--- layout: base --- .hero-unit %h1 You're awestruct! %p This site is all setup to use Bootstrap 2 with Awestruct. %p %a.btn.btn-primary.btn-large{ :href=>'http://awestruct.org' } %i.icon-info-sign.icon-white Learn more » .row .span4 %h2 About %p Awestruct is a framework for creating static HTML sites. It's inspired by the awesome Jekyll utility in the same genre. %p Additionally, Awestruct integrates technologies such as Compass, Markdown and Haml. %p %a.btn{ :href=>'http://awestruct.org' } View details » .span4 %h2 Goal %p The goal of Awestruct is to make it trivially easy to bake out non-trivial static websites. In addition to providing template-driven site creation (using Haml), Awestruct provides facilities for easily priming the site creation with additional non-page data. %p %a.btn{ :href=>'http://awestruct.org' } View details » .span4 %h2 Concept %p The core concept of Awestruct is that of structures, specifically Ruby OpenStruct structures. The struct aspect allows arbitrary, schema-less data to be associated with a specific page or the entire site. %p %a.btn{ :href=>'http://awestruct.org' } View details »