# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe 'detect command' do let(:command) { ['bundle', 'exec', 'bin/licensee', 'detect'] } let(:arguments) { [] } let(:output) do Dir.chdir project_root do Open3.capture3(*[command, arguments].flatten) end end let(:parsed_output) { YAML.safe_load(stdout) } let(:stdout) { output[0] } let(:stderr) { output[1] } let(:status) { output[2] } let(:hash) { license_hashes['mit'] } let(:expected) do { 'License' => 'MIT', 'Matched files' => 'LICENSE.md, licensee.gemspec', 'LICENSE.md' => { 'Content hash' => hash, 'Attribution' => 'Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Ben Balter and Licensee contributors', 'Confidence' => '100.00%', 'Matcher' => 'Licensee::Matchers::Exact', 'License' => 'MIT' }, 'licensee.gemspec' => { 'Confidence' => '90.00%', 'Matcher' => 'Licensee::Matchers::Gemspec', 'License' => 'MIT' } } end { 'No arguments' => [], 'Project root' => [project_root], 'License path' => [File.expand_path('LICENSE.md', project_root)] }.each do |name, args| context "When given #{name}" do let(:arguments) { args } it 'Returns a zero exit code' do expect(status.exitstatus).to be(0) end it 'returns the exected values' do hash = expected.dup if name == 'License path' hash.delete('licensee.gemspec') hash['Matched files'] = 'LICENSE.md' end expect(parsed_output).to eql(hash) end end end context 'json' do let(:arguments) { ['--json'] } let(:expected) { JSON.parse fixture_contents('detect.json') } it 'Returns a zero exit code' do expect(status.exitstatus).to be(0) end it 'returns valid JSON' do expect { JSON.parse(stdout) }.not_to raise_error end it 'returns the expected output' do msg = '`licensee detect --json` output did not match expectations. '.dup msg << 'Run `script/dump-detect-json-fixture` and verify the output.' expect(JSON.parse(stdout)).to eql(expected), msg end end context 'the default command' do let(:command) { ['bundle', 'exec', 'bin/licensee'] } it 'Returns a zero exit code' do expect(status.exitstatus).to be(0) end it 'returns the exected values' do expect(parsed_output).to eql(expected) end end end