# encoding: utf-8 require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/reverse_merge' class Hash class << self # This kluge method guards against overwriting of the #slice method by # ActiveSupport. # def method_added( sym ) if sym == :slice then # Unless it is our method, overwrite it. unless instance_method( sym ).source_location.include? 'y_support' # Let's now make a cache of this very method being called ma = singleton_class.instance_method :method_added # Let's remove the :method_added hook, or otherwise infinite recursion # would ensue. singleton_class.class_exec { remove_method :method_added } # And let's redefine the +:slice+ method now: warn "Attempt to overwrite Hash##{sym} method has occured, reverting." class_exec do # A bit like Array#slice, but only takes 1 argument, which is either # a Range, or an Array, and returns the selection of the hash for # the keys that match the range or are present in the array. # define_method sym do |matcher| self.class[ case matcher when Array then select { |key, _| matcher.include? key } else select { |key, _| matcher === key } end ] end end # Finally, let's bind the +:method_added+ method to self again. singleton_class.class_exec do define_method :method_added do |sym| ma.bind( self ).call( sym ) end end end end end end # reversed merge!: defaults.merge( self! ) alias :default! :reverse_merge! # Applies a block as a mapping on all keys, returning a new hash. # def with_keys keys.each_with_object self.class.new do |hash_key, hsh| hsh[ yield hash_key ] = self[ hash_key ] end end # The difference from #with_keys is that modify_keys expects block that takes # 2 arguments (key: value pair) and returns the new key. # def modify_keys each_with_object self.class.new do |hash_pair, hsh| hsh[ yield( hash_pair ) ] = self[ hash_pair[0] ] end end # Applies a block as a mapping on all values, returning a new hash. # def with_values each_with_object self.class.new do |(k, v), hsh| hsh[ k ] = yield v end end # Like #do_with_values, but modifies the receiver. # def with_values! each_with_object self do |(k, v), hsh| hsh[ k ] = yield v end end # The difference from #do_with_values is that modify_values expects block # that takes 2 arguments (key: value pair) and returns the new value. # def modify_values each_with_object self.class.new do |hash_pair, ꜧ| ꜧ[ hash_pair[0] ] = yield( hash_pair ) end end # Like #modify_values, but modifies the receiver. # def modify_values! each_with_object self do |hash_pair, ꜧ| ꜧ[ hash_pair[0] ] = yield( hash_pair ) end end # Like #map that returns a hash. # def modify each_with_object self.class.new do |hash_pair, ꜧ| key, val = yield hash_pair ꜧ[key] = val end end # Checking mainly against the collision with ActiveSupport's Hash#slice. if Hash.instance_methods.include? :slice then warn "Collision: Method #slice already defined on Hash! (%s)" % Hash.instance_method( :slice ).source_location end # A bit like Array#slice, but only takes 1 argument, which is either a Range, # or an Array, and returns the selection of the hash for the keys that match # the range or are present in the array. # def slice matcher self.class[ case matcher when Array then select { |key, _| matcher.include? key } else select { |key, _| matcher === key } end ] end # Makes hash keys accessible as methods. If the hash keys collide with # its methods, ArgumentError is raised, unless :overwrite_methods # option == true. # def dot! overwrite_methods: false keys.each do |key| msg = "key #{key} of #dot!-ted hash is not convertible to a symbol" fail ArgumentError, msg unless key.respond_to? :to_sym msg = "#dot!-ted hash must not have key names colliding with its methods" fail ArgumentError, msg if methods.include? key.to_sym unless overwrite_methods define_singleton_method key.to_sym do self[key] end define_singleton_method "#{key}=".to_sym do |value| self[key] = value end end return self end # Pretty-prints the hash consisting of names as keys, and numeric values. # Takes 2 named arguments: +:gap+ and +:precision+. # def pretty_print_numeric_values gap: 0, precision: 2 key_strings = key.map &:to_s value_strings = values.map do |n| "%.#{precision}e" % n rescue "%s" % s end lmax, rmax = keys_strings.map( &:size ).max, values_strings.map( &:size ).max lgap = gap / 2 rgap = gap - lgap key_strings.zip( value_strings ).map do |kς, vς| "%- #{lmax+lgap+1}s%#{rmax+rgap+1}.#{precision}e" % [ kς, vς ] end.each { |line| puts line } return nil end end