dojo.provide("dojox.dtl.tag.loop"); dojo.require("dojox.dtl._base"); dojo.require("dojox.string.tokenize"); (function(){ var dd = dojox.dtl; var ddtl = dd.tag.loop; ddtl.CycleNode = dojo.extend(function(cyclevars, name, text, shared){ this.cyclevars = cyclevars; = name; this.contents = text; this.shared = shared || {counter: -1, map: {}}; }, { render: function(context, buffer){ if(context.forloop && !context.forloop.counter0){ this.shared.counter = -1; } ++this.shared.counter; var value = this.cyclevars[this.shared.counter % this.cyclevars.length]; var map =; if(!map[value]){ map[value] = new dd._Filter(value); } value = map[value].resolve(context, buffer); if({ context[] = value; } this.contents.set(value); return this.contents.render(context, buffer); }, unrender: function(context, buffer){ return this.contents.unrender(context, buffer); }, clone: function(buffer){ return new this.constructor(this.cyclevars,, this.contents.clone(buffer), this.shared); } }); ddtl.IfChangedNode = dojo.extend(function(nodes, vars, shared){ this.nodes = nodes; this._vars = vars; this.shared = shared || {last: null, counter: 0}; this.vars =, function(item){ return new dojox.dtl._Filter(item); }); }, { render: function(context, buffer){ if(context.forloop){ if(context.forloop.counter <= this.shared.counter){ this.shared.last = null; } this.shared.counter = context.forloop.counter; } var change; if(this.vars.length){ change = dojo.toJson(, function(item){ return item.resolve(context); })); }else{ change = this.nodes.dummyRender(context, buffer); } if(change != this.shared.last){ var firstloop = (this.shared.last === null); this.shared.last = change; context = context.push(); context.ifchanged = {firstloop: firstloop} buffer = this.nodes.render(context, buffer); context = context.pop(); }else{ buffer = this.nodes.unrender(context, buffer); } return buffer; }, unrender: function(context, buffer){ return this.nodes.unrender(context, buffer); }, clone: function(buffer){ return new this.constructor(this.nodes.clone(buffer), this._vars, this.shared); } }); ddtl.RegroupNode = dojo.extend(function(expression, key, alias){ this._expression = expression; this.expression = new dd._Filter(expression); this.key = key; this.alias = alias; }, { _push: function(container, grouper, stack){ if(stack.length){ container.push({ grouper: grouper, list: stack }) } }, render: function(context, buffer){ context[this.alias] = []; var list = this.expression.resolve(context); if(list){ var last = null; var stack = []; for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++){ var id = list[i][this.key]; if(last !== id){ this._push(context[this.alias], last, stack); last = id; stack = [list[i]]; }else{ stack.push(list[i]); } } this._push(context[this.alias], last, stack); } return buffer; }, unrender: function(context, buffer){ return buffer; }, clone: function(context, buffer){ return this; } }); dojo.mixin(ddtl, { cycle: function(parser, token){ // summary: Cycle among the given strings each time this tag is encountered var args = token.split_contents(); if(args.length < 2){ throw new Error("'cycle' tag requires at least two arguments"); } if(args[1].indexOf(",") != -1){ var vars = args[1].split(","); args = [args[0]]; for(var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++){ args.push('"' + vars[i] + '"'); } } if(args.length == 2){ var name = args[args.length - 1]; if(!parser._namedCycleNodes){ throw new Error("No named cycles in template: '" + name + "' is not defined"); } if(!parser._namedCycleNodes[name]){ throw new Error("Named cycle '" + name + "' does not exist"); } return parser._namedCycleNodes[name]; } if(args.length > 4 && args[args.length - 2] == "as"){ var name = args[args.length - 1]; var node = new ddtl.CycleNode(args.slice(1, args.length - 2), name, parser.create_text_node()); if(!parser._namedCycleNodes){ parser._namedCycleNodes = {}; } parser._namedCycleNodes[name] = node; }else{ node = new ddtl.CycleNode(args.slice(1), null, parser.create_text_node()); } return node; }, ifchanged: function(parser, token){ var parts = token.contents.split(); var nodes = parser.parse(["endifchanged"]); parser.delete_first_token(); return new ddtl.IfChangedNode(nodes, parts.slice(1)); }, regroup: function(parser, token){ var tokens = dojox.string.tokenize(token.contents, /(\s+)/g, function(spaces){ return spaces; }); if(tokens.length < 11 || tokens[tokens.length - 3] != "as" || tokens[tokens.length - 7] != "by"){ throw new Error("Expected the format: regroup list by key as newList"); } var expression = tokens.slice(2, -8).join(""); var key = tokens[tokens.length - 5]; var alias = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; return new ddtl.RegroupNode(expression, key, alias); } }); })();