/* * L.Popup is used for displaying popups on the map. */ L.Map.mergeOptions({ closePopupOnClick: true }); L.Popup = L.Class.extend({ includes: L.Mixin.Events, options: { minWidth: 50, maxWidth: 300, maxHeight: null, autoPan: true, closeButton: true, offset: [0, 6], autoPanPadding: [5, 5], keepInView: false, className: '', zoomAnimation: true }, initialize: function (options, source) { L.setOptions(this, options); this._source = source; this._animated = L.Browser.any3d && this.options.zoomAnimation; }, onAdd: function (map) { this._map = map; if (!this._container) { this._initLayout(); } this._updateContent(); var animFade = map.options.fadeAnimation; if (animFade) { L.DomUtil.setOpacity(this._container, 0); } map._panes.popupPane.appendChild(this._container); map.on(this._getEvents(), this); this._update(); if (animFade) { L.DomUtil.setOpacity(this._container, 1); } this.fire('open'); map.fire('popupopen', {popup: this}); if (this._source) { this._source.fire('popupopen', {popup: this}); } }, addTo: function (map) { map.addLayer(this); return this; }, openOn: function (map) { map.openPopup(this); return this; }, onRemove: function (map) { map._panes.popupPane.removeChild(this._container); L.Util.falseFn(this._container.offsetWidth); // force reflow map.off(this._getEvents(), this); if (map.options.fadeAnimation) { L.DomUtil.setOpacity(this._container, 0); } this._map = null; this.fire('close'); map.fire('popupclose', {popup: this}); if (this._source) { this._source.fire('popupclose', {popup: this}); } }, setLatLng: function (latlng) { this._latlng = L.latLng(latlng); this._update(); return this; }, setContent: function (content) { this._content = content; this._update(); return this; }, _getEvents: function () { var events = { viewreset: this._updatePosition }; if (this._animated) { events.zoomanim = this._zoomAnimation; } if (this._map.options.closePopupOnClick) { events.preclick = this._close; } if (this.options.keepInView) { events.moveend = this._adjustPan; } return events; }, _close: function () { if (this._map) { this._map.removeLayer(this); } }, _initLayout: function () { var prefix = 'leaflet-popup', containerClass = prefix + ' ' + this.options.className + ' leaflet-zoom-' + (this._animated ? 'animated' : 'hide'), container = this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', containerClass), closeButton; if (this.options.closeButton) { closeButton = this._closeButton = L.DomUtil.create('a', prefix + '-close-button', container); closeButton.href = '#close'; closeButton.innerHTML = '×'; L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(closeButton); L.DomEvent.on(closeButton, 'click', this._onCloseButtonClick, this); } var wrapper = this._wrapper = L.DomUtil.create('div', prefix + '-content-wrapper', container); L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(wrapper); this._contentNode = L.DomUtil.create('div', prefix + '-content', wrapper); L.DomEvent.on(this._contentNode, 'mousewheel', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation); this._tipContainer = L.DomUtil.create('div', prefix + '-tip-container', container); this._tip = L.DomUtil.create('div', prefix + '-tip', this._tipContainer); }, _update: function () { if (!this._map) { return; } this._container.style.visibility = 'hidden'; this._updateContent(); this._updateLayout(); this._updatePosition(); this._container.style.visibility = ''; this._adjustPan(); }, _updateContent: function () { if (!this._content) { return; } if (typeof this._content === 'string') { this._contentNode.innerHTML = this._content; } else { while (this._contentNode.hasChildNodes()) { this._contentNode.removeChild(this._contentNode.firstChild); } this._contentNode.appendChild(this._content); } this.fire('contentupdate'); }, _updateLayout: function () { var container = this._contentNode, style = container.style; style.width = ''; style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; var width = container.offsetWidth; width = Math.min(width, this.options.maxWidth); width = Math.max(width, this.options.minWidth); style.width = (width + 1) + 'px'; style.whiteSpace = ''; style.height = ''; var height = container.offsetHeight, maxHeight = this.options.maxHeight, scrolledClass = 'leaflet-popup-scrolled'; if (maxHeight && height > maxHeight) { style.height = maxHeight + 'px'; L.DomUtil.addClass(container, scrolledClass); } else { L.DomUtil.removeClass(container, scrolledClass); } this._containerWidth = this._container.offsetWidth; }, _updatePosition: function () { if (!this._map) { return; } var pos = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng), animated = this._animated, offset = L.point(this.options.offset); if (animated) { L.DomUtil.setPosition(this._container, pos); } this._containerBottom = -offset.y - (animated ? 0 : pos.y); this._containerLeft = -Math.round(this._containerWidth / 2) + offset.x + (animated ? 0 : pos.x); // bottom position the popup in case the height of the popup changes (images loading etc) this._container.style.bottom = this._containerBottom + 'px'; this._container.style.left = this._containerLeft + 'px'; }, _zoomAnimation: function (opt) { var pos = this._map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(this._latlng, opt.zoom, opt.center); L.DomUtil.setPosition(this._container, pos); }, _adjustPan: function () { if (!this.options.autoPan) { return; } var map = this._map, containerHeight = this._container.offsetHeight, containerWidth = this._containerWidth, layerPos = new L.Point(this._containerLeft, -containerHeight - this._containerBottom); if (this._animated) { layerPos._add(L.DomUtil.getPosition(this._container)); } var containerPos = map.layerPointToContainerPoint(layerPos), padding = L.point(this.options.autoPanPadding), size = map.getSize(), dx = 0, dy = 0; if (containerPos.x + containerWidth > size.x) { // right dx = containerPos.x + containerWidth - size.x + padding.x; } if (containerPos.x - dx < 0) { // left dx = containerPos.x - padding.x; } if (containerPos.y + containerHeight > size.y) { // bottom dy = containerPos.y + containerHeight - size.y + padding.y; } if (containerPos.y - dy < 0) { // top dy = containerPos.y - padding.y; } if (dx || dy) { map .fire('autopanstart') .panBy([dx, dy]); } }, _onCloseButtonClick: function (e) { this._close(); L.DomEvent.stop(e); } }); L.popup = function (options, source) { return new L.Popup(options, source); }; L.Map.include({ openPopup: function (popup, latlng, options) { // (Popup) or (String || HTMLElement, LatLng[, Object]) this.closePopup(); if (!(popup instanceof L.Popup)) { var content = popup; popup = new L.Popup(options) .setLatLng(latlng) .setContent(content); } this._popup = popup; return this.addLayer(popup); }, closePopup: function () { if (this._popup) { this.removeLayer(this._popup); this._popup = null; } return this; } });