var browserify = require("browserify"), jade = require("jade"), fs = require("fs"), path = require("path"), optimist = require('optimist'), bundle; var argv = optimist .usage('Usage: browserify [entry files] {OPTIONS}') .wrap(80) .option('help', { desc : 'Show this help' }) .option('raw', { alias : 'r', desc : 'Just compile entry file, without using browserify.' }) .option('require', { alias : 'r', desc : 'A module name or file to bundle.require()\n' + 'Optionally use a colon separator to set the target.' }) .option('entry', { alias : 'e', desc : 'An entry point of your app' }) .option('ignore', { alias : 'i', desc : 'Ignore a file' }) .option('prelude', { default : true, type : 'boolean', desc : 'Include the code that defines require() in this bundle.' }) .option('env', { type : 'string', desc : 'Pass one or more environment variables to the "process" object in browserified code\n'+ 'Example: --env NODE_ENV=development --env FOO=bar' }).argv; if ( { return optimist.showHelp() } if (argv.raw) { var compilers = { coffee: function (data) { var coffee = require("coffee-script"); return coffee.compile(data); } }; (argv._.concat(argv.entry || [])).forEach(function (entry) { // todo: keep a map of extension => compiler instead (in order to support jade compiling too) var compile = compilers[path.extname(entry).replace(/^\./, "")]; fs.readFile(entry, function (err, data) { if (err) throw err; if (compile) data = compile(data.toString()); process.stdout.write("\n"); process.stdout.write(data); process.stdout.write("\n"); }); }); return; } // Parse argv.env properly // turns argv.env strings like ['FOO=bar', 'BAZ=qux', ...] into an object of { FOO: 'bar', BAZ:'qux' } if (argv.env) { var util = require("util"); argv.env = (util.isArray(argv.env) ? argv.env : [argv.env]).reduce(function(env, str) { var parts = str.split("="); env[parts[0]] = parts[1]; return env; }, {}); } bundle = browserify(); // Todo: make jade-support optional (consider snowball plugins?) bundle.register('.jade', (function () { var compileDebug = !!(argv.env && argv.env.hasOwnProperty('NODE_ENV') && argv.env.NODE_ENV == 'development'); return function (b, filename) { var body = fs.readFileSync(filename); var compiled; try { compiled = jade.compile(body, { filename: filename, client: true, compileDebug: compileDebug }).toString(); } catch (e) { // There's a syntax error in the template. Wrap it into a function that will immediately throw an error return '\nthrow new '+ +'('+JSON.stringify(e.message)+');'; } // Wrap the compiled template function in a function that merges in previously registered globals (i.e. helpers, etc) return ''+ 'var jade = require("jade-runtime").runtime;' + 'module.exports = function(locals, attrs, escape, rethrow, merge) {' + ' var locals = require("jade-runtime").globals.merge(locals);' + ' return ('+compiled+")(locals, attrs, escape, rethrow, merge);" + '}'; } })()); if (argv.prelude === false) { bundle.files = []; bundle.prepends = []; } if (argv.env) { // Using the browserify internal bundle.entries array - (yup, asking for trouble). // Todo: file a feature request for setting env variables in __browserify_process bundle.entries['/__browserify_process__setenv'] = { body: ''+ 'var __browserify_process = require("__browserify_process"),' + ' env = '+JSON.stringify(argv.env)+',' + ' hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;' + 'for (var key in env) {'+ ' if (!, key)) { continue; }'+ ' if (, key)) {'+ ' if ((typeof console) != "undefined" && (typeof console.log) == "function") {'+ ' console.log("Environment variable already set in browserify environment: %s", key);' + ' }' + ' continue;' + ' }'+ ' __browserify_process.env[key] = env[key];'+ '}' }; } ([].concat(argv.require || [])).forEach(function (req) { bundle.require(req); }); if (argv.ignore) { bundle.ignore(argv.ignore); } bundle.on("syntaxError", function(e) { bundle.prepend('throw new SyntaxError('+JSON.stringify(e.toString())+');'); }); (argv._.concat(argv.entry || [])).forEach(function (entry) { try { bundle.addEntry(entry); } catch (e) { bundle.emit("loadError", e); } }); // Write bundle on nextTick since browserify events are emitted on process.nextTick process.nextTick(function() { process.stdout.write(bundle.bundle()); });