module Katello module Glue::Candlepin::Product PRODUCT_ATTRS = %w(name attributes.value).freeze def self.included(base) base.send :include, LazyAccessor base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.class_eval do lazy_accessor :multiplier, :href, :attrs, :initializer => (lambda do |_s| convert_from_cp_fields( Resources::Candlepin::Product.get(self.organization.label, cp_id, PRODUCT_ATTRS)[0] ) end) lazy_accessor :product_certificate, :initializer => lambda { |_s| Resources::Candlepin::Product.product_certificate(cp_id, self.organization.label) }, :unless => lambda { |_s| cp_id.nil? } # Entitlement Certificate for this product lazy_accessor :certificate, :initializer => lambda { |_s| product_certificate['cert'] if product_certificate } # Entitlement Key for this product lazy_accessor :key, :initializer => lambda { |_s| product_certificate['key'] if product_certificate } # we must store custom logger object during product importing so we can log status # from various places like callbacks attr_accessor :import_logger end end def self.engineering_product_id?(id) id.match(/^\d+$/) #engineering products are numeric end def self.import_from_cp(attrs, organization) import_logger = attrs[:import_logger] product_attrs = {'name' => attrs['name'], 'cp_id' => attrs['id'], 'label' => Util::Model.labelize(attrs['name']), 'multiplier' => attrs['multiplier'], 'organization_id' =>, 'provider_id' =>} Product.create!(product_attrs) rescue => e [Rails.logger, import_logger].each do |logger| logger&.error "Failed to create product #{attrs['name']}: #{e}" end raise e end module InstanceMethods def support_level return _attr(:support_level) end def arch attrs.each do |attr| if attr[:name] == 'arch' return "noarch" if attr[:value] == 'ALL' return attr[:value] end end default_arch end def _attr(key) puts "Looking for: #{key}" attrs.each do |attr| puts "attr: name: #{attr[:name]} value: #{attr[:value]}" if attr[:name] == key.to_s return attr[:value] end end nil end def default_arch "noarch" end def convert_from_cp_fields(cp_json) ar_safe_json = cp_json.key?(:attributes) ? cp_json.merge(:attrs => cp_json.delete(:attributes)) : cp_json ar_safe_json[:attrs] = remove_hibernate_fields(cp_json[:attrs]) if ar_safe_json.key?(:attrs) ar_safe_json[:attrs] ||= [] ar_safe_json.except('id') end # Candlepin sends back its internal hibernate fields in the json. However it does not accept them in return # when updating (PUT) objects. def remove_hibernate_fields(elements) return nil unless elements elements.collect { |e| e.except(:id, :created, :updated) } end def add_content(content) Resources::Candlepin::Product.add_content(self.organization.label, self.cp_id,, true) self.productContent << content end def import_custom_subscription fail _("Cannot import a custom subscription from a redhat product.") if self.redhat? User.as_anonymous_admin do sub = nil ::Katello::Util::Support.active_record_retry do sub = ::Katello::Subscription.where(:cp_id => self.cp_id, :organization_id => end unless sub.persisted? message = _("Subscription was not persisted - %{error_message}") % {:error_message => sub.errors.full_messages.join("; ")} fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, message end sub.import_data pools = ::Katello::Resources::Candlepin::Product.pools(self.organization.label, self.cp_id) pools.each { |pool_json| ::Katello::Pool.import_pool(pool_json['id']) } end end end end end