# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'openssl' require 'fluent/tls' require 'fluent/plugin/output' require 'fluent/plugin_helper/socket' require 'json/minify' # patch Net::HTTP to support extra_chain_cert which was added in Ruby feature #9758. # see: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/31af0dafba6d3769d2a39617c0dddedb97883712 unless Net::HTTP::SSL_IVNAMES.include?(:@extra_chain_cert) class Net::HTTP SSL_IVNAMES << :@extra_chain_cert SSL_ATTRIBUTES << :extra_chain_cert attr_accessor :extra_chain_cert end end module Fluent::Plugin class HTTPOutput < Output Fluent::Plugin.register_output('http', self) class RetryableResponse < StandardError; end helpers :formatter desc 'The endpoint for HTTP request, e.g. http://example.com/api' config_param :endpoint, :string desc 'The method for HTTP request' config_param :http_method, :enum, list: [:put, :post], default: :post desc 'The proxy for HTTP request' config_param :proxy, :string, default: ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] || ENV['http_proxy'] desc 'Content-Type for HTTP request' config_param :content_type, :string, default: nil desc 'JSON array data format for HTTP request body' config_param :json_array, :bool, default: false desc 'Minify exported json data' config_param :json_minify, :bool, default: false desc 'Additional headers for HTTP request' config_param :headers, :hash, default: nil desc 'Additional placeholder based headers for HTTP request' config_param :headers_from_placeholders, :hash, default: nil desc 'The connection open timeout in seconds' config_param :open_timeout, :integer, default: nil desc 'The read timeout in seconds' config_param :read_timeout, :integer, default: nil desc 'The TLS timeout in seconds' config_param :ssl_timeout, :integer, default: nil desc 'The CA certificate path for TLS' config_param :tls_ca_cert_path, :string, default: nil desc 'The client certificate path for TLS' config_param :tls_client_cert_path, :string, default: nil desc 'The client private key path for TLS' config_param :tls_private_key_path, :string, default: nil desc 'The client private key passphrase for TLS' config_param :tls_private_key_passphrase, :string, default: nil, secret: true desc 'The verify mode of TLS' config_param :tls_verify_mode, :enum, list: [:none, :peer], default: :peer desc 'The default version of TLS' config_param :tls_version, :enum, list: Fluent::TLS::SUPPORTED_VERSIONS, default: Fluent::TLS::DEFAULT_VERSION desc 'The cipher configuration of TLS' config_param :tls_ciphers, :string, default: Fluent::TLS::CIPHERS_DEFAULT desc 'Raise UnrecoverableError when the response is non success, 4xx/5xx' config_param :error_response_as_unrecoverable, :bool, default: true desc 'The list of retryable response code' config_param :retryable_response_codes, :array, value_type: :integer, default: nil config_section :format do config_set_default :@type, 'json' end config_section :auth, required: false, multi: false do desc 'The method for HTTP authentication' config_param :method, :enum, list: [:basic], default: :basic desc 'The username for basic authentication' config_param :username, :string, default: nil desc 'The password for basic authentication' config_param :password, :string, default: nil, secret: true end def initialize super @uri = nil @proxy_uri = nil @formatter = nil end def configure(conf) super if @retryable_response_codes.nil? log.warn('Status code 503 is going to be removed from default `retryable_response_codes` from fluentd v2. Please add it by yourself if you wish') @retryable_response_codes = [503] end @http_opt = setup_http_option @proxy_uri = URI.parse(@proxy) if @proxy @formatter = formatter_create @content_type = setup_content_type unless @content_type if @json_array if @formatter_configs.first[:@type] != "json" raise Fluent::ConfigError, "json_array option could be used with json formatter only" end define_singleton_method(:format, method(:format_json_array)) end end def multi_workers_ready? true end def formatted_to_msgpack_binary? @formatter_configs.first[:@type] == 'msgpack' end def format(tag, time, record) @formatter.format(tag, time, record) end def format_json_array(tag, time, record) @formatter.format(tag, time, record) << "," end def write(chunk) uri = parse_endpoint(chunk) req = create_request(chunk, uri) log.debug { "#{@http_method.capitalize} data to #{uri.to_s} with chunk(#{dump_unique_id_hex(chunk.unique_id)})" } send_request(uri, req) end private def setup_content_type case @formatter_configs.first[:@type] when 'json' @json_array ? 