%{lua: -- -- When you build you must to pass this along so that we know how -- to get the preliminary information. -- This directory should hold the following items: -- * 'build/rpm_metadata/requires' <- optional list of 'Requires', 'Provides', -- and 'Obsoletes' to supplement those auto-generated in this spec file -- * 'build/rpm_metadata/release' <- optional RPM release number to use in -- lieu of number hard-coded in this spec file -- * 'CHANGELOG' <- optional RPM formatted Changelog to use in lieu of minimal, -- changelog entry auto-generated in this spec file -- * 'metadata.json' <- required file that must contain the following metadata: -- - 'name' - package name -- - 'version' - package version -- - 'license' - package license -- - 'summary' - package summary -- - 'source' - package source -- -- Example: -- rpmbuild -D 'pup_module_info_dir /home/user/project/puppet_module' -ba SPECS/specfile.spec -- -- If this is not found, we will look in %{_sourcedir} for the files and fall -- back to the current directory -- src_dir = rpm.expand('%{pup_module_info_dir}') if string.match(src_dir, '^%%') or (posix.stat(src_dir, 'type') ~= 'directory') then src_dir = rpm.expand('%{_sourcedir}') if (posix.stat((src_dir .. "/metadata.json"), 'type') ~= 'regular') then src_dir = './' end end -- These UNKNOWN entries should break the build if something bad happens package_name = "UNKNOWN" package_version = "UNKNOWN" module_license = "UNKNOWN" -- -- Default to 0 -- package_release = 0 } %{lua: -- Pull the Relevant Metadata out of the Puppet module metadata.json. metadata = '' metadata_file = io.open(src_dir .. "/metadata.json","r") if metadata_file then metadata = metadata_file:read("*all") -- Ignore the first curly brace metadata = metadata:gsub("{}?", '|', 1) -- Ignore all keys that are below the first level metadata = metadata:gsub("{.-}", '') metadata = metadata:gsub("%[.-%]", '') else error("Could not open 'metadata.json'", 0) end -- This starts as an empty string so that we can build it later module_requires = '' } %{lua: -- Get the Module Name and put it in the correct format local name_match = string.match(metadata, '"name":%s+"(.-)"%s*,') module_author = '' module_name = '' if name_match then package_name = ('pupmod-' .. name_match) local i = 0 for str in string.gmatch(name_match,'[^-]+') do if i == 0 then module_author = str else if module_name == '' then module_name = str else module_name = (module_name .. '-' .. str) end end i = i+1 end else error("Could not find valid package name in 'metadata.json'", 0) end } %{lua: -- Get the Module Version local version_match = string.match(metadata, '"version":%s+"(.-)"%s*,') if version_match then package_version = version_match else error("Could not find valid package version in 'metadata.json'", 0) end } %{lua: -- Get the Module License local license_match = string.match(metadata, '"license":%s+"(.-)"%s*,') if license_match then module_license = license_match else error("Could not find valid package license in 'metadata.json'", 0) end } %{lua: -- Get the Module Summary local summary_match = string.match(metadata, '"summary":%s+"(.-)"%s*,') if summary_match then module_summary = summary_match else error("Could not find valid package summary in 'metadata.json'", 0) end } %{lua: -- Get the Module Source line for the URL string local source_match = string.match(metadata, '"source":%s+"(.-)"%s*,') if source_match then module_source = source_match else error("Could not find valid package source in 'metadata.json'", 0) end } %{lua: -- Snag the RPM-specific items out of the 'build/rpm_metadata' directory -- First, the Release Number rel_file = io.open(src_dir .. "/build/rpm_metadata/release", "r") if not rel_file then -- Need this for the SRPM case rel_file = io.open(src_dir .. "/release", "r") end if rel_file then for line in rel_file:lines() do is_comment = string.match(line, "^%s*#") is_blank = string.match(line, "^%s*$") if not (is_comment or is_blank) then package_release = line break end end end } %{lua: -- Next, the Requirements req_file = io.open(src_dir .. "/build/rpm_metadata/requires", "r") if not req_file then -- Need this for the SRPM case req_file = io.open(src_dir .. "/requires", "r") end if req_file then for line in req_file:lines() do valid_line = (string.match(line, "^Requires: ") or string.match(line, "^Obsoletes: ") or string.match(line, "^Provides: ")) if valid_line then module_requires = (module_requires .. "\n" .. line) end end end } %define module_name %{lua: