# Fluent event to slack plugin.
# Installation
$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-slack
# Usage (Incoming Webhook)
type slack
webhook_url https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXX/XXX/XXX
channel general
username sowasowa
icon_emoji :ghost:
flush_interval 60s
fluent_logger.post('slack', {
:message => 'Hello
# Usage (Slackbot)
type slack
slackbot_url https://xxxx.slack.com/services/hooks/slackbot?token=XXXXXXXXX
channel general
flush_interval 60s
fluent_logger.post('slack', {
:message => 'Hello
# Usage (Web API)
type slack
channel general
username sowasowa
icon_emoji :ghost:
flush_interval 60s
fluent_logger.post('slack', {
:message => 'Hello
### Parameter
|webhook_url|Incoming Webhook URI (Required for Incoming Webhook mode). See https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks||
|slackbot_url|Slackbot URI (Required for Slackbot mode). See https://api.slack.com/slackbot. NOTE: most of optional parameters such as `username`, `color`, `icon_emoji`, `icon_url`, and `title` are not available for this mode, but Desktop Notification via Highlight Words works with only this mode||
|token|Token for Web API (Required for Web API mode). See https://api.slack.com/web||
|username|name of bot|nil|
|color|color to use such as `good` or `bad`. See `Color` section of https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments. NOTE: This parameter must **not** be specified to receive Desktop Notification via Mentions in cases of Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API|nil|
|icon_emoji|emoji to use as the icon. either of `icon_emoji` or `icon_url` can be specified|nil|
|icon_url|url to an image to use as the icon. either of `icon_emoji` or `icon_url` can be specified|nil|
|mrkdwn|enable formatting. see https://api.slack.com/docs/formatting|true|
|link_names|find and link channel names and usernames. NOTE: This parameter must be `true` to receive Desktop Notification via Mentions in cases of Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API|true|
|parse|change how messages are treated. `none` or `full` can be specified. See `Parsing mode` section of https://api.slack.com/docs/formatting|nil|
|channel|channel to send messages (without first '#')||
|channel_keys|keys used to format channel. %s will be replaced with value specified by channel_keys if this option is used|nil|
|title|title format. %s will be replaced with value specified by title_keys. title is created from the first appeared record on each tag. NOTE: This parameter must **not** be specified to receive Desktop Notification via Mentions in cases of Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API|nil|
|title_keys|keys used to format the title|nil|
|message|message format. %s will be replaced with value specified by message_keys|%s|
|message_keys|keys used to format messages|message|
|auto_channels_create|Create channels if not exist. Not available for Incoming Webhook mode (since Incoming Webhook is specific to a channel). A web api `token` for Normal User is required (Bot User can not create channels. See https://api.slack.com/bot-users)|false|
|https_proxy|https proxy url such as `https://proxy.foo.bar:443`|nil|
`fluent-plugin-slack` uses `SetTimeKeyMixin` and `SetTagKeyMixin`, so you can also use:
|timezone|timezone such as `Asia/Tokyo`||
|localtime|use localtime as timezone|true|
|utc|use utc as timezone||
|time_key|key name for time used in xxx_keys|time|
|time_format|time format. This will be formatted with Time#strftime.|%H:%M:%S|
|tag_key|key name for tag used in xxx_keys|tag|
`fluent-plugin-slack` is a kind of BufferedOutput plugin, so you can also use [Buffer Parameters](http://docs.fluentd.org/articles/out_exec#buffer-parameters).
## FAQ
### Desktop Notification seems not working?
Currently, slack.com has following limitations:
1. Desktop Notification via both Highlight Words and Mentions works only with Slackbot Remote Control
2. Desktop Notification via Mentions works for the `text` field if `link_names` parameter is specified in cases of Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API, that is,
* Desktop Notification does not work for the `attachments` filed (used in `color` and `title`)
* Desktop Notification via Highlight Words does not work for Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API anyway
## ChangeLog
See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for details.
# Contributors
- [@sonots](https://github.com/sonots)
- [@kenjiskywalker](https://github.com/kenjiskywalker)
# Copyright
* Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014- Keisuke SOGAWA
* License:: Apache License, Version 2.0