'application/json' : 'application/x-ndjson' when 'csv' 'text/csv' when 'tsv', 'ltsv' 'text/tab-separated-values' when 'msgpack' 'application/x-msgpack' when 'out_file', 'single_value', 'stdout', 'hash' 'text/plain' else raise Fluent::ConfigError, "can't determine Content-Type from formatter type. Set content_type parameter explicitly" end end def setup_http_option use_ssl = @endpoint.start_with?('https') opt = { open_timeout: @open_timeout, read_timeout: @read_timeout, ssl_timeout: @ssl_timeout, use_ssl: use_ssl } if use_ssl if @tls_ca_cert_path raise Fluent::ConfigError, "tls_ca_cert_path is wrong: #{@tls_ca_cert_path}" unless File.file?(@tls_ca_cert_path) opt[:ca_file] = @tls_ca_cert_path end if @tls_client_cert_path raise Fluent::ConfigError, "tls_client_cert_path is wrong: #{@tls_client_cert_path}" unless File.file?(@tls_client_cert_path) bundle = File.read(@tls_client_cert_path) bundle_certs = bundle.scan(/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----(?:.|\n)+?-----END CERTIFICATE-----/) opt[:cert] = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(bundle_certs[0]) intermediate_certs = bundle_certs[1..-1] if intermediate_certs opt[:extra_chain_cert] = intermediate_certs.map { |cert| OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(cert) } end end if @tls_private_key_path raise Fluent::ConfigError, "tls_private_key_path is wrong: #{@tls_private_key_path}" unless File.file?(@tls_private_key_path) opt[:key] = OpenSSL::PKey.read(File.read(@tls_private_key_path), @tls_private_key_passphrase) end opt[:verify_mode] = case @tls_verify_mode when :none OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE when :peer OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER end opt[:ciphers] = @tls_ciphers opt[:ssl_version] = @tls_version end opt end def parse_endpoint(chunk) endpoint = extract_placeholders(@endpoint, chunk) URI.parse(endpoint) end def set_headers(req, chunk) if @headers @headers.each do |k, v| req[k] = v end end if @headers_from_placeholders @headers_from_placeholders.each do |k, v| req[k] = extract_placeholders(v, chunk) end end req['Content-Type'] = @content_type end def create_request(chunk, uri) req = case @http_method when :post Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri) when :put Net::HTTP::Put.new(uri.request_uri) end if @auth req.basic_auth(@auth.username, @auth.password) end set_headers(req, chunk) if @json_minify req.body = JSON.minify(req.body) req.body = @json_array ? JSON.generate(JSON.minify([#{chunk.read.chop}])) : chunk.read else req.body = @json_array ? "[#{chunk.read.chop}]" : chunk.read end req end def send_request(uri, req) res = if @proxy_uri Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, @proxy_uri.host, @proxy_uri.port, @proxy_uri.user, @proxy_uri.password, @http_opt) { |http| http.request(req) } else Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, @http_opt) { |http| http.request(req) } end if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) log.debug { "#{res.code} #{res.message.rstrip}#{res.body.lstrip}" } else msg = "#{res.code} #{res.message.rstrip} #{res.body.lstrip}" if @retryable_response_codes.include?(res.code.to_i) raise RetryableResponse, msg end if @error_response_as_unrecoverable raise Fluent::UnrecoverableError, msg else log.error "got error response from '#{@http_method.capitalize} #{uri.to_s}' : #{msg}" end end end end end