provided === Version 0.2.1 / 2011-09-29 * Fixed error in generated Rakefile === Version 0.2 / 2011-09-29 * Added ability to generate artifacts necessary to use page-object === Version 0.1 / 2011-09-27 * Initial release that contains a simple project generator