print(module_name)} %define base_name %{lua: print(package_name)} %{lua: -- Determine which Variant we are going to build local variant = rpm.expand("%{_variant}") local variant_version = nil local foo = "" local i = 0 for str in string.gmatch(variant,'[^-]+') do if i == 0 then variant = str elseif i == 1 then variant_version = str else break end i = i+1 end rpm.define("variant " .. variant) if variant == "pe" then rpm.define("puppet_user pe-puppet") else rpm.define("puppet_user puppet") end if variant == "pe" then if variant_version and ( rpm.vercmp(variant_version,'4') >= 0 ) then rpm.define("_sysconfdir /etc/puppetlabs/code") else rpm.define("_sysconfdir /etc/puppetlabs/puppet") end elseif variant == "p4" then rpm.define("_sysconfdir /etc/puppetlabs/code") else rpm.define("_sysconfdir /etc/puppet") end } Summary: %{module_name} Puppet Module %if 0%{?_variant:1} Name: %{base_name}-%{_variant} %else Name: %{base_name} %endif Version: %{lua: print(package_version)} Release: %{lua: print(package_release)} License: %{lua: print(module_license)} Group: Applications/System Source0: %{base_name}-%{version}-%{release}.tar.gz Source1: %{lua: print("metadata.json")} %{lua: -- Include our sources as appropriate changelog = io.open(src_dir .. "/CHANGELOG","r") if changelog then print("Source2: " .. "CHANGELOG\n") end if rel_file then print("Source3: " .. "release\n") end if req_file then print("Source4: " .. "requires\n") end } URL: %{lua: print(module_source)} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{base_name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot BuildArch: noarch %if "%{variant}" == "pe" Requires: pe-puppet >= 3.8.6 %else Requires: puppet >= 3.8.6 %endif %if ("%{base_name}" != "pupmod-simp-simplib") && ("%{base_name}" != "pupmod-puppetlabs-stdlib") Requires: pupmod-simp-simplib >= 1.2.6 %endif %if "%{base_name}" != "pupmod-puppetlabs-stdlib" Requires: pupmod-puppetlabs-stdlib >= 4.9.0 Requires: pupmod-puppetlabs-stdlib < 6.0.0 %endif %{lua: print(module_requires)} Provides: pupmod-%{lua: print(module_name)} = %{lua: print(package_version .. "-" .. package_release)} Obsoletes: pupmod-%{lua: print(module_name)} < %{lua: print(package_version .. "-" .. package_release)} %{lua: -- This is a workaround for the 'simp-rsync' real RPM conflict but is -- required by some external modules. -- This should be removed when SIMP 6 is stable author_rpm_name = module_author .. "-" .. module_name if author_rpm_name ~= 'simp-rsync' then print("Provides: " .. author_rpm_name .. " = " .. package_version .. "-" .. package_release .. "\n") print("Obsoletes: " .. author_rpm_name .. " < " .. package_version .. "-" .. package_release .. "\n") end } Prefix: %{_sysconfdir}/environments/simp/modules %description %{lua: print(module_summary)} %prep %setup -q -n %{base_name}-%{version} %build %install [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{prefix} curdir=`pwd` dirname=`basename $curdir` cp -r ../$dirname %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/%{module_name} cd %{buildroot}%{prefix}/%{module_name} # Remove unnecessary assets rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/%{module_name}/.git rm -f %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/%{module_name}/*.lock rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/%{module_name}/spec/fixtures/modules rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/%{module_name}/dist rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/%{module_name}/junit rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/%{module_name}/log %clean [ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && rm -rf %{buildroot} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{prefix} %files %defattr(0640,root,%{puppet_user},0750) %{prefix}/%{module_name} %changelog %{lua: -- Finally, the CHANGELOG -- A default CHANGELOG in case we cannot find a real one default_changelog = [===[ * $date Auto Changelog - $version-$release - Latest release of $name ]===] default_lookup_table = { date = os.date("%a %b %d %Y"), version = package_version, release = package_release, name = package_name } changelog = io.open(src_dir .. "/CHANGELOG","r") if changelog then first_line = changelog:read() if string.match(first_line, "^*%s+%a%a%a%s+%a%a%a%s+%d%d?%s+%d%d%d%d%s+.+") then changelog:seek("set",0) print(changelog:read("*all")) else print((default_changelog:gsub('$(%w+)', default_lookup_table))) end else print((default_changelog:gsub('$(%w+)', default_lookup_table))) end }