# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com module Machinery class Object class << self def has_property(name, options) @property_classes ||= {} @property_classes[name.to_s] = options[:class] end def convert_element(key, value) property_class = @property_classes[key.to_s] if @property_classes if property_class value.is_a?(property_class) ? value : property_class.from_json(value) else case value when Hash if value.keys.include?("_elements") Machinery::Array.from_json(value) else Machinery::Object.from_json(value) end else value end end end def convert_raw_hash(hash) return nil unless hash entries = hash.map do |key, value| [key, convert_element(key, value)] end Hash[entries] end def from_json(json_object) new(json_object) end end attr_reader :attributes attr_accessor :scope def initialize(attrs = {}) set_attributes(attrs) end def scope=(scope) @scope = scope @attributes.values.each do |child| child.scope = @scope if child.respond_to?(:scope=) end end def set_attributes(attrs) attrs = self.class.convert_raw_hash(attrs) if attrs.is_a?(Hash) @attributes = attrs.inject({}) do |attributes, (key, value)| key = key.to_s if key.is_a?(Symbol) attributes[key] = value attributes end end def ==(other) self.class == other.class && @attributes == other.attributes end # Various Array operators such as "-" and "&" use #eql? and #hash to compare # array elements, which is why we need to make sure they work properly. alias eql? == def hash @attributes.hash end def [](key) @attributes[key.to_s] end def []=(key, value) @attributes[key.to_s] = self.class.convert_element(key, value) end def empty? @attributes.keys.empty? end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if name.to_s.end_with?("=") if args.size != 1 raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.size} for 1)" end key = name.to_s[0..-2] @attributes[key] = self.class.convert_element(key, args.first) elsif @attributes.key?(name.to_s) unless args.empty? raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.size} for 0)" end @attributes[name.to_s] end end def respond_to?(name, include_all = false) if name.to_s.end_with?("=") true else @attributes.key?(name) || super(name, include_all) end end def initialize_copy(orig) super @attributes = @attributes.dup end def as_json entries = @attributes.map do |key, value| case value when Machinery::Array, Machinery::Object value_json = value.as_json else value_json = value end [key, value_json] end Hash[entries] end def compare_with(other) self == other ? [nil, nil, nil, self] : [self, other, nil, nil] end end end